Analysis of Neuromuscular Strength and Body Composition in Resistance-Trained Males

Categories: Science


This study explored the relationship between neuromuscular strength and body composition in resistance-trained males through anthropometric measurements and predictive neuromuscular tests. The study aimed to identify correlations between muscle strength and various tissue components, utilizing cross-sectional analysis of 32 participants. Measurements included body mass, height, arm circumference, and skinfold, from which total, adipose, and muscle cross-sectional areas were calculated. A significant positive correlation was found between arm muscle cross-section and maximum voluntary strength, suggesting that larger muscle areas contribute to greater neuromuscular strength.


Understanding the relationship between body composition and neuromuscular strength in athletes can inform training and nutrition strategies. This study focused on resistance-trained males, assessing their muscle strength and body composition to identify significant correlations that could enhance performance optimization.


Cross-sectional study. The study included 32 healthy, right-handed, male participants aged between 18 and 30 years, who had been practising resistance training for at least 1 year. Participants were excluded who presented a history of unhealed osteomioarticular injury in at least the last three months and/or use of drugs to optimise physical performance.

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Ethical aspects

As per Resolution 466/12 of the National Health Council, the present study was approved by the Research Ethics Committee, decision number: 2.490.900. Each participant signed a Informed Consent form containing a description of the procedures adopted and the possible risks of the study.


The predictive neuromuscular test of one maximal repetition (1-MR) executed with the biceps curl (unilateral low pulley) in the right body half was defined as the evaluation criterion for maximum voluntary strength of the upper appendicular segment.

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The test was performed in accordance with the procedures described by Brown and Weir (2001), adapted to the specific conditions of the present study. The equipment used for the test was a crossover cable (Techno Gym®, Italy). The test was applied previously in a structured preparatory activity with specific joint warm-up for the region to be used.


The anthropometric variables were measured in accordance with the technical guidelines of the International Standards for Anthropometric Assessment (Stewart et al., 2011) by an experienced anthropometrist with level three accreditation by the International Society for the Advancement of Kinanthropometry (ISAK). Body mass was measured using an electronic scales, accuracy 50 grams (Toledo®, Brazil). Height was measured using a standard stadiometer, resolution in millimetres (Sanny®, Brazil). The relaxed arm circumference was measured with an anthropometric tape measure, resolution in millimetres (Cescorf®, Brazil). The triceps skinfold was measured with a Harpenden® plicometer (John Bull, England) resolution in tenths of a millimetre.

The accuracy of the measurements of the anthropometric variables was reproduced by estimating the relative intra-evaluator technical error of measurement (TEM) (%) (Pederson & Gore, 2005); a TEM of 3% was found for the skinfold measurements. The estimated total, adipose and muscle cross-section areas of the arm were calculated based on the geometrical procedures described by Frisancho (1981).

Calculation of the total cross-section area of the arm (TCA): TCA = RAC2 ÷ (4 x π), where TCA is the total cross-section area of the arm (cm2) and RAC is the relaxed arm circumference (cm).

Calculation of the muscle cross-section area of the arm (MCA): MCA = [RAC – (TRS x π)]2 ÷ (4 x π), where MCA is the muscle cross-section area of the arm (cm2), RAC is the relaxed arm circumference (cm) and TRS is the triceps skinfold (cm).

Calculation of the adipose cross-section area of the arm (ACA): ACA = TCA – MCA, where ACA is the adipose cross-section area of the arm (cm2), TCA is the total cross-section area of the arm (cm2) and MCA is the muscle cross-section area of the arm (cm2).

The neuromuscular evaluation procedures were systematised in two consecutive sessions separated by an interval of 72 hours.

Statistical Analysis

The Shapiro-Wilk test was used to evaluate the distribution of all the variables in order to verify the assumption of normality, and Levene's test was used to check the homoscedasticity of the variances. SPSS® statistical software, version 21.0, was used for the calculations and to interpret the results. Student's t-test was used for paired samples, significance threshold p


The mean age of the participants was 25.4±6.64 years. The height and body mass measurements were respectively 1.72±0.05 m and 72.86±9.39 kg. The means of the anthropometric variables and the cross-section areas. The coefficients of variation obtained were sufficient for sample analysis. Low dispersal was found between the experimental variables, showing that the maximum voluntary strength and power of the upper segments of the individuals were homogeneous.

The correlation between the neuromuscular variables and the tissue components. The total cross-section area of the arm was the variable showing the best correlation (strong positive), followed by the muscle cross-section area of the arm (moderate positive). The adipose cross-section area of the arm presented a low correlation coefficient. Turning to the correlation of the morphological variables with the maximum voluntary strength of the triceps, a moderate positive correlation was found for the total cross-section area of the arm and the muscle cross-section area of the arm. The adipose cross-section area of the arm presented a weak positive correlation.

The score obtained from the sum of the loads correlated with the variables of the tissue components; the correlation found with the total cross-section area of the arm was strong positive, with the muscle cross-section area it was moderate and for the adipose cross-section area it was weak.


The study revealed a significant positive correlation between muscle cross-sectional area and maximum voluntary strength in resistance-trained males. These findings underscore the importance of muscle hypertrophy in enhancing neuromuscular performance. Future research should further explore these relationships to optimize training protocols for athletes.


The correlation between increased muscle cross-sectional area and neuromuscular strength supports the hypothesis that larger muscle size contributes to greater strength capacity. This relationship highlights the potential for targeted resistance training to improve performance outcomes in athletes.

Updated: Feb 21, 2024
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Analysis of Neuromuscular Strength and Body Composition in Resistance-Trained Males. (2024, Feb 21). Retrieved from

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