Implementing a Care Routine in an ECCE Center: Presentation and Strategies

Categories: Care

Introduction & Rational

This assignment tells you how and what I presented to the children in my ECCE center with a care routine. The care routine that I’m presenting to the children is about the importance of hygiene and safety of their well being. It will also be a care routine that the children will use for their daily lives. I will find information in the importance of other possible routines and how it can be an advantage to the child’s health and well being.

I will use the principles of any legislation that are in relation to my care routine as my referee. I plan to perform and evaluate a suitable care routine for the children in my work placement. I choose the care routine of washign hands, I chose this routine to show children at a early age how to wash their hands to prevent viruses entering their human body. From pursuing this aim I would like to teach the children how to wash their hands properly, How can he or she take care of their health, how the children can become aware at a young age of the importance of washing their hands every meal or when ever it is dirty or when ever they feel like it.

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I hope the children will know the importance of using soap and the right way to wash their hands.

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The reason why I am performing a care routine to the children in my work placement is to give them a sence of knowledge and identification of how to wash their hands. I have chosen the care routine of washing hands . I think this is one of the main importance of preventing germs from entering the human body and to prevent the health from getting affected. I also think this is one of the most important care routines in the ECCE setting because it prevents viruses from entering the human body. It is important that the children know how to wash their hands and that it is important to wash their hands before meal time and after meal time or when near germs. Washing your hands will prevent germs from entering the human body and prevent sickness and infections.


Planning of the chosen care routine

When I received this care routine, I spoke to my mentor and asked her for any opinion that she would give. I asked her what kind of care routines are there as I was stuck of thinking what to choose for my care routine. I then chosed how to wash your hands as my care routine because not only they will learn from it and have the knowledge for the rest of their lives but it will also improve or develop their cognative skills as washign your hands requires concentration to keep the germs away. How to wash your hands pictures

Before starting my care routine, I put together pictures of how to wash your hands and when to wash your hands to show to the children in my work placement.

How to wash your hands with the children routine

After getting my pictures ready and finding out everything I need to know on how to wash the hands, I then discussed with my superviser when would it be suitable to do my demonstration to the children on how to wash their hands. I decided to do it before dinner time and gathered all the children to sit down forming a circle on the 27/02/15 and hoping to pursue the lesson in 15 minutes so the children wouldn’t lose focus or get bored if it was to long. So on the 27/02/15 I started my care routine and this is how it went… First I told the staff members that I will be doing my care routine now, I then got the children’s attention by speaking out loud. I told them to sit down into a circle form and that I will be talking and teaching them the importance of washing your hands and how to wash your hands. I then showed the pictures of how to wash your hands and when to wash your hands to the childen and showed them the picture of “Healthy Teddy says wash your hands!”, to get the children’s attention with the colourful images. I asked the children did anyone know why it is important to was our hands ? and why it is important to wash it properly?.

I asked them to raise there hands if they know why?. After hearing out all the answers from the children that raised their hands, I then spoked to them and explained to them why it is important to wash our hands properly. I told them that washing our hands prevents germs to enter inside our body and that washing our hands prevents us from getting sick and keeps our selfs clean and healthy. I explained it to the children slowly and clearly as the children were only aged between 3 to 5. I told them that not washing our hands makes are tummy feel sad and upset and that dirty things will be living in our tummy. I asked them if they want germs living in their tummy and they all replied no. So I said them that is why I will show you how to wash your hands properly. I explained to them that germs are constanly living around us and that it is important to wash our hands before and after eating, when in the toilet, after touching pets or playing outside and when ever you sneeze or cough.I told the children that you must wash your hands with soap for about 1 minute.


I then showed the children a demonstration of how to wash your hands. I started by washing my hands first or about 10 seconds I then put the exact amount of soap on my hands. I showed the children of me scrubbing my hands for 20 seconds with the soap. I showed them to scrub front and back, scrub between the fingers and scrub the wrist. I then showed them how I rinsed my hands and showed them how to dry my hands. When I was done demonstrating the children how to wash my hands, I then asked someone to volunter and to show me how to wash their hands.

I than asked the children why is it important to wash their hands?. I then gave a picture of “Healthy Teddy says wash your hands!”, to the children to stick on their wall to remind them to wash their hands.


Principles of good practice guidelines

Adopting the following principles in your organisation will help to create an environment in which children are listened to, given a sense of belonging, and kept safe; parents are supported and encouraged; and staff and volunteers who work with children and young people are supported and protected All organisations providing services for children should : ● Acknowledge the rights of children to be protected, treated with respect, listened to and have their own views taken into consideration; ● Recognise that the welfare of children must always come first, regardless of all other considerations; ● Develop a child protection policy that raises awareness about the possibility of child abuse occurring and outlines the steps to be taken if it is suspected; ● Adopt the safest possible practices to minimise the possibility of harm or accidents happening to children and protect workers from the necessity to take risks and leave themselves open to accusations of abuse or neglect;

● Adopt and consistently apply clearly defined methods of recruiting staff and volunteers ● Develop procedures for responding to accidents and complaints ● Remember that early intervention with children who are vulnerable or at risk may prevent serious harm from happening to them at a later stage ● Remember that a child’s age, gender and background affect they way they experience and understand what is happening to them ● Provide child protection training for workers. This should clarify the responsibilities of both organisations and individuals, and clearly show the procedures to be followed if child abuse is suspected ● Develop a policy of openness with parents that involves consulting them about everything that concerns their children, and encouraging them to get involved with the organisation wherever possible;


● Co-operate with any other child care and protection agencies and professionals by sharing information when necessary and working together towards the best possible outcome for the children concerned; ● Make links with other relevant organisations in order to promote child protection and welfare policies and practices

Remember that

● Valuing children means valuing workers as well; insisting on safe practices, eliminating the necessity for staff to take risks and providing them with support will make for a healthier and safer organisation Evaluation of routine & role of the candidate in fulfilling the routine Doing this assignment of care routine I think that the things I done turn out effective. The timing of my routine was perfect as the children were to have their dinner after my demonstration. As soon as I was done my demonstration the children wanted to try what I thought them as they were having their dinner.

I think that showing the children the colourful images first attracted their attention. They were more focus and concentrate. The children were now able to talk about the importance of washing their hands and were now able to demonstrated how to wash their hands properly. They became more aware. I think that this care routine was very effective to demonstrate and teach to the children. Reflection on personal learning from the action activity

I think that the care routine of how to was your hands was a success as the children were concentrated and focus. They kept the information that was given to them and they will now have that information through out their life time and they will be now living a clean environment and prevent germs from entering their human system. I learned that showing colourful images will attract the childrens attention and the children will be more focus and the children will pay more attention on what is the subject about.


Policy on equality and diversity
“An inclusive approach to education is not just a matter of making minor (or major) adjustments; inclusion is a process, which has to run through the whole curriculum, if it is to be genuine.”

Why Do We Need a Policy on Diversity and Equality?

Having policy on diversity and equality sets the context for the Perfromance of procedures and high quality practice. It gives support to managers, staff, children and families and is essential to ensuring that your practice is fair and that discriminatory incidents will be addressed. Practitioners have a right not to discriminate on the grounds of disability, marital status, race, family status, membership of the Travelling community, sexual orientation, religious belief, age and gender.

Updated: Apr 29, 2023
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Implementing a Care Routine in an ECCE Center: Presentation and Strategies. (2016, Sep 13). Retrieved from

Implementing a Care Routine in an ECCE Center: Presentation and Strategies essay
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