Experiment on Standing Waves On Strings

Categories: Science


The experimental investigation delves into the intricate interplay between wave velocity and tension within a spring medium, elucidated through the study of standing waves. The primary objective is to discern and establish a robust algebraic relationship between tension and wave velocity, leveraging the utilization of an electrically powered vibrator characterized by a fixed frequency of 60 Hz. This frequency setting serves as the foundational parameter around which the experimentation revolves, offering a consistent basis for the analysis of how varying degrees of tension influence the propagation of waves along the medium.

By systematically altering the tension levels and observing resultant changes in wave behavior, the experiment endeavors to unravel the nuanced dynamics governing wave propagation and tension interaction. Through meticulous data collection and analysis, the aim is to derive meaningful insights into the fundamental principles underpinning wave mechanics and their dependency on tension within the medium.


The experiment harnesses the capabilities of an electrically driven vibrator, meticulously set to operate at a frequency of 60 Hz, meticulously calibrated to ensure precision and consistency throughout the experimental trials.

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This oscillator is ingeniously coupled with a carefully selected array of weights, strategically arranged to impart varying levels of tension onto the cord, thereby setting the stage for a comprehensive exploration of wave dynamics.

At the heart of the experiment lie fundamental principles governing wave behavior, intricately interwoven with concepts such as frequency (f), wavelength (λ), wave velocity (v), and tension (τ) within the string. These parameters form the bedrock upon which the experiment is built, each playing a pivotal role in shaping the observed phenomena.

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Central to the investigation is the renowned equation v = fλ, which elegantly encapsulates the relationship between wave velocity and its constituent components, offering a concise yet profound insight into the underlying mechanisms driving wave propagation.

Guided by theoretical considerations and informed by prior knowledge garnered from scholarly discourse, the experimentation process unfolds with meticulous precision, each step meticulously orchestrated to align with established principles and best practices. The overarching objective of the experiment is crystal clear: to bridge the gap between theoretical predictions and empirical observations, striving to achieve a wave velocity that closely mirrors its theoretical counterpart.

Experimental Procedure

To conduct the experiment, several materials are essential, including an electric vibrator, a uniform cord, a 2-meter stick, a set of weights, a mounted pulley, and a stroboscope. The experimental setup entails adjusting the hanging weights to induce varying tensions on the cord, thereby eliciting distinctive behaviors when subjected to the vibratory force of the vibrator. By systematically altering the tension levels, the objective is to discern the relationship between tension (τ) and wave velocity (v), aiming to achieve a wave velocity approximately 1% of its theoretical value (VTH).

This correlation is encapsulated by the equation v = λf, where λ represents the wavelength and f denotes the frequency.

Through meticulous manipulation of tension and keen observation of wave behavior, the experiment endeavors to unveil the underlying mathematical relationship between tension and wave velocity, shedding light on the intricate dynamics governing wave propagation in a taut cord medium.

Data and Analysis

Calculation of Wavelength (λ)

The wavelength (λ) for each loop is determined using the formula: Where:

  • is the wavelength
  • is the length of the cord
  • is the number of loops.

This formula encapsulates the fundamental relationship between wavelength and the physical dimensions of the system. As the length of the cord (L) remains constant and the number of loops (n) varies, the resulting wavelength provides valuable insights into the spatial distribution of wave energy along the cord. By systematically altering the tension or adjusting the frequency of the vibrating source, researchers can manipulate the number of loops observed, thereby influencing the wavelength of the standing wave pattern.

Calculation of Tension (τ)

The tension (τ) in the string is computed using the formula: Where:

  • is the tension
  • is the mass of the weights
  • is the acceleration due to gravity (9.8 m/s²).

The formula encapsulates the fundamental principles of Newtonian mechanics, illustrating how the gravitational force acting on the weights generates tension in the string. As the mass of the weights (m) increases, the tension in the string proportionally increases due to the gravitational force pulling downward. Similarly, variations in gravitational acceleration (g) due to altitude or other factors can influence the tension experienced by the string.

Calculation of Wave Velocity (v)

The wave velocity (v) is evaluated using the formula: Where:

  • is the wave velocity
  • is the frequency of the vibrator.

The wave velocity, a key characteristic of any wave motion, describes the rate at which wave energy travels through the medium. It reflects the speed at which individual wave crests or troughs propagate along the cord, influencing various aspects of wave behavior, including the spatial distribution of energy and the formation of standing wave patterns.


A graphical representation is created to visually depict the relationship between wave velocity and tension.

In the experimental investigation of wave behavior, particularly concerning the interplay between wave velocity and tension, a graphical representation serves as a powerful tool for visualizing complex relationships and discerning patterns within the data. By plotting wave velocity against tension, researchers can gain deeper insights into the underlying dynamics governing wave propagation along the cord.

The graphical representation not only provides a visual depiction of the experimental results but also facilitates the identification of trends, anomalies, and correlations that may not be immediately apparent from numerical data alone. Through careful analysis of the graph, researchers can discern how changes in tension impact wave velocity and vice versa, elucidating the intricate relationship between these two variables.

Calculation of Velocity using Formula

The velocity of the standing wave is calculated utilizing the formula: Where:

  • is the mass per unit length of the string.

Calculation of Percent Difference

The percent difference between the experimental and calculated velocities is computed to gauge the accuracy of the results. This is determined by:

Percent Difference=∣Experimental Velocity−Calculated VelocityCalculated Velocity∣×100%

By employing these formulas and calculations, the experiment aims to provide a comprehensive understanding of the relationship between wave velocity and tension in a string, offering valuable insights into the dynamics of wave propagation.


The experiment serves as a platform to explore the intricate behaviors exhibited by waves with a frequency of 60 Hz, showcasing how variations in tension and wavelength impact their characteristics. By manipulating the tension applied to the cord and observing its response under the influence of the vibrator, the experiment unveils a spectrum of behaviors dictated by the interplay between tension and frequency. Through careful observation, distinct nodes emerge, each corresponding to different harmonics of the wave, including the fundamental, second harmonic, and third harmonic. These nodes offer invaluable insights into the complex dynamics of wave propagation and resonance phenomena.

The experiment delves into the realm of theoretical predictions versus experimental outcomes, shedding light on the discrepancies between calculated wave velocity and its theoretical counterpart. The calculated wave velocity, derived from empirical data, demonstrates a deviation of approximately 18% from the theoretical velocity. This variance underscores the intricacies involved in real-world experiments and highlights the importance of accounting for various factors, such as material properties, environmental conditions, and experimental limitations, in interpreting experimental results accurately.


The experiment delves deep into the intricate dynamics governing standing waves, offering a nuanced understanding of the intricate interplay between tension, wavelength, and wave velocity. Through meticulous observation and analysis, the experiment sheds light on the nuanced relationship between these fundamental parameters, unraveling the intricate web of factors that influence wave behavior.

One of the key takeaways from the experiment is the profound impact of tension on wave behavior. By systematically varying the tension applied to the cord, researchers can discern subtle changes in wave characteristics, offering valuable insights into the underlying mechanisms at play. This highlights the critical importance of controlling experimental variables with precision and accuracy to ensure reliable and reproducible results.

Looking ahead, future experiments could build upon the findings of this study by exploring innovative techniques to enhance measurement accuracy and minimize errors. By refining measurement techniques and adopting cutting-edge methodologies, researchers can further enhance the reliability and robustness of their findings, paving the way for deeper insights into the fascinating world of wave dynamics.


  • Department of Physics and Astronomy, CSU Los Angeles. Edition 2.0, XanEdu Custom Publishing, pp. 8-14.

Updated: Feb 25, 2024
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Experiment on Standing Waves On Strings. (2024, Feb 25). Retrieved from https://studymoose.com/document/experiment-on-standing-waves-on-strings

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