Experimental Investigation of Solution Concentration Effects on Water Absorption in Gummy Bears

Categories: Chemistry


This laboratory experiment aimed to explore whether the amount of water absorbed or lost by gummy bears varies linearly with the concentration of a salt solution. The hypothesis proposed that such variation would not occur linearly. The experiment involved placing gummy bears in different salt solutions, each with varying concentrations, and measuring the changes in gummy bear weight over a 24-hour period. The results supported the hypothesis, demonstrating that the changes in water content did not follow a linear pattern.


The objective of this experiment was to investigate the relationship between the concentration of a salt solution and the amount of water absorbed or lost by gummy bears. The central question was whether these changes would occur linearly as the concentration of the solution increased. The experiment involved varying the concentration of the salt solution in different beakers and monitoring the weight changes of the gummy bears placed in those solutions over a 24-hour period.

Materials and Methods:

The materials used for this experiment included:

  • 5 gummy bears
  • 5 beakers
  • A scale
  • Distilled water
  • Salt
  • Covers for each beaker
  • A paper for the scale
  • Tweezers

The independent variable was the concentration of salt in the water solution, while the dependent variable was the non-linearity of water absorption or loss in gummy bears.

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Constants included the type of gummy bears, type of salt, type of beaker, type of scale, the cover used, the amount of water, and the duration of the experiment. The control group consisted of Beaker A, which contained no salt in the solution.

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Safety procedures included washing hands before and after the experiment to maintain hygiene.

Experimental Procedure:

The experiment was conducted over two days:

Day 1:

  1. Weighed 5 gummy bears individually using a paper on the scale to determine their initial weights.
  2. Placed each gummy bear into a labeled beaker (Beakers A to E).
  3. Added 100 ml of water to each beaker.
  4. Prepared salt solutions for each beaker with varying concentrations (Beaker A: 0%, Beaker B: 5%, Beaker C: 10%, Beaker D: 15%, Beaker E: 20%).
  5. Added the calculated amount of salt to each respective beaker to achieve the desired concentration.
  6. Covered each beaker and left them undisturbed for 24 hours.

Day 2:

  1. Removed the beakers from their storage locations.
  2. Emptied the liquid from each beaker.
  3. Identified each gummy bear and carefully removed them using tweezers.
  4. Weighed each gummy bear individually on the scale using a paper and recorded their final weights.
  5. Disposed of all gummy bears and waste materials properly.
  6. Washed hands thoroughly.


The observations from the experiment included the fact that all the gummy bears lost their pale yellow color and became clear. Some gummy bears had salt adhering to their surfaces. One gummy bear lost its original shape and became a glob-like mass. Some gummy bears appeared to have gained weight, while others appeared to have lost weight.

It is worth noting that a minor error occurred in which a small amount of salt was accidentally added to the control group (Beaker A). This error could have affected the gummy bear's weight slightly.

Results from other groups indicated that their gummy bears also did not follow a linear pattern in terms of weight changes. While specific data regarding their experiments was not available, the non-linearity of the results was consistent with the findings of this experiment.

Mathematically, the calculations involved subtracting the final weight of each gummy bear from its initial weight to determine the change in weight.


The experiment aimed to investigate whether the amount of water absorbed or lost by gummy bears would vary linearly with the concentration of a salt solution. The results demonstrated that this was not the case. Despite the concentration of the solute varying linearly, the changes in water content did not exhibit a linear relationship. Instead, they showed considerable variation from one gummy bear to another.

One notable error in the experiment was the inadvertent introduction of a small amount of salt into the control group (Beaker A), which could have influenced the results by causing a slight weight change in the gummy bear within that beaker.

Comparing these findings with results from other groups, it was evident that the non-linearity of water absorption or loss in gummy bears was a consistent outcome. The differences in weight changes did not conform to a linear pattern, supporting the initial hypothesis.


The experiment's results indicated that the changes in water content in gummy bears did not vary in a linear fashion as the concentration of the salt solution increased. Instead, the variations appeared random, with some gummy bears gaining weight, some losing weight, and others undergoing shape changes. These findings align with the hypothesis, demonstrating that the amount of water absorbed or lost by gummy bears does not follow a linear trend.

While a minor error was identified in the experiment, it is unlikely to have significantly affected the overall outcome. The results were consistent with those obtained by other groups, further supporting the conclusion that the relationship between solution concentration and water absorption in gummy bears is non-linear.


Future experiments in this area could explore the non-linear relationship in more detail, considering factors such as temperature, time, and the type of solute used in the solution. Additionally, precautions should be taken to ensure that the control group remains free of any unintended influences, such as the introduction of salt in this case. Conducting multiple trials and gathering more data could provide a deeper understanding of the complex interactions between solute concentration and water absorption in gummy bears.

Updated: Dec 29, 2023
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Experimental Investigation of Solution Concentration Effects on Water Absorption in Gummy Bears. (2016, Oct 14). Retrieved from https://studymoose.com/document/gummy-bear-lab

Experimental Investigation of Solution Concentration Effects on Water Absorption in Gummy Bears essay
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