Synthesis and Analysis of 1-Bromobutane

Categories: Science


The synthesis of 1-butanol with sodium bromide and sulfuric acid via nucleophilic substitution (SN2 mechanism) yielded 1-bromobutane. This reaction required a catalyst to convert the functional group -OH in butanol to a better leaving group in which sulfuric acid was used. For 1-bromobutane to be synthesized, purification methods including refluxing, simple distillation, and separation were performed. This resulted in a product of slightly impure 1-bromobutane with a yield of 76.49% (11.1 g). The possible impurities include 2-bromobutane, 1-bromobutane, and dibutyl ether.


Alkyl halides, commonly known as haloalkanes, are a group of compounds composed of alkanes with one or more hydrogens substituted by a halogen atom, such as bromine, chlorine, fluorine, and iodine.

These compounds possess desirable physical properties suitable for various industrial applications, including solvents, degreasing agents, non-flammable inhalation anesthetics, and agricultural chemicals like herbicides and insecticides.

The versatility in haloalkane production allows for their synthesis through multiple reactions, including radical chain reactions, electrophilic additions of alkenes (hydro halogenation), and nucleophilic substitution with alcohols.

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This experiment focuses on the latter method.

Nucleophilic Substitution Mechanisms

Nucleophilic substitutions can occur via two mechanisms: SN1 (unimolecular) and SN2 (bimolecular). SN1 reactions proceed in two steps, with the leaving group dissociating from the carbon to form a carbocation intermediate, followed by nucleophilic attack. SN2 reactions, on the other hand, occur in a single step, with the nucleophile displacing the leaving group while they are partially bonded to the carbon.

Alcohols do not readily undergo nucleophilic substitution reactions due to the poor leaving group ability of the hydroxyl (-OH) group.

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However, in the presence of a strong acid like sulfuric acid, the -OH group can be protonated to form water, a better leaving group, enabling nucleophilic substitution via the SN2 mechanism.

Experimental Method

The experiment meticulously adhered to the detailed protocol delineated in the Organic Chemistry 1 Practical Manual, specifically outlined in Experiment 4: Halogen Compounds #1, which focuses on nucleophilic substitution reactions. Each step of the procedure was meticulously followed to ensure experimental reproducibility and accuracy. No deviations or modifications were introduced to the prescribed methodology to maintain consistency and reliability in the results obtained. This approach ensures that the findings are directly comparable to established standards and can be effectively validated within the framework of existing scientific knowledge in organic chemistry.


Part A: Preparation of 1-Bromobutane

Physical Constants

Compound Molecular Weight (g/mol) Refractive Index
n-butanol 74.14 -
1-bromobutane 137.03 Lit. value: 1.4398 at 20°C
Sulfuric acid 98.08 -
Sodium bromide 102.90 -

Quantities and Physical Description of Reactants and Products

Quantities Physical Description
Sodium bromide 13.01 g White powder
1-butanol 7.87 g Colorless liquid
18M Sulfuric acid 12 mL Colorless/slightly yellow liquid
Water 10 mL Clear/Colorless liquid

IR Spectras

The analysis of the IR spectra provided compelling evidence supporting the successful conversion of 1-butanol to 1-bromobutane. The spectra revealed distinct peaks corresponding to C-Br stretches, unequivocally indicating the formation of the desired product. Additionally, the absence of characteristic peaks associated with 1-butanol further reinforced the conclusion that the nucleophilic substitution reaction proceeded as intended, resulting in the synthesis of 1-bromobutane with high efficiency and accuracy.

GC Chromatogram

The GC chromatogram unveiled a strikingly predominant peak corresponding to 1-bromobutane, underscoring the effectiveness of the synthesis process in yielding the desired product. The high percentage of 1-bromobutane observed in the chromatogram serves as a testament to the purity and quality of the synthesized compound, with minimal presence of impurities detected. This chromatographic analysis further corroborates the findings obtained through other analytical techniques, consolidating the overall success of the experimental procedure and the attainment of the intended chemical outcome.

Part B: SN1 and SN2 Reactions of Halohydrocarbons

The experimental investigation involving the reaction of halohydrocarbons with silver nitrate in ethanol and sodium iodide in acetone served as a pivotal validation of their reactivity via distinct mechanisms, namely SN1 and SN2, respectively. Through meticulous observation and analysis, the experimental outcomes provided compelling insights into the mechanistic preferences exhibited by various halohydrocarbons.

Overall, the experimental outcomes derived from the reactions with silver nitrate and sodium iodide offered compelling evidence supporting the mechanistic distinctions between SN1 and SN2 pathways in halohydrocarbon reactivity. The observed correlations between reaction kinetics, carbocation stability, and precipitate formations provided valuable validation of the theoretical frameworks governing these fundamental organic transformations, thus enriching our understanding of nucleophilic substitution mechanisms in halohydrocarbons.


  1. Efficiency of Nucleophilic Substitution: The successful synthesis of 1-bromobutane through nucleophilic substitution underscores the efficiency of this chemical transformation. By leveraging the SN2 mechanism facilitated by sulfuric acid as a catalyst, the experiment achieved the conversion of the hydroxyl (-OH) functional group in 1-butanol to a better leaving group, thereby enabling the substitution reaction with sodium bromide. This highlights the strategic role of catalysts in promoting specific chemical reactions and enhancing reaction efficiency, a principle widely utilized in organic synthesis.
  2. Purification and Yield Optimization: The purification methods employed, including refluxing, simple distillation, and separation, aimed to enhance the purity and yield of the synthesized 1-bromobutane. Despite yielding a slightly impure product with a 76.49% yield, these purification techniques represent crucial steps in organic synthesis to minimize impurities and maximize product quality. The identification of potential impurities such as 2-bromobutane, 1-bromobutane, and dibutyl ether underscores the importance of rigorous purification protocols to ensure the integrity and reliability of synthesized compounds.
  3. Analytical Techniques Validation: The utilization of various analytical techniques, including IR spectroscopy and GC chromatography, played a pivotal role in validating the success of the nucleophilic substitution reaction and assessing the purity of the synthesized 1-bromobutane. The distinct peaks corresponding to C-Br stretches in the IR spectra unequivocally confirmed the conversion of 1-butanol to 1-bromobutane, while the predominant peak observed in the GC chromatogram indicated a high percentage of the desired product. These analytical findings not only corroborate each other but also provide comprehensive insights into the chemical composition and purity of the synthesized compound.
  4. Mechanistic Insights from SN1 and SN2 Reactions: The subsequent investigation involving the reactions of halohydrocarbons with silver nitrate and sodium iodide provided valuable mechanistic insights into nucleophilic substitution pathways, particularly SN1 and SN2 mechanisms. The distinct reaction times and precipitate formations observed underscored the mechanistic preferences exhibited by different halohydrocarbons, with factors such as carbocation stability and steric hindrance dictating reaction kinetics and product formation. These experimental observations align with theoretical frameworks governing nucleophilic substitution mechanisms, enriching our understanding of reaction kinetics and mechanistic pathways in organic chemistry.


In conclusion, the experimental synthesis of 1-bromobutane and subsequent mechanistic investigations provide valuable contributions to the field of organic chemistry, shedding light on fundamental principles of chemical reactivity, reaction mechanisms, and purification techniques. By elucidating the intricacies of nucleophilic substitution reactions and their applications, this study contributes to the advancement of organic synthesis methodologies and lays the groundwork for further research in the development of novel chemical compounds and processes.

Updated: Feb 26, 2024
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Synthesis and Analysis of 1-Bromobutane. (2024, Feb 26). Retrieved from

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