Health Benefits Of Sex

Categories: Sex

Sex has many more benefits than just the feeling you have when it ends. The health benefits of men can surprise you. Sex is said to relieve pain, eliminate stress and reduce blood pressure. But how does everything work? Discover these 7 benefits for sex health for men: Do you feel the burn?

Ok, maybe it's the wrong phrase to use when it comes to sex, but sex burns calories! Men's Health Magazine reports that the average man can burn about 100 calories during sex.

The calories vary depending on how long it lasts. According to Debby Herbenick, a sexual health educator, "some research on sex suggests that it lasts an average of 7 to 16 minutes." Do you want to calculate how many calories you can burn during your next session? Look at this "exercise calculator".

Relieve your stress with a Hanky-panky joke

According to a report by the American Psychological Association, men were more likely to control stress by being physically active than women.

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Since sex can be categorized as exercise, it also works the same way to help control anxiety and depression. The disadvantage is that stress can reduce sexual desire.

Let the blood rush in the low places

The American Heart Association claims that men suffer more from high blood pressure than women. According to a study reported by the National Institutes of Health (NIH), those who have sex have a better and more positive response to things that cause high blood pressure compared to those who masturbated or did not have sex .

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This means that it is fair to say that sex can promote lower blood pressure in men.

Rest a good night of rest

Have you ever wondered why he gives you so much sleep after a good sex? There is science behind that. Oxytocin, also known as the "love drug", has a number of advantages. Although women have many more hormones than men, when they are released during an orgasm, they serve as a sleeping pill for a man, which could make you "sleep like a baby".

Sex can lower your risk of prostate cancer

The American Cancer Society claims that prostate cancer is the second leading cause of cancer death among American men. A study by Harvard Medical School reveals that "men who ejaculated 21 times or more a month had a 33% lower risk of prostate cancer than men who reported between four and seven ejaculations per month during their lives." The study suggests ejaculation helps by releasing the prostate from harmful substances that could be attributed to prostate cancer.More research is being done on why ejaculation may be helpful with this problem.

Pain, pain disappears, return in a day without sex

Sex can relieve pain. During intercourse, the body releases a variety of hormones, including the one mentioned above. Oxytocin and endorphins are released sexually and can help men control pain. Studies have shown that these hormones can help relieve pain, but a more recent study presented at the NIH found that oxytocin can help even bigger problems, such as chronic pain. I wonder how much sex you would need to get rid of a headache.

You can live longer

As sex helps to reduce stress, blood pressure and pain, it should not be surprising that sex also contributes to longevity. An article in Fox News reports that "men who have orgasms twice a week are 50% less likely to die than those who reach their climax once a month."

So yeah! Sex is really good for your health. You just need to be careful before engaging in sex especially when you are not married mindful of the sexually transmissible diseases than you expose yourself to when you don't take appropriate measures. If you are a guy, you might not be well equipped for sex if you have a little penis. You might be interested in our length and girth exercises.

Updated: Feb 13, 2024
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Health Benefits Of Sex. (2024, Feb 13). Retrieved from

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