Essays on Two kinds by amy tan

Two kinds by amy tan
Original title Two kinds by amy tan

Amy Tan



Language English
Characters The mother, the daughter, the aunt, the uncle, the mother's friend, the piano teacher, the waitress, the factory workers
Published Feb-89
ISBN 9780345409635
Book Summary
Essay Examples

Table of Contents

About Two Kinds By Amy Tan Book

The two kinds is a short story about a relationship between an immigrant mother and daughter. The story was from the book The Joy Luck Club written by Amy Tan. Two kinds by Amy tan first surfaced in 1989 when it was published in The Atlantic February Edition.

The story highlights the expectations, societal pressure, and the American Dream of an immigrant mother named Jing-mei. She escaped the Chinese revolution and moved to the United States with her daughter June. The mother wanted her daughter to be a child prodigy. The story was also featured in a film in 1993.

Book Summary:

The book is about the story of Jing Mei’s (mother) and Jing’s Mei (June) daughter. The protagonist and narrator of the novel, June, talked about her mother and her dream to see June as a child prodigy, her mother. The latter escaped from China during the revolution and started living in the United States as an immigrant.

June explains that her mother tried different ways to make her good at something; she wanted to see her at the top. She introduced her to music especially Playing piano, and arranged a teacher for her, but June showed no interest in playing it all and is terrible at playing it. Even during a talent show, she played terribly, her mother was the only one who clapped, and everyone else didn’t like it.

After that, June started getting annoyed with her mother’s expectations; after her mother died, June was there to collect her mother’s belongings and saw the piano. She sat down and started playing; as she was playing it, she realized so many things her mother wanted for her. She realized how hard it is for an immigrant to make their place in a new society; she was overwhelmed by thinking of her, who wants Woo to be the best.


The story further adds she wants June to live the American Dream, where everything is possible if you have the will and hard work. She realizes how important a relationship between a mother and her daughter needs to be; she completely misunderstands her mother, who wants her to be a child prodigy out of all the hardship. Hopefully, this Two kinds by Amy Tan summary will help me understand the characters and story of this novel!

Two kinds by Amy tan Quotes:

Here are some famous “Two Kinds” quotes by Amy tan:

  •     “Only two kinds of daughters, she shouted in Chinese. Those who are obedient and those who follow their mind!”
  •     “I think now that fate is half shaped by expectation, half by inattention.”
  •     “I let one thing result from another. Of course, all of it could have been just loosely connected coincidences”.
  •     “I did not learn to use my black side until after the bad man left me.”
  •     “I had always assumed we had an unspoken understanding about these things: that she didn’t mean I was a failure, and I meant I would try to respect her opinions more.” 

Essay Structure On Two Kinds By Amy Tan:

The essay structure of Two kinds by Amy Tan is the same as other essays, but the main difference when writing an essay on a book or novel is that you need to have the full knowledge of it, which is only attainable by reading it. You can get an idea from many online sources about the book; it’s better to read it yourself.


The Two Kinds is a story that unfolds many aspects of a mother and daughter relationship; it also emphasizes the hardships that parents go through to see their children succeed in their lives. It also explains the daughter or child’s perspective and how they are pushed to do certain things, which turns into a rebellious attitude.


The introduction of the essay on two kinds starts with a hook statement or any famous quote from the story. After that, briefly explain the story and introduce your essay topic or main argument in the thesis statement.

Keep the introduction concise and relevant; your thesis statement should provide the main argument you will explain further in the essay.


Your essay body may constitute a couple of paragraphs where you explain your topic and the main argument you present to your readers. You can add references from the book, different online sources, and other books supporting your argument.


Keep the authenticity checked before quoting from any outside source, and it is also necessary that you should add the reference at the end of your essay. Adding outside sources adds credibility and increases the validity of your argument.


The conclusion starts with the thesis statement or your main argument. Then, provides a brief explanation of your finding about it, and in the end, give your final verdict. Keep in mind an open statement so readers can also share their opinions and make them think about your findings.

6 Tips To Consider While Writing An Essay About Two Kinds By Amy Tan:

Writing an essay about a book or novel requires certain rules to be followed, one of which is reading the book first. But tips and recommendations you follow can make the whole process easy for you, and it helps write a good piece of writing.

Read the Book Thoroughly:

Reading a book is compulsory if you want to write an essay on it, I know there are a lot of arguments about reading the whole book, but it’s the best practice. First, it gives you a detailed insight into the book; you become familiar with the story and what the author wants to say.


Secondly, it gives you an edge to choose or select any topic you like the most from the book, and it is only possible if you have read the whole book. You have all the information about your topic and can extract the exact information that suits your argument.

Find a compelling topic:

There are two approaches while choosing the topic. First, you are provided with the topic by the teacher or, secondly, you have to choose it yourself. If it requires the second option, choosing a compelling topic will be easier if you have read the book.


Your brain will start thinking about possible topics if you have already read the book. You have to brainstorm a little in choosing a compelling topic that interests you and about which you can write in detail.

Create the outline:

Once you choose a compelling topic, the next step is to make an essay outline. The essay outline helps you in adding relevant information to your essay. It also helps arrange the content according to its relevance in the essay structure.


You can also decide the essay theme, writing style, sources, and references while making the essay outline. Once you have gathered all information, prioritize and remove the irrelevant information. Outlining saves time, aligns the whole process, and makes writing an excellent essay easier.

Write the thesis statement:

The thesis statement contains your main argument; you can write it during the essay outlining process. If it needs changes, do it there and keep it ready to be used in your introduction; before writing a thesis statement, brainstorm and align it with your topic. This way, you not only engage the readers but also get their attention. Keep it concise, don’t explain in detail, but only give your argument’s crux.

Include a lesson or moral:

It’s a better approach to include a lesson or moral in your essay; it increases the writer’s credibility as readers get something to think from your essay. You can add it in the body paragraphs or include it in the conclusion.

The readers may agree or disagree with it, but it triggers the thinking process in your readers, which is the core achievement of any writer to give their readers a new direction to think.

Conclusion: Proofread your work:

In the end, conclude your essay by giving your final thoughts and verdict. But before that, state your main argument at the start of the essay’s conclusion, then briefly, and finally present your readers with your findings. Always try to give some food of thought to your readers and make them think.


Once you complete your writing, it’s time to proofread your work, read it completely, look for any grammatical or punctuation mistakes, and correct them where needed. Proofreading also enables you to assess the essay theme and your writing style. Add or remove any irrelevant information If needed.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the story Two Kinds about?

The two kinds are about the relationship between the mother and a daughter; the mother’s desperation to make her daughter a child prodigy without understanding her daughter’s point of view. It’s about chasing the American Dream, hardships as immigrants, and societal behaviors.

What is the main message of Two Kinds?

The main message of the two kinds is about chasing the American Dream by fulfilling the expectations of others and compromising own self. It’s about dreams, expectations, and the importance of being yourself.

Which of the following is a universal issue addressed by the story “two kinds” by Amy tan?

Let the children decide and be supportive of them in their pursuit. Don’t impose anything; give them the freedom to be themselves, and encourage them to work on what interests them.

Who is the narrator in two kinds by Amy tan?

The narrator is June, Jing-Mei’s daughter. She is the story’s protagonist. She becomes rebellious when her mother pushes her to do things she doesn’t like and has no interest in them.

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