Margaret Atwood's Eulogy: A Tribute to Northrop Frye

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Within the serene confines of a quiet room, people have gathered, their countenances adorned with smiles, and the occasional laughter dances through the air. Such a scene, though common in a university setting, takes an unexpected turn when one realizes that this room is hosting a funeral. The transformative power of Margaret Atwood's eulogy, titled "The Great Communicator" (1999), makes this improbable scenario a reality. In this essay, we will delve into Atwood's eulogy, exploring how it transcends the conventional boundaries of mourning, celebrating the life of Northrop Frye while revealing the profound impact of his passing.

Unveiling Northrop Frye's Essence

Atwood skillfully paints a vivid portrait of Northrop Frye through a series of compelling anecdotes and eloquent prose.

The eulogy's introductory paragraph offers a glimpse into Frye's unparalleled prowess as a lecturer. Atwood fondly describes his lectures as "pure, lucid, eloquent, funny, and engaging prose" (Margaret Atwood 1999, p. 85), setting the stage for a deeper exploration of Frye's intellectual brilliance.

Further exemplifying Frye's intellectual prowess, Atwood recounts an apocryphal story in the fourth paragraph.

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In this narrative, a woman expressed doubt about whether Frye possessed any knowledge gaps. To her inquiry, Frye playfully responded that he knew nothing about Japanese flower arranging, only to proceed to share extensive knowledge on the subject (Atwood 1999). This anecdote not only elicits laughter but also underscores Frye's astonishing breadth of knowledge.

As the eulogy nears its conclusion, Atwood shares a heartwarming story from her personal life. She recalls a charming interaction between Frye and her young daughter in her own home (Atwood 1999).

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This touching account sheds light on a lesser-known aspect of Frye's character, revealing his ability to connect with a six-year-old despite his reputation as a reserved individual.

Throughout "The Great Communicator," Atwood masterfully weaves together these and other similar examples to present a holistic view of Frye's professional, academic, and personal life. While she may not employ explicit topic sentences for each paragraph, her storytelling approach ensures that readers discern the thematic progression. Her ultimate thesis statement, situated at the end of the eulogy, poignantly declares, "I think one of the sadnesses of his life was that he never had children. But there are many people, including some who never knew him personally, who will feel orphaned by his death" (1999, p. 86). This statement encapsulates the central theme of loss and its universal resonance.

A Chronological Unfolding

Atwood's eulogy, despite its unconventional structure, effectively elucidates the multifaceted nature of Northrop Frye. The chronological progression from his professional to academic and finally personal life allows readers to intimately connect with Frye's essence. Through the anecdotes and descriptions, Frye emerges as a vibrant and relatable figure, even to those who never had the privilege of knowing him personally.

One noteworthy aspect of Atwood's eulogy is her strategic use of an attention-grabbing narrative hook at the outset. She invites readers into her recollection of the first encounter with Frye, immediately capturing their interest. This compelling opening not only draws readers into the eulogy but also establishes a personal connection between them and the subject matter. It serves as a testament to Atwood's skill in crafting a narrative that resonates with her audience.

The Art of Eulogy

"The Great Communicator" by Margaret Atwood is an exemplary eulogy, defying conventional expectations associated with mourning. While literature may not boast championship titles, if it did, this eulogy would undoubtedly hold a prominent position in the category. The title itself piques curiosity, prompting readers to contemplate the greatness of the communicator it references. Atwood's storytelling prowess, showcased within, sustains that curiosity with each word.

Although the eulogy's format may diverge from the typical essay structure, it enhances the overall reading experience. Atwood's narrative approach invites readers to engage emotionally with the subject, compelling them to reflect on Frye's legacy. Simultaneously, it accentuates the profound sense of loss experienced upon Frye's passing.


Margaret Atwood's "The Great Communicator" stands as a poignant testament to the art of eulogy. Through vivid anecdotes and a carefully crafted narrative, Atwood immortalizes Northrop Frye, transcending the boundaries of mourning and celebrating his life with unwavering authenticity. By adopting a chronological structure and employing a captivating opening narrative, she guides readers on a transformative journey that unveils the myriad facets of Frye's character. In doing so, she imparts a valuable lesson on the art of writing a eulogy, leaving readers not only with a deep appreciation for Frye but also a newfound understanding of the power of storytelling in commemorating a life well lived.

Updated: Oct 30, 2023
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Margaret Atwood's Eulogy: A Tribute to Northrop Frye. (2016, Nov 23). Retrieved from

Margaret Atwood's Eulogy: A Tribute to Northrop Frye essay
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