Essays on A Sound of Thunder

A Sound of Thunder
Original title A Sound of Thunder
Author Ray Bradbury
Genre Science Fiction
Language English
Characters Collier's
Published 1952
ISBN 978-0-345-47497-2
Book Summary
Essay Examples

Table of Contents

The story “A Sound of Thunder” is about a company that offers time travel tours. On one of these tours, a man named Eckels pays to go back in time to hunt dinosaurs. However, the rules of the tour are very strict. Eckels is not allowed to leave the path, and he is not allowed to shoot any animals except for dinosaurs.
As Eckels is hunting, he gets off the path to look at a butterfly. Suddenly, he hears a loud noise. He realizes that he has stepped on the butterfly, and the noise was the sound of the butterfly’s wings breaking. Eckels is horrified by what he has done, and he knows that he has changed the future.
When Eckels gets back to the present, he realizes that the world has changed. The language is different, and the people are different. Eckels knows that he has changed the future, and he is terrified.

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