Microbiology Lab Report: Pond Water Microorganisms

Categories: Biology


A pond is a small ecosystem teeming with diverse plant and microorganism life. Unlike larger bodies of water like lakes, ponds exhibit variations in temperature throughout the seasons. The pH level of pond water is approximately 7, providing a suitable environment for a wide range of organisms to thrive. It is estimated that there are around 184 different types of microorganisms inhabiting pond water (1). The purpose of this pond water experiment is to enable students to identify these microorganisms and determine whether they are mobile or stationary.


  1. A glass of pond water
  2. Droppers
  3. Microscope
  4. Microscope glass slides
  5. Slide cover
  6. Tissue paper


  1. Step 1: Collect pond water at 12:30 pm before starting the experiment.
  2. Step 2: Wash the microscope slides and slide covers with an alcohol pad before beginning the experiment.
  3. Step 3: Mix the pond water gently in the glass using a dropper to ensure that all pond organisms are evenly distributed and do not settle at the bottom.
  4. Step 4: Place a drop of water on a microscope slide and gently position a slide cover at a 45-degree angle.

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  5. Step 5: Observe the microorganisms under the microscope using a 10x magnification, draw pictures, and make observations.
  6. Step 6: Observe the microorganisms under the microscope using a 40x magnification, draw pictures, and make observations.

Results of Pond Water Organisms

Number of Picture Picture Observation
1 Algae Different types of algae.
2 Hydra This picture shows a mobile organism resembling a hydra.
3 Spirogyra This picture exhibits a spirogyra-like organism with spiral shapes.


Pond water contains a myriad of organisms, some of which are mobile while others remain stationary.

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One such organism is the hydra, commonly found in pond water. Hydras are mobile and have a tubular appearance with two layers in their bodies. They reproduce through a process known as budding, which is a form of asexual reproduction (3).

Spirogyra, on the other hand, is a type of green algae. It is characterized by its chloroplasts and can be found in various species, with many of them floating on water surfaces. Spirogyra is typically found in ponds and lakes and is a multicellular organism with a thallus structure consisting of two layers. The outer layer is composed of pectin, while the inner layer is made up of cellulose. Each cell of spirogyra has a protective cell wall. Spirogyra reproduces through vegetative, asexual, and sexual reproduction (4).

When observing different types of algae under 40X magnification, we noticed that algae reproduce through asexual processes and have the capability to produce their own food through photosynthesis (5).


In this experiment, students were able to observe a wide variety of microorganisms present in pond water, which are not visible to the naked eye. This hands-on experience allowed for the identification and observation of mobile and stationary organisms, contributing to a better understanding of the diversity of life in a drop of pond water.


  1. MicrobeWiki: Pond Water
  2. Handout lab report 02 BIO221 fall 2019, College of Nursing, IUBAT
  3. MicroscopeMaster: Hydra Biology
  4. Online Biology Notes: Spirogyra
  5. Live Science: What Are Algae?
Updated: Jan 06, 2024
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Microbiology Lab Report: Pond Water Microorganisms. (2024, Jan 06). Retrieved from https://studymoose.com/document/microbiology-lab-report-pond-water-microorganisms

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