Effects of Household Liquids on Eggshells

Categories: Chemistry


The aim of this experiment is to determine the effects of different household liquids on the appearance, diameter, and weight of an eggshell.


It is hypothesized that Red Bull and Powerade will significantly affect the appearance and diameter of the eggshell.


Independent Variable Dependent Variable Controlled Variable
Liquid that the egg is lying in Appearance, Diameter of egg (around the middle), Weight of egg Same batch of eggs, Same place they're stored, Same amount of liquid


  • 6 large eggs
  • 6 bowls
  • 250mL of Water
  • 250mL of Lemon Juice
  • 250mL of Vinegar
  • 250mL of Gatorade/Powerade
  • 250mL of Coke
  • 250mL of Red Bull
  • Measuring tape (to measure diameter of eggs)
  • Set of scales


  1. Pour 250mL of each liquid into separate bowls.

  2. Place one egg in each bowl.
  3. Record the following measurements at the beginning and end of the experiment: Appearance, Diameter around the middle, and Weight of each egg.


Liquid Appearance of Shell Diameter of Egg (cm) Weight of Egg (g)
Sports Drink Large Bubbles, green gel formed.

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14.5 60
Red Bull Covered in tiny bubbles. 14.5 60
Water Unchanged 14.5 60
Coke Stained brown, little eggshell remains. 14.5 60
Vinegar Eggshell was soft and rubbery, patchy light areas. 16.5 100
Lemon Juice Eggshell was very pale and slightly squishy. 14.5 60


This experiment aimed to investigate the effects of household liquids on eggshells. Six eggs were placed in separate bowls containing different liquids for a duration of two days. The observed results confirmed our initial hypothesis, showing that Powerade and Red Bull had significant effects on the appearance of the eggshells.

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While the size and weight of the eggs remained constant, there were noticeable changes in the texture and appearance of the eggshells.

The effects of Coke on the eggs were similar to those of the sports drink, as it also stained the eggshells brown and increased their hardness. The vinegar, with its low pH level, had a particularly profound impact on the eggs. It significantly increased the diameter by 2cm and resulted in a weight increase of 40g. Additionally, the eggshell became bouncy and squishy, demonstrating the powerful corrosive properties of vinegar on calcium carbonate-based eggshells. Lemon juice produced a similar effect, whitening some parts of the shell but not causing significant changes in diameter or weight. Overall, the reactions of Coke and the sports drink were quite similar, primarily altering the color and strength of the eggshells.


This experiment was conducted fairly, as all the eggs were subjected to the same conditions, measured at the same time, and the only variable changed was the liquid in which they were immersed. To further improve the fairness of the experiment, multiple individuals could have simultaneously placed the eggs in the liquids and measured them simultaneously.

In conclusion, household liquids such as Powerade, Red Bull, Coke, vinegar, and lemon juice can have distinct effects on eggshells. While some liquids alter the appearance and texture of eggshells significantly, others have minimal impact. Understanding these effects can provide insights into the corrosive properties of certain household substances and their potential implications in various applications.

Updated: Jan 02, 2024
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Effects of Household Liquids on Eggshells. (2024, Jan 02). Retrieved from https://studymoose.com/document/effects-of-household-liquids-on-eggshells

Effects of Household Liquids on Eggshells essay
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