Essays on Fallen Angels

Fallen Angels
Original title Fallen Angels
Author Harold Bloom
Genre Young Adult
Language English
Characters Richie Perry, Peewee, Sampson, Wilkie, Bernadette, JT, Doc, Mr Perry, Mrs Perry, Sister Mary ...
Published 1988
ISBN 385424987
Book Summary
Essay Examples

Table of Contents

The novel Fallen Angels is about a group of young men who are drafted into the Vietnam War. They are all from different backgrounds and have different reasons for being in the war. Some are there because they believe in the cause, while others are there because they have no other choice.The novel follows the young men as they experience the horrors of war. They see friends die, and they kill people themselves. They witness the brutality of the enemy and the cruelty of their own fellow soldiers. The novel also follows the young men as they try to find a way to cope with the trauma of war.The novel is a powerful portrait of the horrors of war and the way it can change people. It is also a story of friendship, loyalty, and hope.

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