Detailed Exploration of Centrifugal Force Phenomena

Categories: Physics


The study of centrifugal force plays a crucial role in understanding the dynamics of rotating systems. This lab report delves into the investigation of the effects of centrifugal force on a body under constant mass and radius conditions. By comparing experimental observations with theoretical predictions, this research aims to elucidate the relationship between centrifugal force, body mass, angular velocity, and radius. Through precise measurements and analytical methods, we sought to verify the constancy of centripetal force amidst variations in mass and radius and to explore the dependence of centrifugal force on angular velocity.

Theoretical Background

Centrifugal force, often described in the context of rotating systems, appears to act outward on a body moving in a circular path.

Derived from Newton's laws of motion, it is understood that an object in motion tends to move in a straight line unless acted upon by an external force. In the case of circular motion, this external force is the centripetal force, directed towards the center of rotation.

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The experiment is designed around the principle that centripetal force (Fc) required to maintain an object in circular motion is given by Fc=mω2r, where m is the mass, ω is the angular velocity, and r is the radius of the motion.

Experimental Methodology

Objectives and Setup

Our primary objective was to measure the centrifugal force exerted on a body of constant mass and radius during rotation. The experimental setup included a rotating platform, mass holders, a digital scale for mass measurement, a stopwatch, and a protractor for angular velocity determination.


Measuring Spring Tension:

  1. Setup Preparation: The apparatus was calibrated to ensure accurate measurements, with the mass hanger positioned at the edge of the rotating platform.
  2. Mass Adjustment: Masses were added to the hanger incrementally, noting the system's response to achieve a balance between gravitational and centrifugal forces.
  3. Data Recording: The mass of the weights and the hanger was recorded and converted to force (F=mg), where g is the acceleration due to gravity.

Determining Constant Centripetal Force:

  1. Mass and Radius Adjustment: The experiment was conducted with varying masses and radii to observe changes in centripetal force.
  2. Angular Velocity Measurement: The rotation speed was measured in revolutions per minute (RPM) using a stopwatch.
  3. Theoretical Force Calculation: The theoretical centripetal force was calculated for comparison with experimental values.

Angular Velocity Determination:

  1. Constant Mass and Force: Angular velocity was measured with fixed mass and force to observe variations in velocity due to changes in radius.
  2. Constant Radius and Force: The procedure was repeated with a constant radius to determine the impact on angular velocity.


The experimental findings revealed a direct correlation between the angular velocity and the centrifugal force exerted on the mass.

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Measurements of spring tension compared to the theoretical centripetal force showcased the expected relationship, affirming the hypothesis that centrifugal force remains constant under varying mass and radius conditions.

Data Analysis

  • Spring Tension vs. Theoretical Force: The comparison indicated a slight deviation, attributable to experimental limitations such as friction.
  • Angular Velocity Investigation: The analysis confirmed the inverse square relationship between angular velocity and radius, in alignment with theoretical predictions.


The experimental outcomes largely corroborated with theoretical expectations, demonstrating the pivotal role of angular velocity in determining the magnitude of centrifugal force. Discrepancies observed between theoretical and experimental values were attributed to external factors such as air resistance and mechanical friction within the apparatus. The investigation underscored the precision required in setting up and conducting experiments involving rotational dynamics.


This comprehensive examination of centrifugal force through experimental and theoretical lenses provided profound insights into the dynamics of rotating systems. By meticulously analyzing the dependence of centrifugal force on angular velocity and the constancy of centripetal force across variable conditions, the study reaffirmed foundational principles of motion and force. Future explorations could enhance this research by incorporating more sophisticated measurement techniques to minimize external influences, thereby refining our understanding of centrifugal and centripetal forces in rotational motion.

Updated: Feb 28, 2024
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Detailed Exploration of Centrifugal Force Phenomena. (2024, Feb 28). Retrieved from

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