Exploiting The Beauty Of Wood

Categories: DesignManufacturing

DSS manufactures and installs wooden frames to cover houses and other buildings. We choose the wood to be used as material, realizes the pieces drawn by the architect or the draftsman, assemble the structure in the workshop, before dismounting it in order to put it back on the final site. Our carpenters have a good capacity for abstraction, as well as manual skills and good knowledge of geometry and computer science.

Exploiting the beauty of wood is above all a question of knowledge and experience.

All the ROUSSEL furniture is made from an old technique entirely adapted to the contemporary style. I master the technique of massive laminating to create furniture of superior quality. Using this authentic manufacturing process, all furniture benefits from increased durability, superior strength and a flawless finish. Thus, all dROUSSEL customers benefit from a truly advantageous quality and a timeless product.

Find perfection in every aspect of the design and finish of your furniture. DROUSSEL furniture is created in collaboration with a team of craftsmen for an optimal result at all levels.

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I work with different artisans who excel in their field. So you get a unique product that is fully functional and beautiful. Our workshop is equipped with powerful machines that allow projects to be completed in a short time, and this, according to a high standard of quality and impeccable precision. It is essential that our multifunctional equipment is optimal to deliver furniture that meets our high standards. That's why our workshop is equipped to support all our high-end achievements in a creative and efficient environment.

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Benefit from design and manufacturing services tailored to your needs and especially your requests. For David Roussel, each project is unique. Whatever the size or complexity, all furniture is designed to match perfectly with the chosen environment and to meet your requests. In all respects, David Roussel's furniture is created to surpass your expectations. Turnkey Service: Just need a need your ideas associated with my expertise will lead to a flawless result.


Add a stamp to your living space with a signed creation by ROUUSSEL . Ideal for the modern lifestyle, each creation accurately reflects your lifestyle. Opt for a high-end furniture with a unique design that everyone will appreciate for its timeless beauty. Manufactured to harmonize in your living space, the OUUSSEL furniture enhances the experience and quality of your everyday life.


DROUSSEL furniture is manufactured in small quantities to ensure their authenticity. In addition to being unique, the wooden furniture is full of wealth and elegance. As a designer designer, I manage to bring out the perfect lines, the wood grains and the calculated curves. Get a piece of furniture that does not look like anything else and leaves no one indifferent.


DROUSSEL creations are timeless. The unique design of furniture allows to continue through the years. It allows you to enjoy a product that lasts a long time while maintaining its unique appearance and quality by resisting the effects of time.

Updated: Feb 21, 2024
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Exploiting The Beauty Of Wood. (2024, Feb 21). Retrieved from https://studymoose.com/exploiting-the-beauty-of-wood-essay

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