Exploring Groundhog Day Traditions and Summer Adventures with Ivan Alonzo

Categories: Groundhog Day

Hey everyone welcome to my podcast my name is Ivan Alonzo and on this podcast I will be discussing groundhog day. Groundhog day is a tradition or lore and is popular in the U.

S. and Canada celebrated on february 2 were if a groundhog sees his or her shadow on a clear weather day and burows back into its nest it means that there will be 6 more weeks of winter but if it is cloudy and doesn't see its shadow it mean that spring will come early there are many places that hold this event in the U.S. but the most popular one is in Pennsylvania,Punxsutawney

Were the groundhogs name is Punxsutawney Phil.Groundhog day came from another lore from a german speaking area that if on the same day it is clear and sunny that there will be a long winter but if not than spring will come early. But it isn't always right the groundhog in pennsylvania is only 39% correct In raleigh NC in the North Carolina museum of natural sciences sir walter wally has been correct 59% of the time

In this year (2019) the groundhog didn't see its shadow therefore predicting early spring.

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But we don't know if this year he will be right or not.But either way it is a fun way to just mess around i guess but it is also a type of culture for a lot of people and me personally i would rather have a longer winter because its cold and if it's too cold we don't go to work so yeah but it's not the same for summer because there isn't any “to hot” for my dad just to cold.

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Summer is cool but only on the weekends because you know i have to work but on the weekend it's really fun. Any way i spend it it usually ends up just fine for me either i'm in my room all day, we go fishing, i play the playstation or i just sleep than eat then sleep again.

My dad started taking us to a park and it has a lake or body of water i don't know what its called and he almost always brings his canoe or rents one and we just ride around the whole body of water.Hopefully this year i can actually save some money and not spend it on food like I always do and when i say that im not just saying like 10 or 20 last time i went to work for my uncle in siler city for a week with my dad and it was to make him a bathroom because he was building his second jewelry shop and we went at 6 to 8 from monday to friday and when we got done my dad paid me 150 and than my aunt at the time because sadly they divorced she paid me 30 because they have a son that is now probably 4 this was when he was like 2 and when my dad didn't need me I would take care of him for a while and it would be for like 20 minutes and so she paid me 20 than my uncle paid me 200 and he said because he saw that I was actually working and that he was really surprised on how good I was on this at my age I was 11 at the time because I am really good at cutting like floors I think that job is carpentry but yeah he paid me that and I was really really happy because for me at that age i would work a whole day outside for only 20 dollars it hasn't really changed either I would still do it.

But anyways school was coming so I spent like 30 dollars on materials and stuff than about 100 for shoes and clothes than i was left with like about 150 and we went to sams and walmart and than I was left with nothing and it was ALL food I remember some things i Bought like ramen cheetos oranges pizza hot pockets candy and pop tarts there was more but i don't remember. But i didn't enjoy it was much was i Thought I would because I had to share some with my brothers and for some reason I thought I could eat all of it at once but than it was all ruined for my 11 year old self when my mom said I couldn't eat it all at once. We got off the topic of groundhog day but oh well. Thank you for listening to my podcast and bye!

Updated: Jan 25, 2024
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Exploring Groundhog Day Traditions and Summer Adventures with Ivan Alonzo. (2024, Jan 25). Retrieved from https://studymoose.com/exploring-groundhog-day-traditions-and-summer-adventures-with-ivan-alonzo-essay

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