Trigonometry's Diverse Applications: From Architecture to Music and Navigation

Categories: MathScience

One of the biggest real-life applications of trigonometry is in architecture and engineering. For instance, when architects and engineers are building houses or structural models, it is crucial for them to use trigonometry to help him or her to calculate the correct proportions and angles of beams or support towers. Without the help of trigonometry, the construction workers putting together houses would not be able to do so, as measurements may be off or disproportionate. Needless to say, much of engineering and architectural foundation is based off of triangles and the use of trigonometry.

Likewise, electrical engineers model trigonometry in electricity that is sent through the wires we use on a day-to-day basis. For example, the sine function is commonly used to model voltage to deliver power to our homes. Most importantly, they use these curves to make sure power is safely delivered to us, for if they caused danger, they would be in big trouble! So, the next time you plug in your phone to charge or turn on your bedroom light, think of trigonometry’s role in these day-to-day functions.

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One of trigonometry’s most important functions is in music production. My favorite musician, Lana delRey, plays instruments such as the piano and the guitar. Though many may not notice, these instruments’ sounds actually travel to our ears through sound waves represented by the sine and cosine functions. In making sure musicians produce the right tones on instruments, they can tune themselves by adjusting their volume or pitch. They can work with sound engineers who can help artists adjust these elements to create the best quality sound effects.

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At concerts, the angles of sound waves can affect the audience’s perception.

Trigonometry also has uses in navigation. In navigating directions, we can use trig functions to gage a direction to head towards to get to a destination. It is not too practical to use trigonometry in today’s world to get to certain locations, but back when people sailed the oceans and traveled long distances, it was helpful to utilize a compass and trigonometric functions to destinations. They used it to find how far they had to travel, as well as to see the horizon.

Lastly, my favorite application of trigonometry, is in the manufacturing industry. I have a friend who works in the manufacturing department of Amazon. Because he is passionate about his job, it got me to think about how trigonometry has a major role in this industry. In the automobile industry, automobiles have to be constructed with much precision, as each part must be correctly cut and ensured they will work in a safe manner. This cannot be done without the help of math, specifically trigonometry, where angles and lengths matter. Overall, trigonometry has many uses in our daily lives - though it’s a shame that many are not aware of them!

Updated: Feb 15, 2024
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Trigonometry's Diverse Applications: From Architecture to Music and Navigation. (2024, Feb 15). Retrieved from

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