Essays on Hole in My Life

Hole in My Life
Original title Hole in My Life
Author Jack Gantos
Genre Autobiography
Language English
Characters Jack Gantos, Mr Fisk, Mrs Gantos, Rotten Ralph, Miss Volker, Mrs Werkman, Mr Hodge, Mrs Hodge, Mr Gantos Sr, Mrs Gantos Sr ...
Published 2002
ISBN 978-0-316-01655-7
Book Summary
Essay Examples

Table of Contents

The book “Hole in My Life” is the story of how the author, Jack Gantos, ended up in prison. He was a high school dropout who ran away from home and ended up living on the streets. He started using drugs and got involved in a robbery. He was caught and sent to prison. While in prison, he decided to get his GED and started writing. He was released from prison and went to college. He is now a successful author.

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