Paper Towel Absorbency Experiment Report

Categories: Science


This experiment aims to determine the absorbency of different brands of paper towels, specifically comparing Walmart brand paper towels to Bounty brand paper towels. The hypothesis is that Walmart brand paper towels are as absorbent as Bounty brand paper towels. The experiment involves measuring the amount of liquid absorbed by each paper towel brand and analyzing the results to determine if there are significant differences in absorbency.


Paper towels are a ubiquitous household item used for various purposes, including cleaning up spills and messes.

The absorbency of paper towels is a crucial factor for consumers when selecting a brand. In this experiment, we seek to investigate whether the price of paper towels correlates with their absorbency. We have chosen three distinct brands of paper towels: Walmart, Bounty, and an additional brand with varying price points.

Our hypothesis is rooted in the idea that paper towels, regardless of brand, are primarily composed of paper pulp. Given this common material composition, we anticipate that the Walmart brand paper towels will absorb a similar amount of liquid as the more expensive Bounty brand.

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This experiment aims to provide evidence to support or refute this hypothesis.

Moreover, this study is of personal interest to us as a budget-conscious family. If the Walmart brand paper towels prove to be as absorbent as the pricier Bounty brand, it could translate into significant cost savings in our household budget. Our experiment is inspired by previous research in this area, including experiments conducted by Samantha P. (, 2001) and ZHukant (“”, 2006).

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While these experiments had their own hypotheses, our objective is to replicate their methods and conduct a comprehensive analysis.

Materials and Methods


  • At least 3 different brands of paper towels
  • 2 liquid measuring cups
  • Water
  • Stopwatch
  • Paper and pen
  • Scissors
  • Ruler


  1. Gather all items needed for the experiment, including the paper towels from different brands.
  2. Measure a sheet from each brand to ensure the size is the same. If the towels are different sizes, trim them to the smallest size.
  3. Fill a liquid measuring cup with 100 milliliters of water.
  4. Submerge the first brand of paper towel into water and start the stopwatch. At 20 seconds, remove the paper towel from the water and squeeze it into the second liquid measuring cup.
  5. Record how much water was squeezed from the paper towel.
  6. Repeat the experiment with each brand of towel and record the data. Conduct each set of trials at least four times for consistency of data.
  7. Calculate the average amount of liquid absorbed by each brand of towel and create a bar graph to visualize the results.

Results and Calculations

The following table presents the data collected from the experiment, showcasing the amount of water absorbed by each brand of paper towel in milliliters for each of the four trials:

Brand Trial 1 (mL) Trial 2 (mL) Trial 3 (mL) Trial 4 (mL) Average (mL)
Walmart 85 89 87 88 87.25
Bounty 95 98 97 96 96.5
Brand X 82 85 84 86 84.25

Next, we calculated the average amount of liquid absorbed by each brand of paper towel. We used the formula:

Average (mL) = (Trial 1 + Trial 2 + Trial 3 + Trial 4) / 4

Applying this formula to the data, we obtained the following average absorbency values:

  • Walmart: 87.25 mL
  • Bounty: 96.5 mL
  • Brand X: 84.25 mL


The results of this experiment have provided valuable insights into the absorbency of different paper towel brands. Contrary to our initial hypothesis, the data clearly demonstrates that not all paper towels are equally absorbent. Among the three brands tested, Bounty paper towels exhibited the highest absorbency, with an average absorption rate of 96.5 milliliters.

This finding challenges the assumption that all paper towels, regardless of price, offer similar performance in terms of liquid absorption. In this context, investing in higher-quality paper towels like Bounty may be a more efficient choice, despite their higher cost per roll.

The experimental design played a crucial role in ensuring the accuracy and reliability of the results. By conducting four trials for each brand and maintaining consistent variables, we reduced the likelihood of errors and obtained robust data.

Overall, this experiment highlights the significance of considering absorbency when choosing paper towels. While cost-consciousness is important, opting for a more absorbent brand can lead to improved performance and potentially cost savings in the long run.


  • Which Brand of Paper Towel Will Absorb the Most Water? (2001) Retrieved from
  • Science Paper Towel Absorbency Report. (2006) Retrieved from
Updated: Dec 29, 2023
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Paper Towel Absorbency Experiment Report. (2020, Jun 02). Retrieved from

Paper Towel Absorbency Experiment Report essay
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