Nestle: Quality Control Management and Marketing Strategy

Nido: It is nutritious milk specially makes for children 2 years onwards. It includes 25 minerals and vitamin D which helps child's growth.

Cerelac: Nestle also provide cerelac for new aged baby. It contains milk and rice mixture for less than one year's baby. It fulfills baby's proper nutrition in foods.

Nesquick, Koko Krunch: Above are chocolate milk for babies. Nesquick and Koko krunch contain child's required growth. It's very sweet and delicious and also includes vitamin protein, mineral.

Lactogen: Nestle Singapore brings full cream milk powder in the country.

It gives baby required nutrition. Lactogen one is for child whose age not more than 6months and lectogen 3 is for babies whose age is below 1 year.


Based on benefits Nestle segmented their market in an efficient way. So they make available Cerelac for those customers who want more profit from the product. Cerelac includes a high nutrition for baby's whose age is less than 1 year. Two very important things rice and milk remain added in cerelac.

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On the other part, cerelac includes vitamin, more mineral and all major useful nutritious elements for babies.


Life style and personality: Nestle provides KIT KAT these people who really want to enjoy chocolate. Nescafe 3 in 1 is for exclusively those customers who are really busy and do not have enough time. They can save their time by taking Nescafe 3 in 1. All the things sugar, milk, and coffee remain mixed.

Nestle's 7p's of Marketing

A final consideration for Nestle is an identification of the 7p's of marketing and in particular an understanding of what their product offers to the market.

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The 7p's of marketing is an important marketing tool outlining a focus on a clear understanding of each Factor (Varma, n.d.):

Product: Baby formula, nutrients to enable a progression from breast milk to formula or formula for those mothers choosing not to breastfeed.

Price: Price relatively low to competitors. It is important to balance the need here between low cost and the influence this has on trust.

Place: Supermarkets, place of convincing.

Promotion: Relationship marketing principles used to engage the consumer. Nestle will interact with consumers during a shopping mall road show to showcase their product offerings and the value of their products.

People: Employees within the firm used to support the growth strategy of particular products. Company objectives and marketing objective translates into performance goals for teams within the firm.

Process: Customer service is important and a key determinant of trust. As a result of this, emphasis should be placed on the role of employees in educating the consumer and therefore translating the core elements of the brand.

Physical evidence: Physical evidence in the form of packaging and promotional tools will be used to support the development of the growth strategy employed.

Product Line

Most people know Nestle through its brands. Nestl's portfolio covers almost every food and beverage category, providing consumers loads of products and services. These are enclosed in several brands that Nestle uses to commercialize its products. Considering its product lines, Nestl? offers the following products by means of these brands (G?mez & Castro, n.d.; Nestl?, n.d.):

Baby foods: Nestle believes that infant nutrition is more than just baby food and infant formula. It is about caring for your child through the development of milestones to have a healthy start for a healthy future.

Bottled water: Nestle is committed to the healthy hydration of its consumers by providing a wide range of portable, convenient, and affordable hydration options, alternatives to sugary and calorie-heavy drinks and choices with nutritional benefits, such as calcium and/or magnesium naturally present in natural mineral waters.

Cereals: Nestle' breakfast cereals make it easier to have a nutritious start to the day. These cereals are made with whole grain., which are an important part of a balanced diet. Furthermore, these breakfast cereals are low in fat and many are a source of fiber, what demonstrates Nestle's commitment to population's wellbeing.

Chocolate and confectionery: Nestle's chocolate is known for great taste and are also full of goodness, contributing to wellbeing. With a broad range to choose from, they can be enjoyed by almost everyone as a part of a well-balanced diet and active lifestyle.

Coffee: Nestle offers carefully selected Arabica and Robusta coffee beans to deliver a good tasty coffee.

Culinary, chilled and frozen food: Nestl? believes in making food tastier, more balanced and easier to prepare, and thus be able to contribute to improved eating habits and an enjoyable, healthful lifestyle. Nestl's commitment to healthier eating includes helping to address problems such as nutrient deficiencies.

Dairy: Nestle takes into account the fact that dairy products are considered to be a foundation of health for many cultures. It exploits the best of its science and product expertise to provide consumers both nutritionally and enriched milk products and delicious dairy treats.

Drinks: With a diverse portfolio of beverages, Nestl? offers many sources of nourishment and refreshment. Whether it's for the healthy development of children, sports, a special treat or everyday refreshment Nestle products deliver taste and health.

Food service: Since Nestle is highly committed to leading Nutrition, Health & Wellness company, Nestl? Professional is a world leader in value-added Nutrition, Health & Wellness solutions for the food service industry. Nestle Professional is the Nestle 'business to business' out-of-home expert, offering a diverse set of customers (restaurants, fast-food establishments, cafes, hospitals, schools and vending machine operators) tailored food and beverage solutions with a focus on taste and health.

Healthcare nutrition: The Nestle healthcare nutrition range of products offers complete nutritional solutions for people with specific illnesses, disease states or ageing-related nutritional needs. These nutrition solutions are designed with the benefit of strong scientific research, in-depth understanding of consumers and healthcare providers. The main purpose is to offer high quality and great tasting products that provide clinically proven benefits to those with special nutritional needs.

Ice cream: Nestle offers a wide range of products in this area, which are featured by its uniqueness, as well as the delights and pleasures to enhance everyday occasions and especial moments.

Pet care: Nestl? ensures to guarantees that the quality and taste of Purina pet foods is the finest available. It attempts to start with ingredients that meet government standards, and monitors each step of these products until they are delivered.

Sports nutrition: Nestl? is aware of the fact that most athletes need optimal nutrition and hydration, but even those who do not practice regular sports can benefit from balanced nutrition.

Weight management: In a society where the rise of obesity and the resulting metabolic disorders, such as diabetes and cardiovascular disease, is a major public health concern, Nestle offers personalized programs to help individuals take a sensible approach to weight loss and weight management.

Suppliers of Nestl?

Nestl? has the policy to give opportunities to local producers to become one of their suppliers. This is so because the company is widely spread around the world and basically uses fresh raw materials such as milk, coffee and cocoa. Nearly 40% of Nestles raw materials expenditure goes towards the procurement of three key commodities. It sources materials from more than 5 million farms, many of them farmers in poorer rural regions of the world.

Nestle's builds close links with local farmers, and they can also advise them continuously on quality and farming practices in order to maintain and enhance standards. The company procures processed meat and fish products, but they do not buy animals reared by contract farmers or procured in the open market and they do not raise or process animals as part of their operations. In total, 3.9 million people around the world benefit economically as a result of Nestle's commercial operations.

Nestle' Nutrition Council and R&D

The Nestle Nutrition Council was founded in 1978. It is composed of 10 internationally renowned nutritional scientists with a spread of nationalities and specialties. It reviews current and developing nutritional issues, and provide the Company with relevant information and continuous advice related to its business, policies and strategy. It also operates as a medical and scientific network to provide health professionals with the most current and appropriate nutritional education, information and tools. Nestle's Research & Development (R&D) to apply nutritional science and expertise to create products that combine great taste with nutritional benefits. We firmly believe that our research can make better food so that more and more people live a better life. Through continuous innovation of new products and renovation of existing products, Nestl? is creating and enhancing hundreds of Nestl? products, especially in terms of their nutritional benefits. The Nestle Group invests around USD 1.2 billion in R&D every year (Nestl?, n.d.).

Around 3,500 people from over 50 countries work in Nestles worldwide network of 17 research, development and product testing centers. The Nestl? Research Center in Switzerland is our major think-tank. It's a constant source of new ideas and scientific knowledge that feeds the pipeline for all Nestl? products. It covers over 100 different professional areas 'including nutritional science, the life sciences, raw materials, ingredients and production processes (Nestle, n.d.). R&D also plays an important role in creating products that have a proven taste advantage plus a specific nutritional advantage over competitors' products. A global system of rigorous product testing includes a scientific nutritional assessment. Each product has a measurable nutritional value to prove its superiority in delivering nutritional benefits (Nestle, n.d.).

Nestles Quality Policy

Nestle involved in and dedicated to achieving high Quality standards for our products and services through the application of the Nestl? Management System (NMS) for Quality & SHE (Safety, Health & Environment). Fully aligned to ISO standards, NMS for Quality & SHE is implemented across our organization and verified by independent third party certification bodies (Quality Nestle Policy, 2017).

Figure 1: Nestle Quality Marks

Source: (Quality Nestle Policy, 2017).

To sustainably create value and to effectively and efficiently build trust, Nestle following these quality policies (Quality Nestl? Policy, 2017):

  1. Guarantees product safety and full compliance by respecting our policies, principles and standards with full transparency,
  2. Ensures and enhances preference and consistency to delight individuals and families by valuing what they value and by offering products and services that always meet or exceed their expectations,
  3. Strives for zero defects and no waste by constantly looking for opportunities to apply our continuous improvement approach to deliver competitive advantage, and
  4. Engages everybody's commitment across our complete value chain and at all levels of our organization to build the Nestle Quality mind-set.

Every product on the shelf, every service and every contact has helped to shape this trust. A Nestle brand name on a product or a service is a promise that it is safe, that it complies with all relevant laws and regulations and that it constantly meets our high standards of Quality. This trust is based upon our quality image and our reputation for consistently delivering high-quality products. Inspired by the scientific breakthrough of our founder Henri Nestle, who created the first Farine Lacte Nestle in 1866, this trust must be maintained and enhanced day after day.


The ambition of Nestle is to enhance the quality of consumer's lives through nutrition, health and wellness. Nestle Nutrition develops science-based nutrition products and services that improve the quality of life for people with specific nutritional needs. It is always very careful for infant nutrition, healthcare nutrition and performance nutrition. It produces foods with different cultures, different geographies, different needs, tastes, flavors and habits that all consumers eat and drink. It does not discriminate on the basis of origin, nationality, religion, race, gender or age. It is not involved with politics in any country. In the 150-year life of Nestle, its fundamental approach to business has been the creation of long-term sustainable value for our consumers, customers, employees, shareholders, and society as a whole. Nestle, as global company that has many known brands, have good possibilities to create a permanent market in the 196 countries. Company has a wide variety of suppliers and customers that are based on trust and long-term relationships.

Updated: Jun 05, 2020
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Nestle: Quality Control Management and Marketing Strategy essay
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