Gameful Design Ideology

Categories: Design

The model is an abstraction of the actual functioning of the actual application in the following way:

The Gameful design ideology has been thought of as being applied concurrently with other disciplines of science and philosophy, such as concurrency of the principles of differentiated learning and teaching, and different elements of games for different types of learners When a player first starts to use ME@AKTU, he is on boarded quickly and given an obvious first task: "Start a New Expedition to determine your current sets of skills and knowledge" , in the form of pre-requisite testing scenarios.

The player can jump right in and begin using the app as little more than a test-taker with a stopwatch. As a newbie, he/she can begin by playing against himself/herself, rather his/her current level, competing against his/her best time or best score, using a leader board of his/her scores and levels to motivate them to keep improving. But as he/she continues to explore and use the application, new game scenarios are presented.

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Provision of social support and juicy feedback, as depicted in ME@AKTU adds a social layer to the basic semester-tracking game, creating a much richer experience for its players. Players would be encouraged to connect to LinkedIn, which would be directly accessible from within the application platform, so they don't need to open it up separately, and post their progress information to their feeds. When a player begins his/her new level, the app posts a notice to his/her LinkedIn feed and asks his/her friends to cheer them on and give relevant advice.

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Each time a friend "likes" the post, the app shall ping a notification within the platform, to let them know that a friend has just supported their efforts. This opens up a fun social loop that reinforces the player's commitment to their learning program, whether he/she is training for a test or going for a casual subject exploration ( SubXplore or SubX).

There are innumerable ways of going around the design process. Syllabus can be outlined as the objectives of a gameplay. The textbooks can act as navigation guides through the game and set rules and regulations to engage with. Finding the right proportion and balance of application of the gamification principles of goal-orientation, achievement-accomplishing, reinforcement of learning, competition and fun orientation [11][12] can indeed transform the learning experience into a fun and engaging activity while at the same time keeping the test performances on the rise.

The leaning system will be designed to pose textual questions and in the form of question banks, daily practice problems, flashcards and semester theory papers and competitive MCQ's in Computer-Based-Test format as seen in most online competitive exams. It will be a journey of the player's avatar in the gameplay towards solving a semester theory paper and in the process will learn and grow and attain the required competence, and knowledge, problem solving skills. Players gain certain points in a certain stage of a level which unlocks relevant content corresponding to that level ( texts, audio-visuals, harder questions , quizzes, assignments, etc.), and the player explores the 12 stages within that level until they clear it. Players will also have an AI-powered navigation guide, that acts as a virtual mentor and the player's virtual avatar that appears in the leader board display of the class-members called the Hall of Fame.

For instance, a stage that has the objective of 'wielding a Bezier curve', will teach the players all the mathematics and constructional concepts related to Bezier curves, and their relations with CAD , all relevant to the AKTU syllabus of CAD, and if at the player clears the stage , then he gets to 'wield it' which means, the Bezier curve will be added as a primitive to the player's asset collection, which he/she will find use of further in the game. The primitives are defined as entities that can be "summoned for use "directly as in conventional CAD systems, to make complex designs quickly.

The difference will be that now the player will be full aware of the underlying concepts of the Bezier curve, will also have prepared it from the exams point of view; a checklist will check mark it out of the syllabi-objective checklist and the player gets points for that, bonus points for completing within time-limit, set by the player himself/herself. Moreover, if the player wants, he can opt for the advanced mode of the Bezier stage, which takes the player to further depths that are beyond the syllabus, if the player becomes interested in knowing further. The points scored in the Advanced section of each stage place the player in an Elite List of Scholars, a separate leader board for advance players which opens up a new range of privileges in the game. One can wage PvP (Player vs. Player) Design challenges or develop rivalry to complete a stage within a stipulated time frame.

We have inventory tool called Assets' Library which updates at the end of each stage within a level. There are 12 stages in each level and 12 levels in all, at the end of which you will have completed the game and your four year syllabi of university. The game timeline will run parallel to the college timeline, with content uploaded and objectives set on per semester-basis, with mock Computer-based Timed Theoretical examinations to prep for Sessional, Pre-University-Exams and Semester Exams. The CBT interface will have the onscreen scientific calculator, or the player can use an actual one and attempt the question paper on a notebook or sheets of paper, just like in a real exam. There is also an audio of White Noise provided, which students can put their headphones on and listen to while they self-study and attempt the CBT question paper. It will help them focus and avoid distractions. The player will be preforming daily tasks and taking daily challenges and solving daily practice problems to maintain their ranking within the Hall of Fame, which keeps a threshold, wherein, if the rank falls below that threshold, the player will have to start the entire game over, but the game will become a lot faster and a bit harder than before because the player has already played the previous levels once, and this will maintain the relevant hardness of the current player level.

The game will keep on adjusting itself with the player's level by giving regular pre- and post-assessments tests, and in this way the system will in turn be able to learn about the player's needs and competence and will supply relevant material accordingly.

The UI strongly reinforces concentrated learning by stripping away unnecessary study material that does not match the student's current level of competence and skills , and presents only relevant material and cites relevant sources of other materials and courses to enrol in. The status indicators run along the bottom of the screen and indicates the percentage of questions correct upto that level in that particular level, among other things such as percentage of progress in the current level and what's coming next. The player's avatar and name are not displayed on a question page or anywhere else and is only the part of LinkedIn sharing activity. The answers to questions to certain questions will be displayed in the feed for everyone to see, and agin depicts the possibility of a game element. Providing high-quality answers that win the most votes for each question appreciates the scores of the players as well. The game design focuses the player very clearly on that goal of answering the question to the best of his abilities. Each question page is a leaderboard, where answers are sorted in order of their vote count, not the order in which they were answered

A new player starts by choosing a set of self-improvement rules for the upcoming month, such as doing household chores or eating more fresh fruit. He answers detailed questions about his goal and rates how difficult he thinks it will be to achieve. Health Month uses the information to calculate the degree of difficulty and number of points to assign to each task. Once a player is satisfied with his goals, he commits to them for the rest of the month, signing a "contract" to complete them. Game play consists of actually doing the self-improvement tasks and reporting on progress each day.

A basic XP system rewards players for taking positive actions. As a player advances toward one of her goals, he/she earns points for each target or goal the palyer is manages to achieve, along with a bonus, in done so in a timely manner. Points for each rule are calculated based on the player's own performance against the set standards, either by self or with respective to the class in general.

Agile project management and Gamification Design Iteration go hand in hand, for agile management of work flow and gamification have a lot in common they both profess that any concept in a system requires repeated testing. All Gameful systems are, in fact, thoroughly rifled up with testing loops and feedbacks by their very nature. No gamified system can be built successfully and satisfactorily with a set-it-and-forget-it mentality. It will not work because players will level out, get bored, quit in between, or leave it altogether. By avoiding iteration and constant improvement, the system is certain to end up exactly where you don't want it to be. In an agile design, prioritization is also on the mind of the designer, as it helps to narrow down the designer's focus to a limited number of specific items, which be realized in a simple chain of steps. In gamified design, an experience points (XP) system that assigns a point value to everything the player does is the absolute minimum for the system to be of use. The XP system must in turn be able to report back about the players to the design team so that they can watch his engagement internally and improve upon it in successive iterations of design tweaking.

The importance of feedback mechanism in a Gameful system can never be overstated. The feed mechanism forms the basic commonality between games and learning. In gamification terms, feedback is returning information to players and informing them of where they are at the present time, ideally against a continuum of progress, as in time or against scores. Feedback loops are essential parts of all Gameful designs, and they are incorporated and used most frequently in the interplay between scores and levels. As scores increase during an experience, they provide clear and unambiguous feedback to the player that he/she is heading in the "right" direction.

Updated: Sep 13, 2020
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Gameful Design Ideology. (2019, Nov 28). Retrieved from

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