Has The Internet Positively Or Negatively Impact

The internet is the global system of the interconnected computer networks that uses the internet protocol suite to communicate between networks and devices. To make this clear, Wikipedia states “the internet is a particular global computer network connecting millions of computing devices, the World Wide Web is just one of many services running on the internet.” The internet provides a capability so powerful and general that it can be used for almost any purpose that depends on information and it is accessible by every individual who connects to one of the constituent networks.

The internet has proved to be a spawning ground for a large and growing number of e-commercial, that carry out most of their sales and services over the internet. The e-businesses have become a very important part of our lives since it is easy for every people to buy things online rather than visiting the shop themselves. With the generation of internet, the lives of people have become so comfortable that information are at their finger tips.

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So has the internet positively or negatively impacted human society?

Hawking, S. said, “We are all now connected by the internet like neurons in a giant brain.” There are many positive uses of the internet. Millions of people worldwide are using the internet to share information, make new associations and communicate. It not only allows us to communicate through email but also ensures easy availability of information, images, and products amongst other things. Internet is widely used for academic purposes. Moreover, it describes that emergence of internet has revolutionized the academic world.

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Internet access and use in reference services in higher education institutions in many part of the world. Internet is also gateway for those who want to learn but cannot afford the fees and living expenses at universities. They can learn new things through internet as new updated lessons and teachings are uploaded in many education websites.

Every new technology has raised privacy issues. Internet is raising new issues about privacy and security among others. Using the internet appropriate by the youths is the question to the world. Not only bullying happens physically, there are also cyber bullying, bullying through online media. These types of bullying often happen to children. They receive mean messages from friends. According to Loescher, children that become the victim of cyber bullying struggle with worry, fright, stress and lack of confidence and other negative feelings. People think that internet has a good influence mainly on students, in which it makes their lives easier. In fact, internet has various disadvantages on the users’ themselves. It disturbs their privacy. In addition, students are being addicted to the usage which is harming them. As Lenhart observes users are wasting all their time on it and ignoring their responsibilities by placing it as their priority. Individuals who are ready to grow and enhance productivity uses the internet as an opportunity to achieve their goals while others use the internet in an abusive manner to accomplish their selfish desire. Being an internet literate person, we should know how to use internet in an appropriate manner.

Today, there are many legal and ethical battles going on about the internet and yet there are no consolidated laws regulating the internet. In other words, the internet is self-regulated at the moment. Organizations are trying to come up with laws that will regulate the World Wide Web. On the other hand, there are private citizens and organizations that argue that the internet should be self-regulated. Uses of internet may seem that it has brought a lot of simplification to the life of human being but without realizing, it has negative impacts to children. Children were informed with different things that are inappropriate for them. Youths get become addicted to online gaming and this can mean that they waste too much time playing online games. In addition, excessive internet use means that they hardly talk to their families because they are always engaged. Changes have taken place economically, socially and politically through the influence of the internet.

Economic development has been influence by the internet because of the communication and interactions of people of different regions of the world. Although the positive impacts of the internet include social development, social lives of individuals have been negatively affected. The use of internet to communicate has exposed individuals to cultures, both desirable and undesirable cultures. The internet is an incredible tool and the benefits of internet access outweigh the difficult faced while studying. However, we should not misuse.

The internet is an advancement of modern technology that has swept the world off its feet with vast usage. Internet is defined as a global network of computers that provides information and communication platforms. People all over the world are now using internet daily. The internet has enabled the growth of society both positively and negatively. Sending a message to a friend, buying a commodity, finding directions to your destination or simply keeping in touch with friends can all be challenging endeavors.

However, the internet has changed the way we relate with our environment and our world in general. We can simply find places on Google maps or stay in touch on Facebook, all have been made possible because of the revolutionary capabilities of the internet. Even the details of what is happening in another continent can be accessed on the go without any fuss. Although there are several advantages associated with the internet, we are also able to witness the horrendous disadvantages of the internet and its usage in all walks of life. It is high time that we realize that technological advancements are like a double-edged sword and should be used wisely to live a quality life. It is good if people limit their internet usage for their own welfare instead of complicating it and experience its negative impact. Man should always own technology and never allow technology to overpower him.

Updated: Feb 14, 2024
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Has The Internet Positively Or Negatively Impact. (2024, Feb 14). Retrieved from https://studymoose.com/has-the-internet-positively-or-negatively-impact-essay

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