Implementing CoW-PC: Enhancing Cloud Computing with Proactive Fault Tolerance

Categories: Technology

Problem Identification

Adaptation to internal failure is a methodology where a framework proceeds to progress regardless of whether there is an issue. Adaptation to non-critical failure is a noteworthy worry to ensure accessibility and dependability of basic administrations just as application execution. To limit the disappointment sway on the framework and application execution, disappointments ought to be dealt with successfully. Despite the fact that there are number of deficiency tolerant models or methods are accessible yet adaptation to non-critical failure in distributed computing is a difficult undertaking.

In light of the enormous foundation of cloud and the expanding request of administrations a powerful shortcoming tolerant system for distributed computing is required.


As per as the research gaps analyzed there is a potential need for implementing autonomic fault tolerance by using different parameters in cloud environment. During the literature review the various challenges faced by academicians in incorporating fault tolerance in cloud computing is as follows:

  • The heterogeneity of the cloud is the biggest hindrance to localize the faults.

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    There is a need to implement efficient techniques for locating the faults.

  • There are more chances of errors because processing is done on remote computers.
  • Failures occurring in the data centres are not in the scope of the user’s organization necessitating the implementation of an autonomous fault tolerance technique for applications computing on cloud environment.
  • It is difficult to interpret the changing system state because cloud environment are dynamically scalable, unexpected and often virtualized resources are provided as a service.
  • Limited information is provided to the users because of high system complexity, so it is difficult to design an optimal fault tolerance solution.
  • Fault Prediction and Monitoring framework needs to be developed for real time applications that execute in cloud environment.

The objective of proactive adaptation to non-critical failure approach is anticipating issues ahead of time and supplant suspicious segments auspicious by staying away from recuperation from shortcomings or mistakes or disappointments that is, they identify before genuine issues happens.

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This keeps hub disappointments from running parallel applications by breaking down a portion of the assets (errands, procedures, or virtual machines) away from the bombing hubs. A few advances working upon these approaches are pre-emptive movement, programming revival, and self-recuperating capacities.

Project Description

In proposed when cloudlets touch base to the processor then the best fit methodology will be connected. the best fit methodology here alludes to the procedure of designation of appropriate VM to the cloudlet which will execute it in least time. In the event that, if the best fit isn't found or if any of the machine is right now not coordinating with the activity's details then the proposed calculation would take out this disappointment by preparing that cloudlet in two different ways, it is possible that it will part the cloudlet in two sections i.e separating the cloudlet into parts based on its size or it will make a strategy wherein the cloudlet is isolated into two sections and the two sections are handled at the same time which devours less time and furthermore works effectively. If there should arise an occurrence of creating a solicitation for the new virtual machine. Memory necessity for that VM is checked. On the off chance that there is no adequate memory for the new VM, at that point that cloudlet will be considered as come up short, generally another VM is made for that cloudlet.

Technique Implementation

Countless page flaws are caused in COWB in light of the fact that all memory pages are set as read-just toward the start of every checkpoint interim. We structure a streamlined rendition of this fundamental calculation, called Copy-on-Write Presave in store (COW-PC), to diminish the quantity of page blames and comparing execution overhead (checkpoint-caused page flaws are decreased by 75% when the checkpoint interim is 50ms in our examinations were contemplated). In particular, COW-PC predicts the pages to be refreshed in the up and coming checkpoint interim and presaves the anticipated pages in the store memory when this interim starts. These pre-spared pages are set apart as writable and don't raise page shortcomings. The checkpoint interims chose in our plan ranges from many milliseconds to a few seconds.

Calculation: CoW-PC

  1. Start the Cloud Server.
  2. Make the required no. of datacenters.
  3. Start the intermediary administration.
  4. Intermediary administration relegates VMs to datacenter.
  5. At that point the undertakings are doled out to VMs and the procedure is presaved in store memory.
  6. On the off chance that assignments are found to have any transient blunders, recoup the errands utilizing CoW-PC component by utilizing the last presaved checkpoint from reserve memory.
  7. On the off chance that errands are executed effectively, erase the procedure from reserve memory.

The standard of proactive adaptation to internal failure strategies is to stay away from the recuperation from shortcomings, blunders and disappointments by anticipating and proactively supplanting them with the associated segments with other working segments. A portion of the strategies that depend on proactive adaptation to internal failure arrangements are Proactive Fault Tolerance utilizing Pre-emptive relocation, Software Rejuvenation, Load Balancing, etc.


The proposed work is reenacted utilizing Cloud test system programming. The outcomes depend on the usage of CoW-PC Algorithm. The outcomes demonstrated depend on the exhibition diagrams that are plotted between the virtual machines and their execution time. Two charts are plotted for correlation, where one diagram demonstrates the better execution with less execution time when CoW-PC calculation was actualized utilizing the cloud test system. The other chart demonstrates the exhibition when the CoW-PC calculation was not actualized and the ideal opportunity for executing the undertakings by the virtual machines was higher for this situation. The framework on which the proposed calculation is actualized is a heterogeneous framework which is equipped for executing different assignments in parallel with less vacation.

The calculation is executed in a reproduction stage where issue is prompted to examine the exhibition of the framework where transient blunder happens in VM ID 3 and it is recouped utilizing the proposed calculation appeared in Fig 3.The yield is animated utilizing cloud trigger by making virtual machines, server farm, cloudlets, agent and so forth. The different parameters which are given as contribution for setting up this condition are smash size, MIPS, Band width, PES Number. Every one of the outcomes are gotten by utilizing an Intel center i5 PC with 2.5 GHz CPU and 4 GB memory. The working framework utilized was windows 8, language utilized is java (jdk 1.5). Net Beans IDE 7.4 was utilized to actualize java and mysql database.

The yield of the proposed framework was executed utilizing the cloud sim device. Right off the bat, the cloud condition for cloud clients utilizing cloud server farms, virtual machines, cloudlets were made and the occupations were booked utilizing the calendar director from customer to server. At that point the arrangement of cloud condition with server farm system plot, virtual machine assignments. At that point CoW-PC calculation was executed in this cloud condition which allots the assets effectively. Furthermore, the presentation investigation of CoW-PC on the parameter esteems asset use of virtual machines, execution time and cpu use time.


This paper proposes VM-µCheckpoint that uses the CoW-PC calculation which is a light weight VM check pointing system. It limits the checkpoint overhead by putting the checkpoints in-memory and performing set up recuperation. It gives high recurrence check pointing and fast recuperation of VMs. The VM-µCheckpoint was actualized utilizing the cloud test system device. The trial results demonstrate that the proposed method accomplishes better execution in the event of flaws and the runtime execution acquires low overhead because of checkpoints. It was likewise examined that it indicated better execution contrasted with the current method dependent on VM live relocation.


  1. Cully et al. Remus: High Availability via Asynchronous Virtual Machine Replication, Networked Systems Design and Implementation, 2011.
  3. Paula Ta-Shma et al., Virtual Machine Time Travel Using Continuous Data Protection and Checkpointing,2012.
  4. Haikun Liu, Hai Jin, Xiaofei Liao, Optimize Performance of Virtual Machine Checkpointing via Memory Exclusion, 2012.
Updated: Feb 17, 2024
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Implementing CoW-PC: Enhancing Cloud Computing with Proactive Fault Tolerance. (2024, Feb 17). Retrieved from

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