Health Impacts of RF Exposure from Mobile Towers

Categories: Physics


Due to mobile towers installed in residential areas people get exposed to EM FIELD. This exposure is called Non-ionizing radiation. It does not ionize the body molecules but still, there are some effects due to non-ionizing radiation on the human body which is unknown to us. In recent years there is more concern about health effects caused by EM FIELD exposure from base stations [40][41]. Mobile tower base stations radiate the electromagnetic energy, this electromagnetic energy act as an electromagnetic field.

The community living around these base stations will come into contact of EM FIELD.

Today there is need to find out the impact of this EM FIELD exposure on human health or how much is the health risk due to this EM FIELD exposure from base stations. Different studies claimed the impact of base station radiations on the human body such as a headache, sleep disorder, irritability, depression, dizziness etc. There are two types of exposures: short term and long term exposure.

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In short term exposure, people are getting exposed to EM FIELD radiation for a short duration may be 10, 15, 30 minutes or 1 hour. In long term, this exposure duration increases up to 5 to 6 hours or even more than that. The residential exposure was measured in different dwellings closer to the base stations, the distances selected were 20m, 50m, and 100m.

Estimation of Power Density Around Base Stations

Power Density Calculation

The purpose of power density calculations is to establish the relationship between adverse health effects and intensity of power density and electric field.

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Power density and an electric field were measured with the help of instrument KM 195 and calculated with standard formulae.

The power density is the rate of flow of electromagnetic energy per unit area used to measure the amount of radiation at a given point from a transmitting antenna. This quantity is expressed in units of watts per square meter (W/m2) or milliwatts per square cm (mW/cm2). The power density (Pd) of the equivalent plane wave is generally expressed as:

Pd=21⋅Re[E×H] (1)

Where E and H are the intensity of the electric and magnetic fields of the electromagnetic waves. Base station transmits the EM field but due to reflecting surfaces, buildings some is reflected. Thus, the total electric field can be expressed as a superposition of the incident and reflected field components:

Total electric field =incident field+reflected field (2)

Where the corresponding incident and reflected electric field components are:

E_(incident )=Eo(∅,θ)/R.e^(-jβR) (3)


E_reflected=[ρ(∅^',θ') E_(o ) (∅,θ)/R'(]e)^(-jβR^' ) (4)

Where ρ is the appropriate reflection coefficient, and E0 is the magnitude of the incident wave.

Electric field (∅,θ)= √(30NP_rad G(∅,θ) )/R (5)


N is the number of carriers,

Prad is the radiated power,

G (∅,θ) is the radiation pattern for a particular antenna,

R is the distance from the base station,

(∅,θ)are spherical coordinate angles, and

β is phase constant.

In addition, using a concept the perfect ground approximation it follows:

Total electric field =2√(30NP_rad G(∅,θ) )/R (6)

Specific Absorption Rate (SAR)

A specific absorption rate (SAR) can be calculated by using formulae and by experimentation in which one can measure the absorbed electric field magnitude. It is expressed in W/kg. SAR is defined as the energy taken from electric and magnetic fields to charge particles in an infinitesimal volume of an absorber per unit mass and time. SAR is energy stored in electric and magnetic field. SAR is derived from the Poynting vector and is expressed as

SAR= (σ |E|^2)/ρ (7)

Where σ (S/m) is the electrical conductivity, E is the RMS value of the electrical field strength vector (V/m), and ρ is mass density of the medium (kg/m³).

Health Effects of Electromagnetic Field Exposure

Sometimes the EM FIELD exposure emitted from mobile towers is so powerful that it affects the biological systems of birds, insects, and even humans. The study is performed by earth service. The review of existing literature shows that the EM FIELD is interfering with the biological systems of creatures in different manner and there had already been some threatening situations signaled in the case of small birds like sparrows.

In September of 2010, the ministry established a ten member committee under BNHS (Bombay Natural History Society) with director to study the impact of cell-phone towers on small birds. The group of experts studied 921 studies performed in India and in foreign countries regarding the effects of cell-phone towers on birds, animals, and humans. What the group found was quite startling.

Out of 921 studies in India and abroad, a staggering 593 showed the negative impact of mobile towers on small bird, animals and other species. The various researchers even referred a worldwide study that determined cellphone towers as a potential reason in the decrease of creature populaces. There must be some strong and powerful rules to be implemented to minimize the electromagnetic pollution in the atmosphere and in residential areas. Also there is a need of proper shielding at home. To minimize high radiation fields, new towers should not be allowed within a radius of one kilometer of existing towers[155][161].

Effects on Human

According to a literature survey done in an earlier chapter, many health effects were listed from various experiments. The human body absorbs the EM radiation when it is exposed to the electromagnetic radiation, as the human body comprises of more part of water, therefore, it absorbs radiation. While cooking the food in the microwave oven microwaves are absorbed in the human body, and therefore multiple resonances occur in the body, hence produce thermal heating. Due to this heating dryness in the human body increases. Health effects differ from person to person and according to resistance power.

In some cases according to a study conducted, genetic damage takes place in the society living near the base stations, here it is found that power density within 300m from the base station exceeds a given limit. One more effect is if there is increase in EM FIELD exposure then it may react with body cell which may cause adverse biological health effects. However human brain is also affected due to RF radiation from base stations and this leads to memory changes.

Effects on Birds

Today possible adverse effects on creatures due to mobile tower radiation is the subject of debate in population. Small birds are experiencing the short term and long-term exposure near the mobile tower base stations. In recent days one would never see a sparrow, red bulbul, or any other small birds flying or staying near the cell phone tower, the main cause is increased amount of radiation they try to fly away from the RF radiation. Since water content is small in the birds and less weight, small birds gets heated very quickly and also the magnetic field disturbs their navigational ability.

Birds get confused when they are exposed to strong electromagnetic field, they lose their natural navigational skills.Migrated birds may die while collision with CMBS every year.Small Birds they are believing in the earth's natural magnetic field, and they severely disoriented to different direction by the EM FIELD exposure from base station mobile towers.Remarkable decrease in house sparrows has been observed near the base station area in Kolhapur.In London there was 74% reduction in population of house sparrow since 1992.Behavioral changes in small birds have also been observed in countries like Hamburg, Belgium, Dublin, etc. near to the mobile towers.Fighting in young and matured birds found in close to the mobile tower base stations.The bird eggs rested in shell/nest near mobile towers fail to trapdoor.


Experimentation was done on small birds to study the health impact of RF radiation from base station and 9 GHz source on small birds like house sparrow, American sparrow and love birds. Birds were exposed for RF radiation from base station for more than 2 hours, initially not much change was observed but after a dose of RF radiation for more than two weeks, it was observed that they were quarreling with each other frequently.

Second change observed was they were not giving the eggs, or not putting the eggs in next. Third change observed in case of love bird was dying rate. After three month one love bird dies.

In second part of experimentation American sparrows were exposed to a 9 GHz microwave source of radiation. After a dose of 2 hours it is found that they are moving away from the RF radiation. They sit together at one place away from the beam of RF radiation. Even after completion of two hours of RF radiation dose American sparrows sit at that place only. This shows the effect of RF radiation from 9 GHz source. Following figures shows the behavior of American sparrows to RF source.


The health impacts of non-ionizing radiation from mobile tower base stations on humans and the environment warrant serious consideration. While the technology facilitates communication, the potential risks to health and biodiversity cannot be ignored. Further research and stringent regulations are necessary to mitigate these risks and protect public health and the environment. Implementing protective measures and promoting awareness about the safe use of mobile technology are crucial steps towards minimizing the adverse effects of EM field exposure.

Updated: Feb 22, 2024
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Health Impacts of RF Exposure from Mobile Towers. (2024, Feb 22). Retrieved from

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