Lab Report: Flame Test Experiment

Categories: Chemistry

The flame test is a classic experiment used to identify elements based on the unique colors they emit when subjected to a flame. The principle behind this phenomenon lies in the excitation of electrons in the atoms of the substances, resulting in the emission of characteristic wavelengths of light. This laboratory aims to explore how the color of a flame can be utilized to distinguish between different substances.

Essential Question:

How can the color of a flame be used to distinguish substances?


Independent variable: The flame Controlled variable: The substances Dependent variable: The color of the flame


Bunsen burner Propane Matches Beaker full of H2O Beaker full of HCl Iron rod-pole Various substances of your choosing Safety equipment


  1. Turn on the Bunsen burner.

  2. Light a match and place it near the gas output.
  3. Allow the flame to arise.
  4. Place the iron rod-pole in HCl to clean it.
  5. Move the iron rod-pole over the flame.
  6. Place the iron rod-pole in H2O.

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  7. Pick up a substance with the iron rod-pole.
  8. Place the substance above the flame.
  9. Observe the color of the flame.
  10. Redo steps 4 through 6.
  11. Redo steps 7 onwards with all substances.


Table 1: Flame Colors for Different Substances

Substance Flame Color (Initial) Flame Color (After Cleaning)
Ca Bright Orange Light Orange
Cu Bright Yellow Yellow-Green
Sr Reddish-Pink Pink
Na Green Yellow
K Lavender-ish-White White
Li Magenta-Orange Mix Orange
Ba Bright Gold with Green Tint Gold with Green Tint


  1. Wavelength of Emitted Light: The color of the flame corresponds to the wavelength of light emitted.

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    The relationship between flame color and wavelength can be determined using the electromagnetic spectrum.

  2. Energy Levels of Electrons: The flame test relies on the principle that when atoms absorb energy, electrons move to higher energy levels and then fall back, emitting light. The energy levels of electrons can be calculated using the Rydberg formula:



  • λ is the wavelength of light emitted,
  • R is the Rydberg constant,
  • 1n1​ and n2​ are the principal quantum numbers.


  1. Relationship Between Flame Color and Wavelength: Create a graph illustrating the correlation between the observed flame colors and the corresponding wavelengths.

The results of the flame test experiment revealed distinct flame colors for each substance, providing a basis for identification. The initial hypothesis that the chemical makeup and subatomic particle quantity influence flame color was supported by the variety of colors observed.

The flame colors observed were as follows: Ca exhibited a bright orange flame, Cu showed a bright yellow flame, Sr displayed a reddish-pink flame, Na emitted a green flame, K produced a lavender-ish-white flame, Li had a magenta-orange mix, and Ba presented a bright gold flame with a greenish tint.

It's noteworthy that the flame colors observed after cleaning the iron rod-pole in HCl were different from the initial colors. This change could be attributed to the removal of any residual contaminants on the rod.

The calculations involving the wavelength of emitted light and the energy levels of electrons provide a theoretical understanding of the principles governing the flame test. The Rydberg formula allows for a quantitative exploration of the energy transitions occurring in the atoms of the tested substances.

The flame test experiment successfully demonstrated that the color of a flame can be used to distinguish substances. The unique colors observed are a result of the specific wavelengths of light emitted during the excitation of electrons in the atoms. The experiment's findings align with the fundamental principles of atomic structure and electron behavior.

The calculated wavelengths and energy levels provide a theoretical foundation for the observed flame colors, emphasizing the connection between atomic properties and emitted light. The experiment's simplicity and effectiveness make it a valuable tool for qualitative analysis in chemistry.

In conclusion, the flame test is an insightful experiment that not only allows for substance identification but also fosters a deeper understanding of atomic phenomena. Further exploration could involve investigating the impact of different concentrations or the addition of specific ions on flame colors, expanding the applications of this experiment in analytical chemistry.

Updated: Feb 27, 2024
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Lab Report: Flame Test Experiment. (2024, Feb 27). Retrieved from

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