Exploring Drosophila melanogaster: An In-depth Study of a Model Organism

Categories: Biology


Drosophila melanogaster, commonly known as the fruit fly, serves as a crucial model organism in genetic research due to its unique characteristics. Found near overripe and rotten fruits, this organism has been extensively utilized in genetic studies owing to its short life cycle, high reproductive rate, small chromosome number, ease of handling, and ability to edit the genome. Additionally, Drosophila exhibits independent gene expression, possesses phenotypic markers, and shares significant similarity with human genes.


The morphology of Drosophila melanogaster encompasses three main body parts: the head, thorax, and abdomen.

The head features two large compound eyes, two antennae, and a mouth. Notably, the compound eyes consist of ommatidia, with around 760 ommatidia per eye. The thorax houses six legs, two wings, and two halters, with most fruit flies displaying pale yellow to reddish-brown or black bodies, adorned with transverse black rings across the abdomen and brick-red eyes. Various species exhibit distinct black patterns on their wings, along with plumose antennae and bristling on the head and thorax.

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Sexing Flies

Accurately distinguishing between male and female fruit flies is essential for mating purposes. Males typically appear smaller and possess a darker, more rounded abdomen compared to females. Additionally, males feature tarsal sex combs on their first pair of legs, which are distinguishable under relatively high magnification.

Life Cycle

The life cycle of Drosophila melanogaster comprises four main stages: egg, larval form, pupa, and emergence as a flying adult. The process unfolds over approximately 12 days, with females laying eggs on day 0, followed by successive developmental stages leading to adult emergence on days 11-12.

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GAL4/UAS System

The GAL4-UAS system serves as a biochemical tool for studying gene expression and function in organisms like Drosophila melanogaster. This system allows for the controlled expression of target genes, such as the dUCH gene, in transgenic flies. GAL4 expression can be regulated using specific promoters, such as GMR and Act5C, leading to either gene overexpression or knockdown.


The primary objectives of this laboratory section include practical applications of knowledge in culturing fruit flies, sexing flies, identifying various life cycle stages, utilizing stereomicroscopes, understanding the GAL4/UAS system, and observing the effects of manipulated dUCH protein levels on fruit fly phenotypes.

Materials and Procedure

The laboratory procedure involves culturing fruit flies, handling flies for mating, observing mating results, and analyzing phenotypic outcomes of manipulated dUCH protein levels. The materials required include ether, culture tubes, small paintbrushes, cotton mesh, and stereo dissecting microscopes. The procedure entails careful handling of flies, etherization for immobilization, and observation of mating behavior and phenotypic characteristics.

Results and Discussion

Experimental results revealed distinct phenotypic outcomes based on manipulated dUCH protein levels. Overexpression of dUCH led to abnormal eye development and reduced mobility, while knockdown resulted in tissue abnormalities and lethality in pupal stages. Observations under different light conditions and comparisons among wild-type and mutant flies provided insights into the functional roles of dUCH in Drosophila physiology.


  1. Farzana Khan Perveen. (2018). Introduction to Drosophila. IntechOpen. DOI: 10.5772/67731.
  2. An introduction to fruit flies. (2017, July 11). Retrieved from https://depts.washington.edu/cberglab/wordpress/outreach/an-introduction-to-fruit-flies/
  3. Home Science Tools. How to use a stereo microscope. Available at: https://learning-center.homesciencetools.com/article/using-a-stereo-microscope-science-lesson/
  4. Dang Thi Phuong Thao et al. (2018). Drosophila Model in the Study Role of UCH-L1. IntechOpen.
  5. Dang Thi Phuong Thao et al. (2012). Overexpression of ubiquitin carboxyl terminal hydrolase impairs multiple pathways during eye development in Drosophila melanogaster.
  6. Explore MAPK. Understanding the MAPK pathway as it relates to oncology. Retrieved from https://www.genentechoncology.com/pathways/cancer-tumor-targets/mapk.html
  7. Cure FFI. (2014). Introduction to Drosophila: genotypes, recombination and balancer chromosomes. Available at: https://www.cureffi.org/2014/10/27/genetics-16/
Updated: Feb 27, 2024
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Exploring Drosophila melanogaster: An In-depth Study of a Model Organism. (2024, Feb 27). Retrieved from https://studymoose.com/document/exploring-drosophila-melanogaster-an-in-depth-study-of-a-model-organism

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