Organic Chemistry Laboratory Report: Distillation

Categories: Chemistry


The objective of this study is to differentiate between simple and fractional distillation, separate the components of an alcohol beverage, and calculate the percentage of ethanol in the beverage. Distillation is a process used to convert a liquid into a vapor and then collect the distillate in another container. It is particularly useful for separating components with different boiling points. In this experiment, we employed simple and fractional distillation methods to purify and analyze an alcoholic beverage, specifically vodka. The distillation process was closely monitored, and data was collected to determine the boiling point of ethanol and its percentage in the distillate.


Distillation is a widely used process for separating components in a liquid mixture based on their differing boiling points.

It is a fundamental technique in chemistry and plays a crucial role in various industries, including the production of alcoholic beverages. The primary objective of distillation is to convert a liquid into vapor and then condense the vapor back into a liquid in a separate container, allowing for the separation and purification of components.

This experiment focuses on two main distillation methods: simple distillation and fractional distillation.

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While there are other distillation techniques like vacuum distillation and steam distillation, our study concentrates on the former two methods, as they are most relevant to the objectives of this experiment.

The specific goals of this study are:

  1. To differentiate between simple and fractional distillation methods.
  2. To separate the components of an alcohol beverage (vodka) using distillation.
  3. To calculate the percentage of ethanol (ethyl alcohol) present in the alcoholic beverage.


The distillation apparatus used in this experiment included a condenser, boiling stones, beaker, thermometer, distilling flask, alcohol lamp, iron stand, wire gauze, iron clamp, and calibrated test tubes.

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The substance subjected to distillation was vodka, a common alcoholic beverage.

The experimental procedure can be summarized as follows:

  1. Set up the distillation apparatus by assembling the necessary instruments.
  2. Heat the alcohol lamp to provide a source of heat.
  3. Turn on the water source to enable cooling of the condenser.
  4. Place vodka into the distilling flask along with boiling stones.
  5. Heat the vodka in the distilling flask with the alcohol lamp, initiating the distillation process.
  6. Observe and record the temperature when the first drop of distillate is collected.
  7. Continue heating and collect distillate at regular temperature intervals (e.g., every 1 or 2 degrees Celsius).
  8. Stop the distillation process when the temperature reaches 98 degrees Celsius, just before the boiling point of water (100 degrees Celsius).
  9. Test the first and last drops of the distillate. The first drop should contain ethanol and be combustible, while the last drop should be inflammable.

Results and Discussions

During the experiment, the group observed that the first drop of distillate was collected when the thermometer reached 78 degrees Celsius. This observation indicates that the boiling point of ethanol, the primary alcohol present in alcoholic beverages, is approximately 78 degrees Celsius. Distillates were collected at regular intervals as the temperature increased by 1 or 2 degrees Celsius.

The decision to stop the distillation process at 98 degrees Celsius was based on the knowledge that water, with a boiling point of 100 degrees Celsius, would begin to evaporate beyond that temperature. To obtain the highest purity of ethanol without water contamination, it is essential to halt the process just before the water begins to boil.

The experiment also involved testing the first and last drops of the distillate. The first drop, which ignited, confirmed the presence of ethanol since it is combustible. In contrast, the last drop was inflammable, indicating that it did not contain ethanol.


In conclusion, this experiment aimed to differentiate between simple and fractional distillation methods, separate the components of an alcoholic beverage (vodka), and calculate the percentage of ethanol in the beverage. The experiment successfully identified the boiling point of ethanol as approximately 78 degrees Celsius and demonstrated the distillation process.

The distillation process serves as a critical method for purifying liquids and separating components based on their boiling points. In the context of alcoholic beverages, it allows for the isolation of ethanol, the key psychoactive component.


Based on the results of this experiment, it is recommended that distillation processes in various industries, including the production of alcoholic beverages, should be closely monitored to ensure the purity of the desired components. Proper control of distillation temperatures is essential to prevent the inclusion of unwanted compounds, such as water, in the final product.


  1. Bayquen, A., Cruz, C., De Guia, R., Lampa, F., Pena, G., Sarile, A., Torres, P. (2009). Laboratory Manual in Organic Chemistry.
Updated: Dec 29, 2023
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Organic Chemistry Laboratory Report: Distillation. (2016, Apr 09). Retrieved from

Organic Chemistry Laboratory Report: Distillation essay
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