An Analytical Perspective on Standard Minute Value (SMV) and Its Applications

Categories: ScienceTechnology


In the realm of garment manufacturing, Standard Minute Value (SMV) plays a crucial role in defining the time allocation for completing tasks with satisfaction. This paper delves into the calculation and application of SMV, offering insights into its utility for enhancing operational efficiency and productivity in the textile industry. By dissecting the formula and examining case studies, we unravel the impact of SMV on various aspects of production, including costing, line balancing, and target setting. The exploration extends to the strategic use of SMV in pre-production planning, operator training, and method rationalization, underpinning its significance in cost-effective design execution and resource optimization.


The textile and apparel industry is characterized by its dynamic and competitive nature, necessitating efficient and cost-effective production methodologies. Among the myriad tools and techniques employed, Standard Minute Value (SMV) emerges as a pivotal metric for gauging the time required for task execution, thus facilitating comprehensive planning and optimization across manufacturing processes. This study aims to elucidate the concept of SMV, its calculation, and multifaceted applications, emphasizing its role in streamlining operations and enhancing productivity.

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SMV Calculation and Applications

SMV is defined as the time allowed to perform a job satisfactorily, encapsulating basic time and allowances. The calculation of SMV integrates observed time and rating, accounting for skill, effort, and concentration levels. For instance, an operator performing a task in 30 seconds with a 75% rating results in an SMV of 0.43. This metric finds its utility in various domains, including costing designs, line balancing, investment appraisal, and target calculation, among others.

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The versatility of SMV extends to pre-production planning, establishing time standards, facilitating operator training, and method rationalization.

SMV = Standard Min Value

SMV defined as the time which is allowed to perform a job satisfactorily.

SMV = (Basic Time + Basic Time * Allowance)/60

Basic Time = Observe time X Rating

Rating = Skill + Effort + Concentrate

Example: One operator is doing a job with 30 second, if his / her rating is 75% then the SMV calculation is :

SMV = {(30 x 75%) + (30 x 75%) x 15%} / 60 = 0.43

Uses of SMV

  1. Costing Designs
  2. Line Balancing
  3. Invest Appraisal
  4. Target Calculation
  5. Pre-Production Planning
  6. Time Standards
  7. Operator Training
  8. Method Rationalization

Costing and Line Balancing

In the context of garment manufacturing, SMV is instrumental in costing designs, enabling precise estimation of labor costs associated with production. Furthermore, SMV plays a critical role in line balancing, ensuring equitable work distribution among line manpower. This not only optimizes resource utilization but also minimizes bottlenecks, thereby enhancing production flow and efficiency.

To distribute a same time work for everyone equally in line. It can be +/- 10%

Tack / pitch Time = Total SMV / Total Line Manpower

= 14.49 / 45

= 0.322 min

+ / - 10% we can adjust. UCL – Upper control limit LCL – Lower control limit

Target Calculation and Efficiency Assessment

Target calculation, based on SMV, allows for the establishment of realistic production goals, taking into account available manpower and desired efficiency levels. This aids in setting achievable targets and formulating strategies for meeting production demands. Additionally, efficiency calculations utilizing SMV provide insights into the productivity levels of the workforce, enabling informed decision-making for process improvements.

Target = Work Min ÷ SMV x Asking Efficiency [ Work Min = Manpower in line 65 x Hour 10 x 60 ]

= 39000 ÷ 20 x 75%

= 1463 pcs per day

Efficiency Calculation

Efficiency = Earn Min ÷ Work Min %

Earn Min = Produce Qty X SMV

Work Min = Worker X 60 X 10

Work Min = (Worker X 60 X 8) + (Worker X 60 X OT Hour)

Note: No Loss Time Will Be Consider While Calculate Efficiency.

Challenges and Recommendations

Despite its advantages, the application of SMV faces challenges, including the accurate assessment of operator efficiency and the adaptation of calculation strategies to varying production scenarios. To address these issues, it is recommended to adopt flexible and dynamic approaches to SMV calculation, incorporating continuous monitoring and adjustment based on real-time data. Furthermore, enhancing operator training and skill development can significantly contribute to the effective implementation of SMV-based strategies.


Standard Minute Value (SMV) emerges as a fundamental metric in the textile and apparel industry, offering a systematic approach to time management and process optimization. Through its strategic application in costing, line balancing, target setting, and efficiency assessment, SMV facilitates improved productivity and cost-effectiveness in garment manufacturing. Embracing SMV as a tool for operational excellence requires ongoing evaluation and adaptation, ensuring its relevance and utility in the face of evolving industry demands.


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Updated: Feb 16, 2024
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An Analytical Perspective on Standard Minute Value (SMV) and Its Applications. (2024, Feb 16). Retrieved from

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