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This paper took Chinese hotel staff as object and took the perceived organizational support as moderator to study that their Chinese cultural values impacts on organizational commitment. Through literature analysis and interviews, the author initially built a theoretical model of the relationship among Chinese cultural values, perceived organizational support and organizational commitment of Chinese hotel staff, and made scales of the referred variables.
Due to the limitation time, 76 questionnaires collected were valid. With the software of SPSS 25, the author conducted descriptive statistical analysis, frequency analysis, reliability analysis, factor analysis, correction and regression analysis to the collected data.
Finally, the results were that Chinese cultural values do not have significant impact on the organizational commitment; the Chinese culture values have significant impact on the perceived organizational support; the perceived organizational support obviously moderate the relationship between the Chinese cultural values and the organizational commitment.
Chinese culture values
Chinese cultural values is a major part of Chinese traditional culture, and has deep influence to Chinese people.
As a psychologist Redding (2013) integrated psychology into Confucian ethics to researched Chinese culture values and concluded as: discipline and moderation, respect for education, skill learning, working hard, diligent, sense of family responsibility, social reciprocity, money consciousness, group orientation, class feeling, protecting face, tradition and family business.
Khanh (1979) mentioned Post-Confucian hypothesis in “World development: 1979 and beyond” has considered that Confucian ideology has four cultural characteristics: particular socialization in family to promote calmness, moderation, emphasis on education, learning skills and a severe attitude to family, work and responsibility; have a tendency to help groups they identify with; hierarchical and human relations were complementary.
The research by Huang (1988) mentioned a famous point named “Favor and Face Model” which became the most particular and classical model for Chines values research, and has been extended. Huang (1988) believed that Chinese people have valued human relations since ancient times; relationship is an important means to deal with social practice. Huang (2006) developed his research to another research field of Chinese culture values named “familism”, and put forwarded a familism scale with 6 dimensions: family affection, family heritage, joint activity, children education, obedience to authority, and return on the family.
[bookmark: OLE_LINK1][bookmark: OLE_LINK2]There have four relevant models of culture values analysis, Value-Orientation Model (Kluckhohn & Strodtbeck, 1961), Low-context and High-context Cultural Dimensions Model (Hall, 1976); the wildly used Hofstede Value Survey Model (Guiltinan & Monroe, 1980); and Schwartz (1994) cross-culture Model. Hofstede (1980) focused on the national differences in work-related values and concluded four value dimensions, namely Individualism/Collectivism, Uncertainty Avoidance, Power Distance, and Masculinity/Femininity.
Chinese culture values based on Confucianism and empirical researches, and the Chinese Culture Connection (1987) developed a Chinese Value Survey (CVS) by Michael Bond involved 40 items of Chinese values and published in 22 countries those summarized as 4 factors: integration (Tolerance of others, Harmony with others, Solidarity with others, Non-competitiveness, Trustworthiness, Contentedness with one’s position in life, Being conservative, A close, intimate friend, Filial piety, Patriotism, and Chastity in women), Confucian work dynamism (Ordering relationships by status and observing this order, Thrift, Persistence, Having a sense of shame, Reciprocation of greetings, favors and gifts, Personal steadiness and stability, Protecting your “Face” and respect for tradition), human-heartedness (Kindness, Sense of righteousness, Patience and Courtesy), and moral discipline (Moderation, Keeping oneself disinterested and pure, Adaptability, Prudence and Having few desires). Hofstede (2010) adopted Bond and Hwang (1986) CVs Model summarized into six dimensions of cultural values among culture different.
The New model added two die dimensions: Long-term versus Short-term and Indulgence versus Restraint. Schwartz’s (1994) Model developed by Hofstede’s which solved the problem of confusion measurement in cross-culture. There have seven scales (Hierarchy, Intellectual Autonomy, Affective Autonomy, Competency, Harmony and Egalitarian compromise) in Schwartz’s (Schwartz) Model which inquired in 76 countries with 43,135 samples to identified eight culture regions and found that there were regional differences in cultural values.
Organizational commitment
The Number of the definition of organizational commitment is more than 50, to this day, it has not been unified and recognized. Based on the studies by previous researchers, there are two views of organizational commitment, behavior and attitude. Becker (1960) explored that with the investment of the organization, the chances of employees remaining in the organization will be high. By O’ Reilly and Chatman’s (1986) research that the organizational commitment as a “psychological contract” between individuals and organizations, including obedience, approval and internalization. Obedience is a payable behavior which is a return for reward; identification is the recognition or attraction of an organization’s values and goals by employees who willing to maintain the relationship with the organization; internalization is the behavior of employees when their values and goals are consistent with the organization.
Commitment is an individual’s attitude or positive inner willingness to the organization; it is an individual’s attachment to particular group of emotions (Buchanan, 1974; Poteretal., 1974; Wiener, 1982). Organizational commitment involves an employee’s desire to do everything they can to represent the organization and to remain in the organization; the degree to which employees feel a sense of belonging and loyalty to the organization; employee acceptance of organizational goals and values; and employees’ evaluation of the organization is positive (Buchanan, 1974). Organizational commitment is the relative strength of an individual’s identification, commitment and attitude towards an organization (Porter etal., 1974). By Wiener’s (1982) survey, the employee’s commitment to the organization is the embodiment of the normative pressure internalized by the individual, so that the individual’s behavior can be adjusted to match the goals and interests of the organization and the strength of the individual to the organization.
Allen and Meyer (1984) formally proposed the concept of organizational commitment and developed Continuous Commitment Scale (CCS). Afterwards, Allen and Meyer (1990) described that continuous commitment should include two aspects: the perceived loss caused by employees leaving the organization and the perceived lack of alternative job opportunities. The Normative Commitment Scale (NCS) developed by Allen and Meyer (1990) has 8 questions to test the general ethical standards for employees, and the revised version has 6 questions which used to test employee’s sense of loyalty and responsibility to specific organization in 1993. Buchanan was defined the organizational commitment as personal identification with the goals and values of the organization; relationship between individuals and organizational goals and values; and the individual’s emotional experience of the organization as a result of this identification and relationship. Porter and Mowday (1979) developed organizational commitment scale (QCQ) measured the organizational commitment in three ways: a strong identification and acceptance of the organization’s goals and values; willing to contribute to the organization; and willing to stay in the organization. Based on the research of Porter and Mowday, Allen and Meyer identified “affective commitment” and developed Affective Commitment Scale (ACS)
Perceived organizational support
The definition of organizational support has put forward by American social psychologist Eisenberger in 1986 based on the social exchange theory. The meaning of organizational support is the support by organization can satisfy employees’ social emotional needs, when employees feel that the organization is willing and able to repay them for their work and contribution, they will make efforts for the benefit of the organization. After developed the organizational support theory, Eisenberger (1986) described the perceived organizational support, it means employees’ overall view of an organization which pays attention to their contribution and cares about their happiness. Ling etal. (2006) looked at the connotation of perceived organizational support from different levels that identified the perceived organizational support is employees perceive organizational support for their work; concern for their interests; and recognition of their values.
In the measurement of organizational support, the SPOS developed by Eisenberger (1986) is widely used. The SPOS has 36 items with high internal reliability and single dimension in previous studies. There have four before factors influence the perceived organizational support: equitable, leadership support, organizational reward, and favorable working environment. In terms of the effect of perceived organizational support on organizations and employees, most studies focus on the effect of perceived organizational support on employees’ organizational commitment. Shore and Tetrick (1991) gave a result that a sense of organizational support can reduce the occurrence of employees’ continued commitment. In Eisenberger’s (2001) research, the overall impact of perceived organizational support on organizational commitment is significant; in particular, it has a strong positive correlation with emotional commitment.
The research on the structure of perceived organizational support is gradually refined, which can be roughly divided into one dimension, two dimensions and three dimensions. Early phase, Eisenberger (1986) suggested the perceived organizational support is a holistic concept and think of it as a single dimensional structure. Mcmillin (1997) complements the Eisenberger’s single dimensional structure, it is considered that instrumental support is very important to carry out the work, therefore, perceived organizational support was divided into two dimensions: emotional support and instrumental support. From the perspective of employees’ perceived forms of organizational support, Jahn and Thompson (2003) divided perceived organizational support into tangible support and intangible support. Allen (2001) believed that perceived organizational support should be composed of three dimensions: instrumental support, emotional support and superior support. Ling etal. (2006) conducted an empirical analysis on the structure of perceived organizational support from the Chinese cultural background, and divided organizational support into three dimensions: work support, employee value identification and interest concern.
Culture values & perceived organizational support
Farh etal. (2007) examined the moderating effect of power distance and Chinese traditionality on relationships between perceived organizational support and work outcomes, and they found that both power distance and traditionality altered relationships of perceived organizational support to work outcomes. Wong and Tjsovold (2010) consisted of 153 employees from a toy factory in South China as sample to examines antecedents of turnover intention and job performance in China, and found that the employees with traditional values and positive affectivity related significantly to perceived organizational support.
Culture values & organizational commitment
The relationship of both commitment and perceived organizational support to a variety of self-reported attitudes and behavior possibilities (LaMastro, 1999)Cohen (2010) researched 214 Israeli Teachers employed in 25 Jewish schools and results showed that organizational commitment has a stronger effect on participation in the reform than individual values. In Panaccio and Vandenbeghe’s (2009) study the affective organizational commitment to mediate a positive relationship between perceived organizational support and well-being. 271 police officers have been researched by Cohen (2010) and substantiated the positive relationship between the values of power and organizational commitment.
Organizational commitment & perceived organizational support
Rhoades etal. (2001) found that the perceived organizational support mediated positive associations of affective commitment of the organization. Lioetal. (2010) analyses on a sample of 514 practising solicitors in Hong Kong and found perceived organizational support mediated their effects on organizational commitment and intention to leave. Results explores by Kangetal. (2014) that supervisory support had a positive effect on both employees’ organizational commitment in hotels.
H1 There is a positive relationship between Chinese cultural values and organizational commitment
H2 There is a positive relationship between Chinese cultural values and perceived organizational support
H2 There is a positive relationship between perceived organizational support and organizational commitment
H3 Organizational support affects strength of the relationship between Chinese cultural values and organizational commitment. That is, the relationship is strengthened when hotel employees perceive a high level of organizational support.
The survey scale of this study includes four parts: the first part is demography including age, gender, education level, job position, and years of working; the part two is Chinese culture values scale which adopt of Chinese value survey developed by Chinese Culture Connection in 1987 includes 28 items; part three is organizational commitment employed the scale by Allen and Meyer in 1990 which has three dimensions of a total 24 items; the final part is perceived organizational support employed Ling’s (2006) scale which is more appropriate to Chinese employees, this scale has three dimensions and 24 items. The Likert 5 scoring method is adopted for all the four parts, from totally disagrees to totally agree.
Descriptive statistics
The population of this study is more the 1.5 million Chinese hotel employees, thus, the author will sample through appropriate sampling method, a convenience non-probability sampling. Employees working in Shenyang hotels are chosen for the survey. On account of the limitation of time, only 75 questionnaires are completed, therefore, this study will do a pre-test. The SPSS 25 software will be used for analyze the data.
The sample of this study was focused on the gender, age, education level, years of working and job position of demographic characteristics (Table 1).
Reliability analysis
Cronbach Alpha was used as an indicator of the survey’s internal reliability (Kangsetal., 2015). The Cronbach Alpha reliability of scale one “Chinese culture value” is 0.910 and the Cronbach Alpha reliability of scale three “Perceived organizational support” is 0.956 which means the degree of these two scales are all meets the reliability requirement. However Cronbach Alpha reliability of the organizational commitment scale is only 0.7 that showed some of the items need to correct or delete. As a pre-test paper, the author delete 15 items of the organizational commitment scale, and the Cronbach Alpha reliability of revised scale is 0.91
Factor analysis
Used the KMO and Bartlett test to analyze the Chinese Culture values scale with the results showed that the KMO is 0.794 greater than 0.6 and P is 0.000 less than 0.05 which means this scale is suitable for factor analysis (Table 2). A total of 6 factors were extracted by factor analysis and the eigenvalues are all greater than 1, the variance interpretation rates are 17.640%, 17.110%, 8.1422%, 7.712%, 7.468%, 6.579%, and 5.728% , the accumulated variance contribution rate is 70.380%. The factor analysis results have significant difference with the former scale, so based on the factor analysis the author rename the new seven factors names as: Confucianism= Filial piety 0.621* Patriotism 0.846* Chastity in women 0.775* Ordering relationships by status and observing this order 0.658* Thrift 0.434* Persistence 0.697* Having a sense of shame 0.751* Reciprocation of greetings, favors and gifts 0.499;
Kindheartedness= Personal steadiness and stability 0.652* Respect for tradition 0.643* Kindness 0.668* Sense of righteousness 0.464* Patience 0.790* Courtesy 0.741* Moderation, following the middle way 0.671* Adaptability 0.519* Prudence (Carefulness) 0.698; Friendly= Tolerance of others 0.804* Harmony with others 0.864* Solidarity with others 0.678; Straight and Narrow= Non-competitiveness 0.679* Contentedness with one’s position in life 0.723* Being conservative 0.791; Personal Loyalty= Trustworthiness 0.460* A close, intimate friend 0.801* Ordering relationships by status and observing this order 0.441* Reciprocation of greetings, favors and gifts 0.629; Taoists= Keeping oneself disinterested and pure 0.774* Having few desires 0.750; and Face=Face 0.685.
There are 15 items of Organizational Commitment scale have been deleted in the factor analysis by the results of reliability analysis. The left 10 items was used for the factor analysis and the result showed that the KMO is 0.668 which satisfied to factor analysis (Table 3). The factor analysis extracted three factors which was match to the research scale (Table 4). The eigenvalues of the three factors are all greater than 1, the variance interpretation rates are 31.729%, 18.558% and 14.055%, and the accumulated variance contribution rate is 64.341%.
The factor analysis of Perceived Organizational Support showed the KMO is 0.894 greater than 0.6 and P is 0.000 less than 0.05 which means this scale is suitable for factor analysis (Table 5). The factor analysis extracted four factors, the eigenvalues of the four factors are all greater than 1, and the variance interpretation rates are 32.173%, 20.186%, 14.455% and 6.228%, and the accumulated variance contribution rate is73.042%. In view of this results, the factor 4 only has 2 items’ common value higher than 0.4, therefore the factor 4 can be neglected, and other three factors reserved match to Ling’s Perceived Organizational support scale with revised items: Work Support= Q2 0.505* Q3 0.792 * Q4 0.772* Q5 0.644* Q6 0.680; Concern about Employees’ Interests= Q13 0.410* Q15 0.415* Q17 0.562* Q18 0.845* Q19 0.606 *Q21 ; Employee Value Identity= Q1 0.480* Q9 0.849* Q10 0.787* Q11 0.583* Q12 0.691* Q20 0.595* Q22 0.479.
The Pearson analysis is used for correlation analysis. Table 7 and Table 8 show the results of the relationships among Chinese Cultural values (X), Organizational Commitment (Y) and Perceived Organizational Support (M). From Table 7, it is can be found that the coefficient between X and Y is 0.198 with the P value is 0.089 which means there is no relationship between X and Y. While, the coefficient between M and Y is 0.415 with P value is 0.000 which means M and Y have significant positive relationship. Table 8 shows that the coefficient between X and M is 0.379 with P value is 0.000 which means X and M have significant relationship. As a result, H1 is invalid, H2 and H3 tenable.
The Linear Regression analysis is use for verify the moderating relationship of Perceived Organizational Support. After all the variables have been standardized (XS=Chinese Cultural Values, XM=Perceived Organizational Support, XY=Organizational Commitment), the results show in Table 9. SX and SM as the independent variables, and SY as the dependent variable to did regression analysis, R2 is 0.174 that means SX and SM can explain 17.4% of the change in SY.
When the F=7.571, P<0.05, it is can explore that at least one of independent variables can influence dependent variable. Based on the model formula SY=0.047*SX+0.397*SM, the coefficient of SX is 0.047 (t=0.047, P=0.685>0.05) that means SX did not pass the test, while coefficient of SM is 0.397 (t=3.426, p=0.001<0.01) which means SM passes the test. By the results, the Mediated variable (Perceived Organizational Support) has significant moderating influence between Chinese Cultural Values and Organizational Commitment, and H4 is verified.
The purpose of this study was to pre-test the moderating relationship of perceived oraganizaional support between Chinese cultural values and Orgnizational commitment. Beased on reviews of former researches, the author set up a conceptual framework to verify the hypothesis. The test results showed that Chinese cultural values can be divided into 7 factors named: Confucianism, kindheartedness, friendly, straight and narrow, personal loyalty, Taoists, and face. The Chinese cultural values can not influence the orgnizational commitment directly, while the Chinese cultural values has impact on the perceived oraganizaional support, and perceived oraganizaional support has influence on Orgnizational commitment. Organizational support affects strength of the relationship between Chinese cultural values and organizational commitment. That is, the relationship is strengthened when hotel employees perceive a high level of organizational support.
There is a significant limitation of this study that the respondent are all come from a same city and different level hotels, the geography factor was not taken into account in this study. For the future study, the framework should be corrected and the respondent should come from same level hotels and different regions of China.
Exploring the Impact of Chinese Cultural Values on Organizational Commitment: The Moderating Role of Perceived Organizational Support. (2024, Feb 14). Retrieved from https://studymoose.com/document/exploring-the-impact-of-chinese-cultural-values-on-organizational-commitment-the-moderating-role-of-perceived-organizational-support
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