Essays on Celia, A Slave

Celia, A Slave
Original title Celia, A Slave
Author Melton A McLaurin
Genre Biography , Autobiography
Language English
Characters Celia, a slave; George, Celia's owner and lover; Celia's children, George's illegitimate children; Martha, George's wife; John, George's brother; Lucy, John's wife; Lizzy, a slave; Hark, a slave; Dr Flint, a slave owner; Mrs Flint ...
Published February 1, 1999
ISBN 978-0-679-74572-3
Book Summary
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Table of Contents

Celia, a Slave is a book about the life of a young slave girl living in Missouri in the early 1800s. Celia was born into slavery and was owned by several different slaveholders during her lifetime. She was raped by one of her slaveholders and bore two children as a result. Celia eventually killed her rapist in self-defense and was tried and convicted of murder. She was sentenced to death, but her sentence was later commuted to life in prison. Celia spent the rest of her life in prison, where she died several years later.

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