Digitalization Improve The Service Quality Of Company


This article will discuss the digitalization improve the service quality of company. With the continuous development of information technology, the era of digitalization has also come, and applied to all walks of life in people's lives, and achieved great results, especially for the logistics industry. Therefore, mining data through digitalization can bring huge commercial value and service innovation to the company, such as better understanding and insight into consumers, thus achieving precise marketing, or transforming the supply chain model and achieving refined management of goods.


Digital marketing has changed the way companies and other organizations communicate with their audiences. The 5 Ds of digital marketing such as digital devices, digital platforms, digital media, digital data and digital technology that can be used, to get close to audiences than even before. Services permeate every aspect of our lives; consequently, the need for services marketing knowledge is greater today than ever before. Many industries related services such as travel to an exotic tourism destination, a visit to the doctor, a trip to the bank or a day at school.

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Smart service delivery provides maintenance and repair support through intelligent systems, optimizing service processes and maintenance plans that communicate their service needs and enable companies to take actions to avoid failures (Sukhvir Singh Panesar, 2008). For example, the small factory builders engaged in the development, design and assembly phases, and then installed in theaters around the world, the smart service delivery can help companies and their customers simplify maintenance and optimize resources.

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According to James A. Stemper (2001) smart product optimization deploys digital technologies such as digital remote monitoring and monitoring services to optimize the operation and functionality of core products. These types of service offer a competitive advantage by providing customers with higher value. For example, the manufacturers of enamel production lines seek to develop intelligently optimized PSS as the way to support customer availability and create a competitive advantage.


Digital and physical systems come together to provide comprehensive remote services for the company. These complex systems paved the way for life cycle cost assurance and similar business models. At the same time, these systems can provide service providers with critical information that can be used in the innovation process and used to improve next-generation products and service offerings (Francisco Mas-Verd?, 2006). For example, as a large machine tool builder, the digital brain approach can help realize the long-term benefits of lifecycle cost assurance and accurate availability data forms. Therefore, the globally active company supplies automotive manufacturers primarily and provides comprehensive services through a global service center.


This article contributes to the knowledge about "how does digitalization improve the service quality of company?" Therefore, digitalization is a key issue in providing internal efficiencies in an organization or providing customers with external opportunities such as new services or products. So, digitalization also can help the company to improve in all aspects.?


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  2. Mas-Verd?, F. (2006). Services and innovation systems: European models of Technology Centres. Service Business, 1(1), pp.7-23.
  3. Singh Panesar, S. and Markeset, T. (2008). Industrial service innovation through improved contractual relationship. Journal of Quality in Maintenance Engineering, 14(3), pp.290-305.
  4. Stemper, J. and Butler, J. (2001). Developing a model to provide digital reference services. Reference Services Review, 29(3), pp.172-189.
  5. Taylor & Francis. (2019). Digitalized Product- Service Systems in Manufacturing Firms: A Case Study Analysis. Available at:
Updated: Jun 05, 2020

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