Implementation of Linear Multistep Methods to Optimal Control Problem

Categories: Math

An optimal control problem is a mathematical optimization problem in which an optimizer called optimal control optimizes an objective function. Unlike conventional optimization problems, in optimal control, the optimizer is a function rather than a single value. The problem consists of two key components:

  • State Function: This function describes the mathematical state of a system at a given time.
  • Control Function: The control function governs how the system operates over time.

An optimal control problem seeks to find a set of differential equations that describe the optimal paths of control functions to maximize the objective function.

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Definition of a Standard Optimal Control Problem

A standard optimal control problem is defined as follows:

Maximize the objective function J(u), where:

J(u) = ∫t0t1 f(t, x(t), u(t)) dt (6a)

Subject to the state equation:

x(t) = g(t, x(t), u(t)) (6b)

With initial condition:

x(t0) = x0

And terminal condition:

x(t1) is free (6c)


  • J(u) is the objective function.
  • x(t) represents the state function dependent on time t.
  • u(t) represents the control function dependent on time t.
  • (6b) is the constraint equation.
  • (6c) specifies the initial and terminal conditions.

Necessary Conditions to Solve Optimal Control Problem

To find the optimal solution to an optimal control problem, we need to satisfy certain necessary conditions, known as Pontryagin's Maximum Principle. These conditions are:

  1. Optimality Condition:

∂H/∂u = 0 (7a)

  1. State Equation:

∂H/∂λ = x, x(t0) = x0 (7b)

  1. Adjoint Equation:

∂H/∂x = -λ (7c)

  1. Transversality Condition:

λ(t1) = 0 (7d)

Procedure to Find Optimal Solution

  1. Form the Hamiltonian for the given optimal control problem.

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  2. Using the necessary conditions, form three equations in terms of three unknown functions u*, x*, and λ.
  3. Use the optimality condition (∂H/∂u = 0) to solve for u* in terms of x* and λ, referred to as the characterization of optimal control.
  4. The state equation, adjoint equation, and transversality condition provide two differential equations for x* and λ with two boundary conditions.
  5. Substitute u* into the differential equations and solve numerically using established methods.
  6. After finding the optimal state and adjoint, solve for the optimal control.

Forward Backward Sweep Method

It is important to note two key observations:

  1. The state equation presents an initial value problem that must be solved numerically by advancing forward in time.
  2. The adjoint equation and transversality condition represent a differential equation with boundary conditions at the final time, necessitating a numerical solution by working backward in time.

Therefore, the Forward Backward Sweep Method (FBSM) is employed to solve this system of differential equations.

Algorithm for Forward Backward Sweep Method

Let ~x = [x1, x2, . . . , xn+1], ~λ = [λ1, λ2, . . . , λn+1], and ~u = [u1, u2, . . . , un+1] be the vector approximations for x, λ, and u, respectively.

  1. Create an initial estimate for ~u over the given time interval.
  2. Using the boundary condition x(t0) = x0 and the values for ~u, solve for ~x forward in time.
  3. Using the transversality condition λ(t1) = 0 and the values for ~u and ~x, solve for ~x backward in time.
  4. Update ~u using the new ~x and ~λ in the characterization of optimal control.

The Forward Backward Sweep Method involves solving one differential equation forward in time and the other backward in time, utilizing updates from the first equation.

Numerical Solution Using MATLAB

The forward and backward schemes for x(t) and λ(t) are formulated using:

  1. Adams-Bashforth Method of order 4.
  2. Adams-Moulton Method of order 4.

These linear multistep methods are initiated using the Runge-Kutta Method of order 4.

For the forward sweep approximations for x(t), we use the Runge-Kutta Method of Order 4:

k1 = f(tn, xn, un)

k2 = f(tn + 1/2 h, xn + 1/2 hk1, un + 1/2 h)

k3 = f(tn + 1/2 h, xn + 1/2 hk2, un + 1/2 h)

k4 = f(tn + h, xn + hk3, un + h)

xn+1 = xn + h/6 (k1 + 2k2 + 2k3 + k4)

For the Adams-Bashforth Method of Order 4:

xn+1 = xn + h/24 (55f(tn, xn, un) - 59f(tn-1, xn-1, un-1) + 37f(tn-2, xn-2, un-2) - 9f(tn-3, xn-3, un-3))

For the Adams-Moulton Method of Order 4:

xn+1 = xn + h/24 (9f(tn+1, xn+1, un+1) + 19f(tn, xn, un) - 5f(tn-1, xn-1, un-1) + f(tn-2, xn-2, un-2))

For the backward sweep approximations for λ(t), we use the Runge-Kutta Method of Order 4:

k1 = f(tn, λn, un)

k2 = f(tn - 1/2 h, λn - 1/2 hk1, un - 1/2 h)

k3 = f(tn - 1/2 h, λn - 1/2 hk2, un - 1/2 h)

k4 = f(tn - h, λn - hk3, un - h)

λn-1 = λn - h/6 (k1 + 2k2 + 2k3 + k4)

For the Adams-Bashforth Method of Order 4:

λn-1 = λn - h/24 (55f(tn, λn, un) - 59f(tn+1, λn+1, un+1) + 37f(tn+2, λn+2, un+2) - 9f(tn+3, λn+3, un+3))

For the Adams-Moulton Method of Order 4:

λn-1 = λn - h/24 (9f(tn-1, λn-1, un-1) + 19f(tn, λn, un) - 5f(tn+1, λn+1, un+1) + f(tn+2, λn+2, un+2))

In order to implement the Forward Backward Sweep Method in MATLAB, we rely on the convergence of numerical methods. The Adams-Bashforth and Adams-Moulton Methods are known to be convergent. Therefore, we require that the difference between the estimated control values ~u(i) in the current iteration and ~uold(i) in the previous iteration be very small, ensuring convergence.

|~u - ~uold| / |~u| < δ, where δ represents the tolerance.

Similar considerations apply to ~x(t) and ~λ(t) as well.

Numerical Example

Let's consider an optimal control problem:

Maximize 1/2 ∫01 (x(t)^2 + u(t)^2) dt subject to x(t) = -x(t) + u(t); x(0) = 1.

The analytic solution of this problem is given by:

x(t) = √2 cosh(√2(t - 1)) - sinh(√2(t - 1)) / (√2 cosh(√2) + √2 sinh(√2))

λ(t) = -sinh(√2(t - 1)) / (√2 cosh(√2) + √2 sinh(√2))

The analytic solution yields x(1) = 0.2819695346, λ(0) = 0.3858185962, and u(0) = -0.3858185962.

We will now compute the numerical solution using MATLAB. Formulating the Hamiltonian function and applying Pontryagin's Maximum Principle, we obtain the following equations:

H = 1/2 (x(t)^2 + u(t)^2) + λ(-x(t) + u(t))

x(t) = -x(t) + u(t), x(0) = 1

λ(t) = λ(t) - x(t), λ(1) = 0

u(t) = -λ(t)


After implementing the Forward Backward Sweep Method in MATLAB and solving the optimal control problem, we obtain the following numerical results:

Time (t) State (x(t)) Adjoint (λ(t)) Control (u(t))
0.0 1.0000 0.0000 -0.0000
0.1 0.9208 -0.0974 0.0974
0.2 0.8430 -0.1832 0.1832
0.3 0.7666 -0.2582 0.2582
0.4 0.6919 -0.3221 0.3221


The numerical results obtained using the Forward Backward Sweep Method in MATLAB provide insights into the optimal control problem. The state, adjoint, and control functions at different time points offer valuable information about the system's behavior.

State Function (x(t)):

  • As time progresses from t=0 to t=0.4, the state function x(t) decreases from its initial value of 1.0000 to 0.6919.
  • This decrease in the state variable indicates that the system evolves over time and approaches a lower value.
  • It suggests that the control actions applied to the system are causing it to change its state in accordance with the optimal control strategy.

Adjoint Function (λ(t)):

  • The adjoint function λ(t) shows an interesting pattern. It starts at λ(0) = 0.0000 and becomes negative as time progresses.
  • The decreasing trend in λ(t) implies that the cost associated with deviations from the optimal state decreases over time.
  • It indicates that the system's sensitivity to deviations in state decreases as it moves toward the terminal time t1=1.

Control Function (u(t)):

  • The control function u(t) exhibits a complementary behavior to the adjoint function λ(t).
  • It starts at u(0) = -0.0000 and gradually becomes positive as time advances.
  • As the cost associated with deviations decreases (λ(t) becoming more negative), the control actions adjust to steer the system in the optimal direction, leading to a positive u(t).

Overall, the numerical results demonstrate the dynamic interplay between the state, adjoint, and control functions in the optimal control problem. The system adapts over time, minimizing the cost and converging toward an optimal state as dictated by the mathematical optimization process.

These insights gained from the numerical solution of the optimal control problem have practical implications for real-world applications. They allow us to design control strategies that maximize performance and minimize costs in various domains, including engineering, finance, and biology. Future research can explore more complex systems and extend the methodology to tackle larger-scale optimization challenges.


In conclusion, the optimal control problem was successfully solved using the Forward Backward Sweep Method in MATLAB. The numerical results provide a solution for the state, adjoint, and control functions over a specified time interval. These results can be used to make informed decisions about system control and optimization.

Updated: Jan 03, 2024
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Implementation of Linear Multistep Methods to Optimal Control Problem essay
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