Facts: What Hazing Looks Like

Categories: HazingUniversity

Recently at the University of Oklahoma there was a hazing incident causing the fraternity to be handed a lawsuit which isn't a good luck for the university. The fraternity plus two of there members were sued on the hand of allegedly causing the pledge to have brain damage from being hazed (blindfolded and later forced to watch videos of hogs being slaughtered plus being hit in the stomach with a baseball bat, causing him to fall, hit his head and lose consciousness).

Hazing is humiliating and sometimes dangerous initiation rituals, especially as imposed on college students seeking membership to a fraternity or sorority. Most students who are enrolled in college have already been victim of violent hazing at sometime in their past. Being hazed can result in alcohol over consumption, humiliation, isolation, sleep-deprivation, sexual acts, and death. Throughout all universities hazing mostly affects sororities and athletes, resulting in about 5% of all college students being hazed causing colleges to gain bad reputations.

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Over the course of years, centuries, and eternities hazing as become more and more common. With students holding hot coals, waterboarding, burning, public nudity, and many others. Hazing averages about 15% at most colleges which can result in murder accounts and sexual assaults. During any college experience there is a 76% chance that you will experience at least one scandal. Just like hazing colleges tend to have other sorts of sandals (sex abuse and subsequent fines), many of the scandals that occur make headlines over the years that inform everyone of what is happening at different universities.

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Once the knowledge of school hits the media it can act as an "accountability measure" that helps students and their parents figure out the best fit for them based on the college's history and recently interactions. Even though hazing incidents shouldn't affect a students choice in college because not every university is perfect they all have their own flaws/ bad publicity. Due to the countless hazing incidents that tend to occur throughout various universities parents begin to wonder whether or not their child is in safe hands. Scandals on college campuses such as cheating, hazing, sexual assault, and murder contradict the reactions of people to the university. Once the knowledge of hazing incidents get around to different people it begins to hurt colleges causing drops in applications to universities because students begin to think twice about the well being of the university. In result of hazing there is approximately a 5% drop in applications, long term can be followed by a 10.4% decline. "The fact that a single widely covered scandal might impact applications as a drop from 6 to 15 which shows how students pick schools based on different factors".

When colleges experience fewer applicants due to the different types of hazing it impacts the ranking of the college along with the shortness in their enrollment and tuition. At Dartmouth University, they witnessed a 14% decline in their applications in the year 2014 just based off the college reputation of rowdiness and sexual assault.There was a article from Rolling Stone published in 2012 named "Confessions of an Ivy League Frat Boy: Inside Dartmouth's Hazing Abuses" telling a story of a college freshman who experienced hazing, being forced to swim in urine, vomit, and so on and so on. In Binghamton University, when students enroll only about 10% join greek who are mainly the results of scary and routine hazing with only a few from greek life. Binghamton always has had a hit for their reputation, even with their variety of excellent academics at an affordable price, their problems are affected by a small minority of their students. Colleges that have had at least one incident are 13% less likely to have a second incident one year later. Students coming into college almost about 47% of them have already experienced hazing having that over 1.5 million high schoolers are hazed each year.

Most of the students that participate in clubs, teams and organizations experience hazing specifically 55%. About 40% of athletes involved in hazing suspect that coaches or advisors are aware but don't speak on it and about 22% suspect they were somehow involved. Being as through many students have been victims of hazing most of them don't report the incidents because they feel as though they haven't been hazed. Even if students have been hazed multiple times they won't report the incidents to campus official because they're scared of what will happen to them. Students say that if they tell adults nothing will be done about it, they claim that they have no one to tell. Various scandals cost universities multiple applications but are based off how much of a story gets around. Regardless of the history or incidents that occur on campus the students are going to pay attention to everything to make sure they are making the right choice by enrolling, they'll be ready to easily obtain information that's right in front of them. "The effects we see for widely covered scandals are large, which speaks to the decision-making process of college applicant". But, good thinking for any students enrolling to any university is to research as much s you can on the university and make sure to check on their hazing history so there aren't as many victims. Hazing affects major parts of the university it even affects donations that the universities tend to receive.

Donations are influenced by the status of the universities involvement and based on the events that occur in the environment of the colleges. Negative publicity affects poorly on everything, colleges tend to have a 10% application drop during the following years, just because the colleges number in applications drops doesn't necessarily mean the university's reputation is ruined. People will rethink their choice in schools based off the different events either good or bad that they are involved in, but in Feb. 2014 about 14% dropped in applications just in results of negative publicity. Hazing isn't something to play around about over the years there has been about 82% of deaths in result from hazing involving alcohol. Most hazers haze others to feel some kind of power and control over others which, beings to build animosity between people and does nothing for anyone. Once choosing to haze someone you never know their physical or mental background and what being hazed could do to that person at any moment. But everyone seems to think that hazing is only associated with athletes and greek life which, isn't true hazing can occur in an organization no matter what it consists of. Hazers tend to have the wrong mindset about hazing they seem to think it builds some sort of unity with new members, which is wrong since it does not form any kind of trust or respect but simply making better hazers.

Tradition or not hazing is wrong on anyone's part, just because they went through it in the past doesn't mean it has to continue into the future, it takes only one person to stand up with confidence and break the tradition. Regardless of how much a group or person hazes someone it's all still the same which is wrong. There happens to be many hazing incidents all over that continue to occur even though everyone knows the consequences/results to their actions. Members of the Phi Delta Theta fraternity were arrested charged with hazing, Maxwell Gruver died Sept. 2017 after a ritual known as "Bible Study". In the year 1999 Vermont enforced a law for anti-hazing once there was an incident at University of Vermont called "Elephant Walk". A Sigma Nu pledge enrolled at University of Texas in 1990 had been beaten with a hammer and a paddle and then lter set on fire all because of some silly hazing ritual which caused in there being a major lawsuit. The most famous form of hazing would have to be paddling, it's been around the many many years, it's caused people to end up in the hospital with severe injuries. Hazing is truly meant to created stronger bonds between the victim(s) and a group but, after several beating over and over again the paddle begins to form bruises all over.

Over the many years, centuries, and eternities hazing as and always will be the same just a way to try and humiliate the new members of a group just so they can fit in with the crowd. Consisting of dangerous initiation rituals that can cause many outcomes such as alcohol overconsumption, humiliation, isolation, sleep-deprivation, sexual act, and most importantly death. Just because hazing has been along for as long as anyone can remember doesn't mean that it deserves to continue and ruin peoples lives just for some athletes and greek life to get a laugh out of it. In conclusion, the multiple universities around the world have about 5% of there college students being hazed mainly athletes and greek life intending that we as a whole should start making moves to end hazing once and for all.

Updated: Feb 22, 2024
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Facts: What Hazing Looks Like. (2024, Feb 22). Retrieved from https://studymoose.com/facts-what-hazing-looks-like-essay

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