Isaac Newton: One Of The Best Names In History

Categories: Isaac Newton

Sir Isaac Newton, a space expert, mathematician, and a scientist is depicted to be one of the best names in the history of human thought. Newton, born on December 25, 1642, in Woolsthorpe, Lincolnshire, England, was interested in making mechanical toys as a young man. He even designed an amazing, little windmill, which would grind wheat and corn, at a youthful age. Newton explored beyond the secret facts of light and color, discovered gravity, and even found another type of mathematics, called calculus.

It was Newton that had clarified why a rock is heavier than a pebble, and how earth 's gravity could hold the moon in its orbit.

Sir Isaac Newton 's most noteworthy commitment to science was his disclosure of the theory of gravitation and its significance. When Newton saw an apple tumbling from a tree, he understood that there must be an exerting force that was pulling the apple down towards the earth. This constrains, which Newton called gravity, likewise pulls and holds the moon in orbit, keeping it from floating away.

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Another theory, Newton discovered is the theory of motion. This theory states that an object in motion will stay in motion until someone or something stops it or slows the object down. Sir Isaac Newton also explained the law of friction, that without friction an object can be in motion forever. Newton 's commitments don 't stop with gravity and friction. Newton likewise clarified the mysteries of light and color, stating that sunlight is a mixture of the lights of all colors.

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Once Newton darkened his room, to see a tiny hole that had a beam of light coming in. The light resulted in multi colors, in which is called a color spectrum, a rainbow of colors. This made him build another telescope that includes a reflecting mirror rather than lenses. Through his new telescope, he amazingly observed the satellites of Jupiter. Newton made all three impressive discoveries within 18 months!

Newton 's First Law of Motion. “A body at rest remains at rest, or, if in motion, remains in motion at a constant velocity unless acted on by a net external force (Inertia, paragraph 1).” Suppose a car, going 50 M.P.H., hits a pole. The driver would be ejected out of the windshield, due to his body wanting to stay in motion. If that same car were to take a turn too quickly and lose traction, it would continue in the same direction it was going. Before hitting a pole, suppose this same guy set a mug of coffee on the top of his car, while he put air in his tires at the air pump. He then got in his car and drove away, forgetting about the mug. When he finally realized he forgot it, he pulled over to get it, but it was gone. He went back to the air pump to find his shattered mug on the ground. The man later decides to go bowling, so he put a bowling ball in the hatch of his car. He peels out because he is late and suddenly hears a shatter. The man pulls over and sees a bowling ball sized hole in the back windshield. What a smart idea!

Newton’s Second Law of Motion. It states, “The force acting on an object is equal to the mass of that object times its acceleration (Lucas, paragraph 2).” Mike 's car, which weighs 1,000 kg, is out of gas. Mike is trying to push the car to a gas station, and he makes the car go 0.05 m/s/s. Using Newton 's Second Law, you can compute how much force Mike is applying to the car with this formula ( F= 1,000 x 0.05 which equals 50 newtons). This is easy, let 's go on to Newton’s third law of motion.

Newton 's third law. “If an object A exerts a force on object B, then object B must exert a force of equal magnitude and opposite direction back on object A ( CNX, paragraph 2).” What does this mean? This means that for every force there is a reaction force that is equal in size, but opposite in direction. That is to say that whenever an object pushes another object, it gets pushed back in the opposite direction equally hard. Take a rocket, for example, the rocket 's action is to push down on the ground with the force of its powerful engines, and the reaction is that the ground pushes the rocket upwards with an equal force.

On to the next topic, being that I am a graphic design major it 's fascinating to me Newton 's secrets of lights and color. In 1704 Newton actually composed the book on the refraction of light. Jazzily titled "Opticks," the work changed the way we consider light and color. Researchers of the day realized that rainbows formed when the light was refracted and reflected in raindrops, however, they didn 't know why rainbows were so beautiful. At the point when Newton initially started his studies at Cambridge, the normal theory was that the water some way or another colored the sun 's beams distinctive colors. Utilizing a light and a crystal, Newton tested by running white light through a crystal to separate it into a rainbow of colors. The crystal trick was nothing new, The crystal trick was nothing new. By mirroring the scattered pillars into another crystal, however, Newton reformed them back into the white light, proving that the colors were a characteristic of the light itself.

Newton was naturally introduced for a period of dull telescopes. Indeed, even the best models utilized an arrangement of glass lenses to amplify an image. Through his trials with colors, Newton knew the lenses refracted diverse colors at various angles, making a fuzzy picture for the viewer. As an improvement, Newton proposed the utilization of reflecting mirrors instead of refracting lenses. A large mirror would catch the image, then a little mirror would bounce it into the viewer 's eye. Not only does this method deliver a clearer picture, it likewise takes into consideration a much smaller telescope. Granted, a Scottish mathematician proposed the possibility of a reflecting telescope to start with, but Newton was the guy who actually mustered the energy to build one. Granulating the mirrors himself, Newton assembled a prototype and introduced it to the Royal Society in 1670. Only 6 inches (15 centimeters) in length, the gadget wiped out color refraction and boasted 40x amplification. “Sir Isaac and his telescope carried on with the work of Copernicus and Galileo by furthering our understanding of the universe we live in and helping us to realize there are laws that govern the whole of the universe. And this rule holds true for falling apples and four planets revolving around stars (Will, paragraph 8).”

Updated: Feb 25, 2024
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Isaac Newton: One Of The Best Names In History. (2024, Feb 25). Retrieved from

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