Climate Risk Management

Categories: Weather And Climate


Except for the addition of a seventh and eighth criteria, the criteria proposed in this section are very similar to those found in Alby et al. (2003), so substantial added justification and detail concerning the first six criteria can be found there with the exception that criteria.

Effective environmental outcome

Will implementing the management tool/remedy result in the desired climate management in a timely manner? Remedies that are not effective can be worse than no remedy since people may believe that a problem is being solved when it is not.

Economic feasibility

Will implementing the management tool/remedy produce positive net economic benefits? Remedies that do not will decrease overall human economic welfare ( What Are the Problems?) (P1) The general trend of global temperatures is currently a gradual increase and this appears likely to continue for the foreseeable future. This gives rise to a number of identifiable adverse effects, including sea-level rise, arctic thawing, and possibly increased hurricane strength, among others.

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(P2) Changes in atmospheric levels of GHGs have other non-temperature-related effects. In some cases, these are believed to be quite positive, but at least one of them, ocean acidification, appears to have important adverse effects. A more detailed discussion can be found in Section 5.3 below

(What Are the Solutions?)

" Management Approaches"

There would appear to be at least four general approaches as to how humans could "manage" these problems with several subased on different assumptions as to the management approchews used

  1. Non-stabilized "business-as-usual" carbonization and adaptation
  2. Currently debated de-carbonization,(ma2b)decentralized,liability-based
  3. International approach including use of all available technologies
  4. Non-stabilized "Business-as-usual" Carbonization and Adaptation "save trees save lives" =if you save trees trees will save you.
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Updated: Nov 01, 2022
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Climate Risk Management. (2019, Dec 13). Retrieved from

Climate Risk Management essay
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