Essays on Out of My Mind

Out of My Mind
Original title Out of My Mind
Author John Brunner
Genre Realistic Fiction
Language English
Characters Melody: The main character and narrator of the story She is a young girl with cerebral palsy who is determined to find her voice and be heard, Mrs V: Melody's teacher who helps her find ways to communicate and learn, Mr D: Melody's principal who is supportive of her efforts to be included in the mainstream classroom, Ms Jones: A teacher at Melody's school who is not as supportive of her inclusion in the classroom, Sharon: Melody's best friend who is also determined to help her communicate and be heard
Published 9-Mar-10
ISBN 978-0-545-26912-3
Book Summary
Essay Examples

Table of Contents

In the book “Out of My Mind” by Sharon M. Draper, Melody is a fifth grader who has cerebral palsy and cannot speak. Despite her challenges, she is extremely intelligent and has a photographic memory. She is determined to find a way to communicate with the world and finally be heard.
With the help of her physical therapist, Mrs. V, and her teacher, Mr. D, Melody learns to use a computer to type. She starts to share her brilliant ideas with those around her, and she finally feels like she belongs.
The book follows Melody as she goes through her everyday struggles and triumphs. It is an inspiring story about the power of determination and the importance of inclusion.

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