A Man of the Millennium to Be Admired

I believe that I was selected to be a candidate for Person of the Millenium because of the many accomplishments I have had during my lifetime. Throughout my research I have discovered that there is more than just one galaxy in our universe, galaxies are constantly moving away from one another, and the further the galaxies are from us the faster they are moving.

My most revolutionary accomplishment was discovering that there is more to the universe than just the Milky Way galaxy.

Through a telescope, there were stars that looked like they were a part of the Milky Way, only they were dimmer. At the time, I was working at the Mount Wilson Observatory which is why I had access to such a powerful telescope. Later on in my studies, that the galaxies that were once called stars, were too far away to be a part of our galaxy. A few years later, I discovered that all galaxies are constantly moving away from each other.

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In other words, the fabric between two galaxies is always expanding.

Last but not least, I think the completion of Hubble’s Law, is one of the reasons that have brought me to become a candidate for Person of the Millenium. Hubble’s law is basically a continuation of the conclusion that galaxies are constantly moving away from each other. This is that galaxies are moving at a rate that is equivalent to their distance. All in all, I believe that being selected to be a candidate for the Person of the Millenium is because of the many accomplishments I have done and listed today.

“Tell me about two events where your ideology/beliefs led to change.

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” Candidate: There are many events in my life where my ideology led to change. I believed that there was more to the universe than what we thought prior to my discovery. One of the events where my beliefs led to change was studying astronomy my whole life. When I was 16 years old, I went to the University of Chicago where I mainly studied math and astronomy. Although I did study law after enrolling in the University of Oxford, after graduating I went back to the University of Chicago to study astronomy again. Studying astronomy impacted change because, without my knowledge in astronomy, I would’ve never discovered, or even known how to discover what I have today.

This conclusion leads me to another event in my life, which was working at the Mount Wilson Observatory. At the observatory, I had access to the largest telescope of the time, which was the Hooker telescope. While I worked there, my time was spent studying nebula, which is how I made my most revolutionary discoveries. This event lead to change because If I were not to have access to the Hooker telescope, or all of the material there, then I would have never uncovered the discoveries that I have made today.

“What oppositions/challenges may have hindered the change that you promoted?” A couple of the challenges that delayed the change I promoted was my OCD and the death of my father. One of the main challenges that hindered the change that I promoted was having OCD. Everything I did in my life had to be perfect or else I would have to start, whatever I was doing, all over again. Struggling with OCD is connected to all of the discoveries that I have made in my life because it really slowed me down. This relates to my scientific studies because usually, I would have to start over if I didn’t think that something was perfect. Another challenge was dealing with my father’s death.

My father had died when I was going to the University of Chicago studying astronomy. This relates to my time at the University of Chicago because I wasn’t as focused on working and studying but rather on the fact that he had passed away. Overall, throughout my years of work, the biggest challenges that hindered the change that I have promoted were struggling with my OCD and dealing with the death of my father.

Updated: Oct 10, 2024
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