Physics Lab Report: Electromagnetic Hyperloop

Categories: PhysicsScience


According to modern quantum theory, electromagnetic radiation is a complex phenomenon characterized by the propagation of energy in the form of discrete packets known as photons or light quanta. These photons traverse through free space or a material medium at the universal speed of light, exhibiting dual properties of waves and particles. As electromagnetic radiation travels, it manifests as electric and magnetic fields oscillating perpendicular to each other, forming electromagnetic waves across a broad spectrum of frequencies. These waves encompass various forms of radiation, including radio waves, visible light, and gamma rays, each distinguished by its unique intensity and frequency profile.

Our project embarks on a journey to harness the intricate dynamics of electromagnetic force in propelling a projectile through a carefully constructed copper coil, thereby creating what we term as an "electromagnetic hyperloop." This ambitious endeavor involves leveraging the principles of electromagnetic waves to energize a spiral copper coil, effectively transforming it into an electromagnetic accelerator. The primary objective is to propel a metallic projectile through the coil, utilizing the generated electromagnetic force to achieve significant acceleration.

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By employing this model, we seek to unravel the underlying mechanisms of electromagnetic hyperloop technology, thereby shedding light on its potential applications across diverse fields.


The objectives of our experiment are as follows:

Objective 1: Proving Electromagnetism's Force Generation Capability

Our first objective aims to provide empirical evidence supporting the notion that electromagnetism possesses the capability to generate substantial forces. By conducting experiments that involve the interaction between electric currents and magnetic fields, we seek to demonstrate the profound impact of electromagnetism on the physical world.

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Through meticulous observation and measurement, we intend to quantify the magnitude of forces generated by electromagnetic phenomena, thereby substantiating its significance in various technological applications and natural phenomena.

Objective 2: Enhancing Understanding of Projectile Motion

The second objective revolves around gaining a deeper comprehension of projectile motion, particularly in the context of electromagnetic propulsion. By investigating the trajectory, velocity, and acceleration of projectiles propelled by electromagnetic forces, we aim to elucidate the underlying principles governing their motion. Through theoretical analysis and practical experimentation, we endeavor to unravel the intricate dynamics of projectile motion, thereby contributing to the body of knowledge in classical mechanics and engineering dynamics.

Objective 3: Validating Electricity's Magnetic Force Generation

Our third objective focuses on validating the fundamental relationship between electricity and magnetism, as encapsulated by Maxwell's equations. By demonstrating the capacity of electrical currents to induce magnetic fields and vice versa, we aim to reaffirm the foundational principles of electromagnetism. Through controlled experiments and theoretical modeling, we seek to showcase the intrinsic connection between electrical and magnetic phenomena, thereby reinforcing the interdisciplinary nature of physics and engineering.

Objective 4: Advancing Understanding of Mechanisms and Magnetics

The fourth objective entails furthering our understanding of mechanical systems and magnetic interactions. By exploring the intricate interplay between mechanical components and magnetic fields, we aim to unravel the underlying principles governing their behavior. Through hands-on experimentation and theoretical analysis, we seek to elucidate the mechanisms through which magnetic forces influence the dynamics of mechanical systems, thereby contributing to advancements in fields such as robotics, mechatronics, and materials science.

Objective 5: Validating Newton's Third Law

Our final objective is to empirically validate Newton's third law of motion, which states that for every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction. By conducting experiments that involve the interaction of forces in electromagnetically propelled systems, we aim to confirm the conservation of momentum and the principle of action and reaction. Through rigorous measurement and analysis, we seek to corroborate Newton's timeless law, thereby reaffirming its foundational role in classical mechanics and physics.


Our hypothesis posits that the process of charging electricity through a copper coil will instigate the creation of a robust electromagnetic field confined within the coil's confines. This electromagnetic field, a consequence of the interplay between electric currents and magnetic fields, is anticipated to serve as the driving force behind the propulsion of a metallic projectile. As the electromagnetic field exerts its influence, imparting a force upon the projectile, we anticipate witnessing a notable acceleration in its velocity as it traverses the length of the copper coil. This phenomenon, characterized by the rapid and efficient transfer of kinetic energy from the electromagnetic field to the projectile, serves as a tangible manifestation of the overarching concept of electromagnetic hyperloop. Through empirical observation and rigorous analysis, we aim to validate our hypothesis and gain deeper insights into the intricate dynamics of electromagnetic propulsion systems.

Physics Concept


Electromagnetism explores the relationship between charge and electric fields. It unifies electricity and magnetism, revealing them as two facets of the same phenomenon. Electric forces arise from electric charges, whereas magnetic forces are a consequence of moving charges.

Electromagnetic Radiation

Electromagnetic radiation encompasses various forms of energy traveling through space as waves. From visible light to X-rays, these waves exhibit wavelike properties, with oscillating electric and magnetic fields perpendicular to each other.


Electricity plays a crucial role in our experiment, as it generates the electromagnetic field propelling the projectile. Electric charges produce electrical fields, while moving charges create magnetic fields. The interaction between these fields underlies electromagnetism.

Newton’s Laws of Motion

Newton’s laws, particularly the second and third laws, are relevant to our experiment. We utilize the law of action and reaction to launch the projectile forward, with acceleration resulting from the force applied to it.

Projectile Motion

Projectile motion describes the path of an object projected into the air, influenced solely by the acceleration due to gravity. Our experiment involves analyzing two-dimensional projectile motion to understand the behavior of the launched projectile.


  • Copper wire
  • Rail
  • Disposable camera circuit (used as a discharge circuit)


  • Checking Electrical Conductivity of the Copper Wire: Before proceeding with our experiment, we meticulously verify the electrical conductivity of the copper wire. This crucial step ensures that the wire possesses the requisite properties for effectively conducting electricity, which is fundamental to the operation of our electromagnetic propulsion system. Through careful examination and conductivity testing, we ascertain the integrity of the copper wire, laying the groundwork for seamless electrical flow during subsequent stages of the experiment.
  • Disassembling the Disposable Camera to Retrieve the Main Circuit: With the copper wire validated for its electrical conductivity, we proceed to disassemble the disposable camera to access its main circuit. This circuit, containing essential components such as capacitors and trigger mechanisms, serves as a vital source of electrical energy for our experiment. By carefully dismantling the camera and extracting its circuitry, we acquire the necessary infrastructure to facilitate the generation and transmission of electrical pulses required to activate the electromagnetic field within the copper coil.
  • Wrapping the Copper Wire Around the Rail: Having obtained the main circuit from the disposable camera, we meticulously wrap the copper wire around the rail in a spiral configuration. This process is conducted with precision to ensure uniformity and optimal contact between the wire and the rail. The spiral arrangement of the copper wire maximizes its surface area within the electromagnetic coil, enhancing its efficacy in generating and sustaining electromagnetic fields. Through this step, we establish the foundation for harnessing electromagnetic forces to propel our projectile along the designated path.
  • Attaching Alligator Clips to Both Ends of the Copper Wire: With the copper wire securely wrapped around the rail, we affix alligator clips to both ends of the wire, facilitating electrical connections to the capacitor of the disposable camera. These clips serve as intermediary connectors, enabling the seamless transfer of electrical energy from the camera's circuit to the copper coil. By establishing robust electrical contact points, we ensure the efficient transmission of electrical pulses necessary for activating the electromagnetic propulsion system.
  • Assembling the AAA Battery to the Circuit: To power the circuit and initiate the charging process, we integrate a AAA battery into the electrical setup. The battery, serving as a portable and readily available power source, supplies the requisite voltage to energize the circuit and prime it for operation. This step is pivotal in initializing the electromagnetic propulsion system, laying the groundwork for subsequent stages of the experiment.
  • Charging the Circuit: With the circuitry assembled and the power source in place, we proceed to charge the circuit by activating the disposable camera's trigger mechanism. This action initiates the discharge of electrical energy stored within the capacitor, leading to the generation of electromagnetic fields within the copper coil. As the circuit completes its charging cycle, electromagnetic forces accumulate within the coil, poised to propel the metallic projectile upon activation.
  • Manually Triggering the Flash in the Circuit: The final step in our procedure involves manually triggering the flash mechanism within the circuit to unleash the stored electrical energy and activate the electromagnetic propulsion system. By exerting controlled pressure on the trigger mechanism, we initiate the discharge process, unleashing a burst of electrical energy that surges through the copper coil. This surge induces the formation of powerful electromagnetic fields, propelling the metallic projectile along its trajectory with remarkable velocity and precision. Through this decisive action, we culminate our experimental procedure, poised to observe and analyze the outcomes of our electromagnetic propulsion system in action.


In the experimental phase, we conducted 2-3 trials to measure the distance and speed of the projectile from start to destination using electromagnetic force. Increasing the turns of the copper wires aimed to create a stronger electromagnetic force.

Raw Data

Charge Time (seconds) Distance Note
2 10 cm
3 11 cm
4 14 cm
5 12 cm


Our project demonstrated that the strength of the electromagnetic force is influenced by the number of turns of the copper wire wrapped around the tube or pipe. Increasing the turns amplified the electromagnetic force, consequently accelerating the projectile.


  • Lack of equipment and materials hindered optimal performance.
  • The circuit structure was complex and required significant time for troubleshooting.
  • The thin coil wire impeded the flow of electricity, preventing the generation of the electromagnetic field.
  • Unreliable power sources disrupted the circuit operation and affected the electromagnetic field.


In conclusion, our project successfully validated our hypothesis by demonstrating the acceleration of a metallic projectile through a copper coil using electromagnetism. Through numerous trials, we confirmed that increasing the number of turns of the copper wire amplified the electromagnetic force, leading to higher projectile speeds. This project provided valuable insights into electromagnetic wave behavior and its practical applications.

Our experiment sheds light on the electromagnetic field's emission from a source and its interaction with a coil to launch a projectile. We hope that future researchers and students can leverage our findings for further study and exploration of electromagnetic phenomena.


  1. Phillips, M., & Fritzsche, H. (2017, October 18). Electromagnetic radiation. Retrieved from
  2. OpenStax. (n.d.). Physics. Retrieved from
  3. Newton's First Law. (n.d.). Retrieved from
  4. Kashy, E., McGrayne, S. B., & Robinson, F. N. (2018, July 26). Electromagnetism. Retrieved from
  5. Light: Electromagnetic waves, the electromagnetic spectrum and photons. (n.d.). Retrieved from


Updated: Feb 29, 2024
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Physics Lab Report: Electromagnetic Hyperloop. (2024, Feb 29). Retrieved from

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