How the Ritz Carlton is a successful company?

Categories: Company

This work attempts to answer what management objectives and goals help enable the Ritz-Carlton Hotel Company achieve a high level of overall success despite having to operate hotels in diverse locations across the globe. Two management objectives will be analyzed to include the establishment of company Gold Standards and the objective to enhance company online systems. The Ritz-Carlton hotel company has been and continues to be, one of the most successful hotel chains globally, since according to the company website, it has “received all the major awards the hospitality industry and leading consumer organizations can bestow” (“Awards,” 2013).

The Ritz-Carlton company has also earned the Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award issued from the U.

S. Department of Commerce twice (“Awards,” 2013). Along with achieving these awards, Ritz-Carlton has grown from managing a single hotel in Boston to managing over 81 hotels worldwide with plans for further expansion (“Fact Sheet,” 2013). Clearly, Ritz-Carlton is doing something right to have achieved so many high honors for its hotel service.

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One reason Ritz-Carlton has achieved world renowned success is because of its established “Gold Standards” which encompass senior management’s vision and goals (“Gold Standards,” 2013).

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The Ritz-Carlton Gold Standards essentially outline what the company expects all employees to keep in mind as they service their customers. There are multiple portions to the Gold Standards including the Credo, Motto, Twelve Service Values, and the Three Steps of Service (“Gold Standards,” 2013). All together, the Gold Standards reinforce the Ritz-Carlton motto, “We are Ladies and Gentlemen serving Ladies and Gentlemen” (“Gold Standards,” 2013). As part of the hiring process, each new recruit for Ritz-Carlton is introduced to the Gold Standards and is given a printed copy (“Delighted,” 2004).

Seven of the twelve Gold Standard Service Values deal with employee interaction with guests (“Gold Standards,” 2013). For example, Gold Standard service value number six establishes the goal to “own and immediately resolve guest problems” (“Gold Standards,” 2013). Regardless of the culture of the guest population, guests would certainly enjoy rapid versus slow problem resolution. Service value number two speaks to being responsive to the needs of all guests (“Gold Standards,” 2013).

Whatever the needs of a guest, regardless of the guests’ cultural background, being responsive to that need and being accommodating can really give a favorable impression to Ritz-Carlton guests. It is easy to see why positive guest interaction is so vital in the hotel industry since the very first contact with a company’s employee will undoubtedly create an impression of the entire company, whether deserved or not (“Delighted,” 2004). The senior management objectives outlined in their Gold Standards help explain why Ritz-Carlton is able to be successful in all countries.

Another goal established by Ritz-Carlton contributing to its global success was the goal to upgrade its technology systems in 2005 (Durett, 2006). For instance, Ritz-Carlton introduced the system “myHR” which serves as a 24 hour system to enable employees to access important HR related information and to enable all employee management to be done electronically at any time of the day (Durett, 2006). The myHR system also enables employee training to be accomplished at any time of the day in any time zone (Durett, 2006).

This would greatly enhance employee morale by making it easy to train oneself and strive for promotion which in turn enhances overall customer service. Another online system recently developed by Ritz-Carlton is the “Mystique” online system (Durett, 2006). Guests can volunteer any and all information to help make their visits to Ritz-Carlton hotels more comfortable, such as preferences to rooms without feathers if a guest was allergic to feathers as an example (Durett, 2006). With this information, regardless of which Ritz-Carlton hotel in the world a guest stays at, his or her preferences would be saved in the system (Durett, 2006).

This is an obvious advantage for a global company where guest needs and desires can vary greatly in different parts of the world. In conclusion, Ritz-Carlton has achieved monumental success in the hotel industry by emphasizing the best possible customer service through the formal establishment of its Gold Standards and through technological innovations to enhance employee morale and customer service. Ritz-Carlton has always been a company that will do everything it can to please its customers regardless of location throughout the world.

For example, at the Ritz-Carlton in Istanbul, Turkey, several Arabic accommodations can be made with advance request to include prayer carpets, copies of the Koran in the room, etc. (“Ritz-Carlton,” 2013). Other hotel companies would greatly benefit from studying how the Ritz-Carlton conducts its business. References Awards. (2013). Retrieved from http://corporate. ritzcarlton. com/en/About/Awards. htm. Delighted, returning customers: Service the Ritz-Carlton Way. (2004). Strategic Direction, 20(11), 7-9. Retrieved from http://search. proquest. com/docview/218608871?

accountid=8289 Durett, J. (2006). Plug in and perform: Technology opens the door to success at Ritz-Carlton. Training, 43(3), 30-32,34. Retrieved from http://search. proquest. com/docview/203404192? accountid=8289 Fact Sheet. (2013). Retrieved from http://corporate. ritzcarlton. com/en/Press/FactSheet. htm. Gold Standards. (2013). Retrieved from http://corporate. ritzcarlton. com/en/About/GoldStandards. htm. Ritz-carlton renowned for unrivalled Arabic hospitality (2013). Manama: Al Bawaba (Middle East) Ltd. Retrieved from http://search. proquest. com/docview/1357408850? accountid=8289

Updated: Jul 07, 2022
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