Jetblue Mrketing

Needs, wants and demands are three basic things that each company must have in mind in order to produce a valuable “market offering” that will bring the so called “long-lasting and valued relationships” to their table, and JetBlue is not the exception. JetBlue like any other business is competing at the market by offering something to their costumers. But what do they really offer? Simple, JetBlue is an airline, even though their clients claim that “is more than an airline”, at the end of the day, that is just what they are, an airline.

And why would people want to use the services of an airline? Basically because they NEED to transport and fly to another destiny. So when you talk about JetBlue needs, I will say that the most logical answer will be to state all the things that are an essential requirement to satisfy this main NEED of “transport”, so getting down to the basic things, JetBlue’s costumers’ needs are basically: the need of having FOOD, the need of having a SEAT and of course the need to FEEL SECURE while TRAVELING.

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And as we can see they are really covering this costumer needs: “I never fell thirsty. I never feel hungry.” (A customer opinion about is needs satisfaction). On the other hand a costumer may have the need to have food, but they might want an apple instead of an orange, so its really important for JetBlue to know what are some of their clients WANTS in order to satisfy in the best way possible these costumers’ needs by offering the right things.

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By reading the case I will say that JetBlue’s costumer WANTS may rely in coffee juices and snacks, confortable seats with more space than normal, variety of channels in the TV, nice and confortable terminals with more security lines, free Wi-Fi, etc. and last but not least we have the clients’ demands, these are the products or services for which clients were able to pay, and they expect them to be delivered as soon as possible. In my opinion the first demand that any JetBlue costumer has, is a low cost fly including all services and products that they promised to make their fly enjoyable (legroom and flatter recline position, dunking donuts coffee, leather sits, LCD TVs, latest movies and favorite TV shows for just 6$, a terminal with excellent restaurants and stores, etc.). These are demands that they’ve been able to cover and that are the reason of the priceless customer’s loyalty that they keep having nowadays, even after the Valentine’s Day nightmare.

Describe in detail all the facets of JetBlue’s product. What is being exchanged in a JetBlue transaction?

JetBlue is clearly running an airline were everything is about costumer satisfaction. The facets of JetBlue’s service include bringing the best jetting experience from the napkins to the flight security. They implement a lot of things that others airlines does not have, the airline has focused on providing features that are simply not the norm when it comes to commercial air travel. For example they implement 3 inches more in every sit, so now people are able to stretch and cross their legs, a thing that normal airlines lacked, they even have a legroom to offer more luxury to their clients. They also offer the best snacks and free selection of beverages in a way that clients don’t feel like begging for them, instead the flight attendants are all the time walking around giving the best food and overall service of all times. On the other hand, they know that not everything is in their hands and that flight delays may occur, so they are prepared with the best terminals and DVD’s selections of the time in order to keep giving their clients the best service’s features even in the most complicated times. All of this is achievable thanks to an exchange between JetBlue and their costumers. JetBlue gives love to their costumers by adding special value to the normal flight experience in return of, costumer loyalty and profits.

Which of the five marketing management concepts best applies to JetBlue?

In my honest opinion they are one step left of implementing a “societal marketing concept”, but they still remain at the “marketing concept” right now. Their philosophy is to really getting to know the needs and wants of their target market and deliver them the desired satisfaction better than their competitors do, which is exactly what the “marketing concept” looks
for. However they are lacking the humanitarian (GO GREEN!!!) part that a “societal market concept” would carry with it. Jet Blue is a company that is focused in more than the production, in more than the product, and in more than the sales, they are committed to the costumers, and they are willing to research everything in order to make their service adapt to their clients not backwards. They are also interacting with clients and improving their company, adding more value by taking their costumer’s critics in count to build stronger costumer’s relationships. On the other hand, implementing a new GO GREEN FUEL to their planes, or reusable water bottles (who knows) may get the company into the latest marketing trend, “the societal marketing concept”.

What values does JetBlue create for its costumers?

JetBlue is completely focus on delivering the highest value possible to its clients. They are extremely committed to offer the highest valuable experience to their clients and you can see it in the way they treat their clients. They provide value by treating their costumers like family, like the CEO Barger tells, “The human side of the equation is the most important part of what we are doing”, “the hard product-airplanes, leather seats, satellite TVs, bricks and mortar-as long as you have a checkbook, they can be replicated” but the culture its really hard to replicate, that’s the superior value they give to their costumer: “Affordable flights, with the top service ever”, a feature that other airlines are no able to serve to their costumers. However, there is always the extra value of “having the most confortable seats ever; giving their clients a higher valued experience while flying”, and all the other material things, that if serve as intended might bring the costumer satisfaction to a whole new level. People can’t stop talking about JetBlue’s experience because, it breaks all the standards, the service is just UNBELIABLE.

Is JetBlue likely to continue being successful in building customer relationships? Why or Why Not?

Yes, they will continue being successful in building costumer relationships as long as they keep delivering their high valued service, and meeting their
costumer’s expectations in the best way possible. JetBlue is right now at the very top of the airline’s industry for it costumers, and as long as they keep doing what they are doing and improving the critics they may get, I don’t believe there is a possible way for costumers’ loyalty to fade away. Like I said they have been creating long-lasting relationships with their clients by providing them an excellent service and a high valued experience, unlike short meaningless transactions. On the other hand I do believe that they should try to catch up with the latest trend of marketing, and attempt to get into the “societal marketing concept” by creating something into the “Society, Consumers, Company” triangle or better said involving something “GO GREEN” in their mission. Maybe this will update them even more and would let them get their brand into a whole new dimension. However it seems like they are doing well, and that we will all become JetBlue lovers in the long run. GO JETBLUE!!

Updated: Jul 06, 2022
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Jetblue Mrketing. (2016, Apr 01). Retrieved from

Jetblue Mrketing essay
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