Outcome Based Quality Analysis System

Categories: Technology


Outcome based education gives a chance for an overall learning where an engineering graduate gets trained in all the program outcome laid by the National Board of Accreditation, Course Outcomes (COs) plays an important role in Outcome-Based Education (OBE). The attainment of Program Outcomes (POs) is depends on the attainment of Course Outcomes (COs). . In order to attain the program outcome the curriculum for the program is designed in a manner that the students get trained in all the 12 Program outcomes considering continuous internal evaluation.

It also helps to avoid problems that teachers are facing in the traditional system i.e. Excel so outcome based quality analysis system helps to reduce the paper work and all the extra efforts.


The main intention of the project is to provide the user who can access the files in simple way without using hectic calculation. Along with this feature in Outcome based quality analysis system files get stored automatically so it is easy for the user to re-access it.

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This system is dynamic as this system is in control of admin, any change which is done by admin gets reflected in all the system. This system is also helpful to get information about all the students, including profile of students. Teachers can be able to see educational details of students including attendance record, test paper marks, quizzes, assignment details. Using this information system will automatically generate attendance percentage without manually calculating it. This system also includes automatic test paper generation using all the provided question banks.

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Outcome based quality analysis system is very secured as we are providing login form so user can access this system using their login credentials only.in

This system user can access information very easily because of its user friendly interface. The project can be really beneficial for those who may have a hard time to navigate around the existing interfaces to derive the quality analysis of students. The project can play a critical role in revolutionizing the existing technologies that contribute towards this domain. The current trend clearly indicates that more and more people would like to have a portability option available to their services. By using database connectivity for better retrieval procedure can ensure a better quality of service to the end user. Also a simultaneous availability of the student management system can ensure to increase the outreach of the project to a better and a wider crowd and hence generate the necessary traffic that can result in the success of the project and also a greater acceptance among multiple users.


Problem statement: To create the system which reduces manual educational work of faculties via online system which provides student management system we can also create a system which includes all the modules such as attendance management, Co-Po attainment calculation, Random Question paper generation. This module also provides a system to manage the college staff which manages all the student data.

Tools Utilized

  • PHP(version>7): PHP 7 - a revolution in the way we deliver applications that power everything from websites and mobile to enterprises and the cloud. This is the most important change for PHP since the release of PHP 5 in 2004, bringing explosive performance improvements, drastically reduced memory consumption, and a host of brand-new language features to make your application soar.
  • MySQL: MySQL is the world’s most popular open source database. With its proven performance, reliability, and ease-of-use
  • Laravel: Laravel is a web application framework with expressive, elegant syntax. We believe development must be an enjoyable, creative experience to be truly fulfilling. Laravel aims to make the development process a pleasing one for the developer without sacrificing application functionality. Laravel is accessible, yet powerful, providing powerful tools needed for large, robust applications.
  • Sublime Text Editor: Sublime Text is a proprietary cross-platform source code editor with a Python application programming interface (API). It natively supports many programming languages and markup languages, and functions can be added by users with plugins, typically community-built and maintained under free-software licenses.
  • Composer: Composer is a tool for dependency management in PHP.
  • Xampp server: xampp is a free and open-source cross-platform web server solution stack package developed by Apache Friends, consisting mainly of the Apache HTTP Server, MariaDB database, and interpreters for scripts written in the PHP and Perl programming languages.

Assessment Tools

CO Attainment Method Attainment Level 1 Attainment Level 2 Attainment Level 3
University Examination 45% students scoring more than 50% marks 55% students scoring more than 50% marks 65% students scoring more than 50% marks
Internal Assessment 45% students score more than 60% in the internal assessment 55% students score more than 60% in the internal assessment 65% students score more than 60% in the internal assessment


Abbreviation Name Content
UE University Examination Oral, Theory Marks
IA Internal Assessment Attendance, Practical, Mini Project, Quizzes.


Sr No Attainment level map % to be considered
1 3 100%
2 2 66.67%
3 1 33.33%

Proposed System

Course Attainment Calculation: Using this Application Admin will be able to Assign the classes and the subjects (courses) to the faculties .Subject Teachers can see the subjects allocated to them and they will be able to define course outcome statements for their subjects and will be able to map these CO statements with the PO(program outcomes) statements . Teachers will upload student marks for unit tests, assignments , Practical , Quizzes etc. and course attainment will be calculated as follows:

Test Paper Generation: Instead of creating question paper manually or typing it in text editor, Subject teachers will be able to Upload the question set and can generate the question paper from given question set (System will pick random questions from the question set ) Along with this teachers can get the question paper in PDF format.

Attendance Module: Instead of taking attendance manually teachers can mark the respective Subject attendance using this software. They can view the student attendance for each day. Class Advisors can download the defaulter lists report and can upload the extra attendance. The defaulter list can be downloaded in PDF format.

CO-PO Mapping

There are four levels of outcome such as Course Outcome (CO), Program Outcome (PO), Program Specific Outcome (PSO) and Program Educational Objective (PEO). Course Outcomes are the statements that declare what students should be able to do at the end of a course. POs are defined by Accreditation Agencies of the country (NBA in India), which are the statements about the knowledge, skills and attitudes, graduate attributes of a formal engineering program should have. Graduates Attributes (GAs) are the components indicative of the graduate‟s potential to acquire competence to practice at the appropriate level. GAs form a set of individually assessable outcomes of the programme. The NBA laid down the graduate attributes relating to programme outcomes and is to be derived by program.

Program Specific Outcomes are the statements that assert what the grandaunts of a specific engineering program should do what they can able to do. Program Educational Objectives are the broad statements which describe in detail about the career and professional accomplishments after significant years of graduation that the program prepare the grandaunts to achieve.

The CO-PO mapping has been done with correlation levels of 3, 2, 1 and „-‟. The notation of 3, 2 and 1 denotes substantially (high), moderately (medium) and slightly (low). The meaning of „-‟ is no correlation between CO and PO

Average value has to be taken for each CO. Average CO value is calculated by sum of value entered in each column is divided by number of CO mapped in each column (consider either3, 2 or 1 entered and need not to consider „-‟ entered).

Example: C304-PO1 = (2+3)/2 = 2.5

Each course outcome has been calculated from the topics which are assigned from each unit. To evaluate CO-PO matrix in micro-level calculation, Topic-wise, CO-PO mapping may be carried out.


A simple and effective method for calculation of course outcome attainment and educational modules are implemented in this project thus reducing the paper work. A user friendly interface provided by the reliable and functional database will result in a well-accepted application among the target domain. The formation, assessment and attainment of CO can be considered as seed of the successful accreditation, and the sincere efforts in the teaching learning process will lead to achievement of PO, PEO and Vision, Mission of the Program. Hence, a system that provides with a decent user interface, along with the state of the art technology implemented in its system, with a fully reliable and functional database can provide an efficient means of understanding of student progress for students as well as teachers.


  1. Accreditation manuals for UG Engineering programs, National Board of Accreditation.
  2. Polimetla, P., Sailu, C., Kancharla, R., "Assessment of engineering programs — Indian context in global outcome-based education paradigm," MOOC, Innovation and Technology in Education (MITE), 2014 IEEE International Conference.
  3. A Empirical Study on CO-PO Assessment & Attainment for NBA Tier-II Engineering Accreditation towards Empowering the Students through Outcome-Based Education.
  4. Izham Zainal Abidin, Adzly Anuar, Norshah Hafeez Shuaib, "Assessing the attainment of course outcomes (CO) for an engineering course," Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference of Teaching and Learning (ICTL 2009), Malaysia.
Updated: Feb 21, 2024
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Outcome Based Quality Analysis System. (2024, Feb 21). Retrieved from https://studymoose.com/document/outcome-based-quality-analysis-system

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