Positive and Negative Effects Of Technology

     What is technology ? is any device or item that is a utilization of our logical information about the world that encourages us to complete an assignment or take care of an issue. PCs and mobile phones are uses of quantum mechanical material science and arithmetic that could give you a cerebral pain. For example: blurred vision,dry eyes, headaches, neck and shoulder pain. Most of the people in our society send thousands of messages to each other all over the world.

According to the book named “Alone Together” by Sherry Turkle “technology is doing peculiar things to us. The average American teenager sends thousands of text messages every month, and spends hours each day on Instant Messenger, MySpace and Facebook.” None of these things existed an age back. Grown-ups are coordinating the pace of digitisation set by their youngsters, squeezing out intermediary lives on websites, in multiplayer games and chat rooms. A large number of us seem to discover reenactments of life more appealing than life.

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We are preparing ourselves to fear a world unmediated by PCs. According to Turkle the most cerebral pains of the teenagers that comes from sitting and spending most of the time in front of PC’s which has a lot of effects on them.

The test is one of many referred to by Sherry Turkle in Alone Together as proof that humankind is approaching an 'automated minute'. We as of now channel friendship through machines; the following stage, she says, is to acknowledge machines as mates.

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Before long, robots will be utilized in 'minding' jobs, engaging kids or nursing the old, filling holes in the social texture left where the strings of network have frayed. In the meantime, true connections are getting burdensome. Fragile living creature and-blood individuals with their messy driving forces are temperamental, a wellspring of stress, best sorted out through advanced interfaces – BlackBerries, iPads, Facebook,Instagram,snapchat, and online dating apps.

Technology has a negative effect on the attention span the greater the exposure the decrease in attention span, the things that really decreases the attention span is online videos, video games and social media these possibly reducing people's attention spans . Technology has a negative effect on people's lives nowadays. One of the negative effects of technology is bad sleeping habits that disturbs people sleeping habits most people nowadays sleeps very late just because of social networking and technology which it has a very big impact on their health. People nowadays wastes their time being in their phone texting, watching videos and playing video games which decreases people's attention span in our society nowadays.

People spend their time on things that don't even matter or watching things that isn't worth watching and spending time on things like social media, people spend their time on social media sites such as Facebook, Snapchat, twitter, youtube and also instagram people really spends their time looking in these sites People in today's society don't understand the difference amount of positive and negative effects of technology. According to author “Within this media environment digital technology and online activities like social media, online videos and messaging is increasing occupying youths attention span “. Watching television, listening to music, reading and working on the computer, and meeting new epals, often halfway around the world. What we know is the great media theorist Marshall McLuhan suggested two generations ago, is that in general people use new media to supplement, not replace, older media, For now, Teenagers who spend a lot of time with computers also watch more TV and read more than most others.Teenagers spends their time looking at the thing that are very effective in their attention span and have a very big negative effect on their life. Social media is not that important but a lot of people spends their time looking at it and most of them are the tennegers inted aof meeting someone in social networking people can do that outside somewhere but they decides to text or facetime each others in one of these social media. Nawadays alot of tennegers uses soial networing which is very effective on their attention span. Although social networking has a very big effects on people's attention span like social media video games these are the biggest issues in internet and technology which decreases people's attention span nowadays in society.

Technology has a very effective variouses and medical psychosocial effects in our society nowadays. Like playing video games in computer and the most effective impacts are increase in emotional disorder symptoms, Declines in verbal memory performance, Detrimental school performance which has a very bad effects on schools GPA and increase of grades. These have incloud my own research into video game addiction and increased of aggressiveness. Video games are intended to target different aspects of teenagers and adults life. Another negative aspect of video games is the fact that teens are spending too much time playing the games rather than playing outside with friends and do something physically. “Most reported effects of video games - particularly in the popular press - appear to centre upon the alleged negative consequences”). Video games are very effective on attention span and adults brain and missing out on their social life.esearch dating right back to the early 1980s has consistently shown that playing computer games (irrespective of genre) produces reductions in reaction times, improved hand-eye coordination and raises players’ self-esteem. What’s more, curiosity, fun and the nature of the challenge also appear to add to a game’s educational potential. People spends a lot of their time sitting at home and playing video games in their computer which it dont worth of spending time in it. These have included my own research into video game addiction, increased aggressiveness,and the various medical and psychosocial effects.However, there are many references to the positive benefits of video games in the literature. Most of the video games are very aggressive which increases peoples aggressiveness and decreases people's attention spans. Although video games are very effective in adults and children's life which is very bad and there's a lot more people that watch online videos and movies which is another negative impact on society nowadays . One of these significant fields that additions huge measure of benefit is the games field, which has been adjusted to make the games progressively sensible and has more similarities to the reality. Games are reasonable to the point that murdering and other sickening scenes are remembered for games. The genuine impacts of games can be partitioned into two fundamental classifications which are temper fluctuating and absence of social aptitudes . Firstly, because of executing and blood scenes in the games hostility spread among every one of the adolescents. As indicated by Alamy (2012), youngsters who for the most part play ruthless games become incredibly forceful. That can be obviously observed on the grounds that observing such perilous scenes make the adolescents or kids bound to assault individuals or cause basic harm to their companions in schools or in neighborhood. Notwithstanding hostility, absence of social aptitudes is another aftereffect of abuse of innovation.

One of the negative sides of the fast utilization of innovation on social orders is the medical problem. There is no uncertainty that the innovation is showing signs of improvement and spreading the world over. That drove social orders to manage it pretty much consistently to complete their work bringing about numerous issues. These issues can chiefly be partitioned into two principal classes which are psychological wellness issues and physical medical issues. First is the physical medical issue, there are numerous physical medical problems that brought about by managing innovation however the basic ones are debilitate the vision. Individuals who for the most part manage PCs for a significant stretches of time like software engineers experience the ill effects of hazy vision and eye irritation. As indicated by Tripp , individuals who as a rule use PCs for long terms experience significant issues, for example, irritation of the eyes and obscuring the vision. That can be plainly observed since eyes need to focus constantly on the screen that produces hazardous radiations that influences the eyes basically driving the eyes to begin dropping tears which can make the eye hazy. Bringing about irritation of the eyes on long terms. Moreover, innovation can cause mental issues for a few. A few people who for the most part go through hours managing TVs and Computers without cooperating with individuals get debilitated and get an autonomous conduct which brings about dread of conversing with individuals coming about them to experience the ill effects of mental ailment called uneasiness. Lamentably these days, guardians are presenting their kids to innovation without taking in thought the coldblooded impacts of such an activity. Making their youngsters experience the ill effects of numerous psychological illnesses. Crawford eferenced that because of investing gigantic measures of energy; immense number of kids were analyzed by dipolar issue, uneasiness and sadness bringing about utilizing huge measures of psychotropic prescriptions. That can be plainly observed since the guardians doesn't take in thought that innovation confine the kid from the external world along these lines they get mental ailments. To summarize, innovation has twofold edged impacts which are mental and physical issues.

The most effective things that really affects people's lives are online videos , most of them are very good for learning but a lot of them have a very negative points. The negative effects of online videos are included as taking Control Your Thoughts and increase of aggressiveness which has a lot of negative impacts on attention spans. People instead of going out for a hobby they stays at home and watch online videos for about 1-3 hours of their day. According to autore “Postman contending that exposure to modern technology decreases people’s average attention span the greater the exposure the greater the decrease in the attention span” .Technology decreases people's attention span and as the greater the exposure the greater the decrease in the attention span.Psychologists estimate that the average attention span of an adult is 20 minutes, but according to a recent study, when looking at something online, 70 percent of viewers will watch to the end of a one-minute video, whereas only 50 percent of viewers will watch the end of a five-minute video.Instated of doing something outside like a hobby people sits in front of their computer or phone and watch a very long video which it doesn't worths of spending time on it . As the Harper explains, In today's society the modern technology decreases people's attention what they are doing during their lifetime and decreasing their average attention span. The things that really distract people's attention nowaday is videos, are online, possibly reducing people’s attention spans even more. (Harper, page 27). The first and the most dangerous effect of watching too much of online videos are a mass physical degradation in our society nowadays. Although watching online videos, playing video games and using social media there are many positive effects too which is online classes and also reading or studying online .

Technology does not have any negative effects on people's life it's actually making people smarter as Thompson argues that modern technology is making people smarter. Most of the students using Khan Academy courses as they might use a live tutor to learn math and science at their own pace. These books are a refreshing antidote to continual fear and lamentation about technology’s assault on learning.Writing in Psychology Today, Tomas Chamorro-Premuzic, professor of business psychology at the University College of London, says, “It maybe time to consider people’s willingness to solve complex problems as a key ingredient of IQ. Consider the following: technology will continue to evolve and the gap between what can be solved with and without it will only increase. That is, we will become more and more dependent on technology and the only intellectual disadvantage will be the inability (or unwillingness)to learn to use it.”(Galagan 25). Technology does not have a lot of negative effects on attention spans it's actually really helpful for student nowadays in our society and makes many people smarter and helps students with their homework and online studying which is a very positive impact in society.

In conclusion, people wastes their time texting watching online videos and playing video games at home instead of going out with friends they will sit at home and FaceTime each other that has a very big negative effect in their life and friendship and stresses. people should not watch online videos and they should decrease their average playing video games otherwise they will have problem stressing and feeling lonely in their life as they grow up . And as you grow up people that have been spending all their ives time sitting home in front of their PC’s would face alot of pain like back pain for sitting for too long dry eyes for looking at the screens of their phones or PCs which has very bad impacts on their vision. Technology although makes life easier and much fun by playing online games and social media on the other side it is very effective on our lives as we grow up and get used to it and get addicted. At long last, innovation was made to serve the world however individuals utilized it in concentrated levels that it caused significant issues that are medical issues, protection issues and social issues. Medical issues are considered as basic issues which influences mental and physical wellbeing of the client. In addition, security is contrarily influenced because of spying and taking of data of clients. Moreover, mingling is influenced by quick difference in temper and absence of social aptitudes. Individuals should invest less energy and speak with one another and use innovation in rates that it doesn't hurt individuals to abstain from getting any issues later on.  

Works cited

  1. Turkle, S. (2011). Alone Together: Why We Expect More from Technology and Less from Each Other. Basic Books.
  2. Alamy, R. (2012). The Relationship between Technology and Aggression among Adolescents. International Journal of Humanities and Social Science, 2(15), 184-191.
  3. Crawford, D. L., Jackson, L. A., & Godbey, G. (2015). A Comparative Examination of the Relationship between Excessive Computer Game Playing, Social Interactions, and Academic Performance. Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 45(4), 228-235.
  4. Tripp, T. M. (2013). Computer Vision Syndrome. American Optometric Association. Retrieved from https://www.aoa.org/healthy-eyes/caring-for-your-eyes/computer-vision-syndrome?sso=y
  5. Harper, R. (2017). The Attention Span Paradox: Are We Wired for Distraction? Institute of Communication, Culture, Information, and Technology, University of Toronto. Retrieved from https://utorontopress.com/ca/the-attention-span-paradox-2
  6. Galagan, P. (2016). Beyond the Hype: The Hard Work Behind Effective Technology Integration. The Learning Professional, 37(1), 22-27.
  7. Chamorro-Premuzic, T. (2013). Will Modern Technology Make Us Smarter? Psychology Today. Retrieved from https://www.psychologytoday.com/intl/blog/mr-personality/201305/will-modern-technology-make-us-smarter
  8. Thompson, C. (2013). Smarter Than You Think: How Technology Is Changing Our Minds for the Better. Penguin Books.
  9. Postman, N. (1992). Technopoly: The Surrender of Culture to Technology. Vintage.
  10. Marshall, D. L. (2019). The Effect of Online Video Streaming on Attention Span in Adults. Journal of Media Psychology, 31(3), 126-135.
Updated: Feb 02, 2024
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