The Importance of Frameworks in Any Work

Categories: HealthOsteoporosis

In any work to be started, there are frameworks that will serve as a guide to the whole process and cannot proceed without it. This goes the same with the human body. It has framework that shape its figure, thus making each system to function well without any conflict from the outside environment. The pattern of the body is the bone, it provides easy movement, and on the other hand in spite of its hardness it is not exempted from diseases that can alter to its significant function to our body.

The most known disease of the bone is osteoporosis, it is describe as “A systemic skeletal disorder characterized by decreased bone mass and deterioration of bony microarchitecture” (Jacobs-Kosmin, MD, 2008). Bones is made up of calcium; furthermore it is composed of minerals that determine it collagen protein that give the bone strength. The greater the calcium deposited in the bone the stronger it is. As the person grow the skeletal undergoes constant remodeling in order to maintain its vigor on the other hand as the process increases the net of bone loss also increases and lead the bone to the said disease.

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Several factors can cause this ailments, major one is calcium and vitamin D intake, hereditary, as well as the type of lifestyle can be attributed. Smoking, drug abuse, hematomal disease, nutritional condition and drinking is also a source of this disease. Symptoms cannot be seen at an early stage unless bone is breakage but in times back pain can be felt and there is loss of height over time with a stoop posture.

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Bones are fragile and become sensitive to fracture, therefore examination of the bone through laboratory studies and imaging like x-ray and radiography are use to confirm osteoporosis. Common treatment for this illness is through surgical care such as “Vertebroplasty to Kyphoplasty” (Jacobs-Kosmin, MD, 2008) both done to restore and treat deformity of the bone eventually to be able to do normal functions. Like any other diseases, adequate intake of calcium and vitamin D as well as regular exercise is the best way to prevent acquiring osteoporosis.

Updated: Apr 29, 2023
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The Importance of Frameworks in Any Work essay
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