Exploring RC Circuit Configurations and Time Constants: Experimental Insights

Categories: Physics

The laboratory experiment aims to investigate the configuration of RC circuits and measure the time constant of an RC circuit using specific components and equipment. The components include resistors (500Ω, 5KΩ, 1MΩ), a capacitor (1µF, 220µF), a power supply (5V), a breadboard, a multimeter, an oscilloscope, and a function generator.

Determining RC Circuit Configuration:

Procedure 1:

  1. Circuit Setup: Build the circuit according to the provided Figure, with R = 5KΩ and C = 220µF.
  2. Resistance Measurement: Attempt to measure the resistor's value using an ohmmeter.

Measured Result: The resistor's value could not be measured due to the capacitor acting as an open circuit when a DC current source is applied.

The absence of current flow through the capacitor in series with the resistor resulted in no voltage measurement.

Procedure 2:

  1. Circuit Setup: Build the circuit as in Figure, with R = 5KΩ and C = 220µF.
  2. Resistance Measurement: Measure and record the resistor's value using an ohmmeter.

Measured Result: The resistor reading from the ohmmeter is 5KΩ. In this case, the resistor and capacitor are connected in parallel, allowing voltage and current to flow through the resistor.

Measuring Time Constant of an RC Circuit:

Procedure 3:

  1. Circuit Setup: Build the circuit according to the provided Figure, with R = 1MΩ and C = 1µF.
  2. Pulse Width Measurement: Set the pulse amplitude to 1V and increase the pulse width while displaying Vin and Vo on the oscilloscope.
  3. Analysis: Extrapolate the initial slope with a straight line until it intersects 1V.

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    Compare this time difference to one RC constant.

Result: The oscilloscope was adjusted to a scale of 250ms/Div for the X-axis and 1mV for the Y-axis.

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The actual time constant (τ) is determined to be 1 second, validating the formula τ = RC for this circuit configuration. At one time constant, the voltage drops by approximately 0.63V.

Discussion and Conclusion:

This laboratory report successfully outlines the experimental approach to determine the RC circuit configuration and measure the time constant. In the case of parallel and series circuits, the report emphasizes that voltage and current flow through parallel circuits.

In measuring the time constant of an RC circuit, the output voltage is found to drop to approximately 0.63V at one time constant. The observation that 5τ are required before the capacitor fully charges aligns with theoretical expectations.

Calculations and Formulas:

The time constant (τ) for an RC circuit is given by the formula τ = RC. In Procedure 3, with R = 1MΩ and C = 1µF, the calculated time constant is:


The relationship between pulse width (tp) and frequency (f) is given by the formula:



Component Value
C 220µF
C 220µF
C 1µF

In conclusion, this laboratory successfully implemented experimental methods to determine the RC circuit configuration and measure the time constant. The calculated time constant aligned with theoretical expectations, and the results were consistent with the principles of RC circuits. The report provides valuable insights into the behavior of RC circuits in different configurations and serves as a foundation for further exploration in circuit analysis.

Updated: Feb 29, 2024
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Exploring RC Circuit Configurations and Time Constants: Experimental Insights. (2024, Feb 29). Retrieved from https://studymoose.com/document/exploring-rc-circuit-configurations-and-time-constants-experimental-insights

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