The book tells the story of a young girl named Sara Crewe who is sent to a boarding school in England. She is very wealthy and is treated like a princess by the other students. However, her life changes when her father dies and she is left penniless. She is forced to work as a servant and is treated very harshly. One day, she is told that she must leave the school and she is sent to live in a poorhouse. She is very unhappy there and she misses her life at the boarding school. One night, she sees a ghost in her room and she is terrified. The ghost is that of a girl who died at the school many years ago. The girl tells Sara that she is stuck in the school and can’t leave because she is looking for her lost locket. Sara decides to help the girl find her locket and she eventually finds it. The girl is able to leave the school and she thanks Sara for her help.
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