Essays on Evicted

Original title Evicted
Author Matthew Desmond
Genre Science Fiction
Language English
Characters Sherrena Tarver: A black landlord in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, Arleen Johnson: A tenant of Sherrena Tarver's, Larraine Renties: A tenant of Sherrena Tarver's, Scott McGrath: A white landlord in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, Tobin Charney: A white landlord in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, Doreen Edwards: A tenant of Tobin Charney's, Lamar Wilson: A tenant of Tobin Charney's ...
Published Mar-16
ISBN 978-0-316-28720-0
Book Summary
Essay Examples

Table of Contents

In Evicted, sociologist and MacArthur “genius” grant recipient Matthew Desmond takes us into the lives of eight families in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, all of whom are struggling to keep a roof over their heads. We meet Arleen, a single mother who works two jobs but still can’t make ends meet; Scott and his disabled wife, who are about to be evicted from the house they’ve lived in for eight years; and Lamar, a young father who turns to dealing drugs when his job at a pizza place doesn’t pay enough.Through intimate and often heartbreaking stories, Desmond shows us how evictions have become commonplace in poor neighborhoods across America, and how they are tearing families and communities apart. He also uncovers the hidden costs of our country’s housing crisis, from the millions of dollars in property damage caused by evictions to the skyrocketing rates of homelessness and mental illness.Evicted is a searing indictment of our nation’s failure to provide adequate housing for its poorest citizens, and a powerful call for change.

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