A Look at the Art History of Central America

Art History Of Central America Chavin de Huantar was located in Peru and was situated at the bottom of cordillera Blanca's eastern slopes, approximately halfway between tropical forests and coastal plains. At the intersection of major slopes. Clinic de titanfar was in the position to controlthe coat routes, Chavin de Huantar was in the position to control the routes, increase their exchange with guy; and receive goods that were not natural to their area. Chavin de Huantar was an agricultural society, home to a fairly large population.

and authority." It was a U-she J-shaped platform opening to the east with a circular courtyard in the center The Old Temple also consisted of numerous passageways and chambers underground called galleries. These galleries were used for storage chambers, religious rites, and possibly temporary of very center of the Old Temple. It was where the sculpture of the Lanzon was found. The Lanzon, t I the shaman of the pre-Chavin maan body, it has intertwined the feline deity of Chavin de Huantar and the s For the pre-Chavin period, the object of worship was the feline, but this was gradually changed.

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By could become jaguars and interact with the supernatural forces. This was achieved by taking hallucinogenic drugs as part of rituals at the Old Temple. There are many sculptures that decorate the trumpets, and many other items with anthropomorphic design found and thought to be associated The New Temple "for um" with the Old Temple. The same belief system continues and there is evidence of the same rituals New me rituals.

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The New Temple also has galleries and plazas. The Lanzon, although in a different stance, continues to be a symbol of mediation and harmony. The right hand o the deity holds a Strombus shell, for male forces, and the left hand holds a Spondylus shell, for the Temple and the Circular Playa continued to be used The Gallery of the offerings also received much attention . It was evident , through the findings of broken pots and bones from food, that this gallery storage area for ritual items. Within this gallery, many human bones also were found, which rings about the assumption that there was ritual cannibalism being practiced. Social stratification in Chavin de Huantar was discovered by comparing exc ated burial sites. The textiles, and other valuables were found. The majority, however, were found in shallow pits with onlya curves, straight lines. and wild animals. Chavin sculpture is seen in the tenoned heads that decorated the Temples and the carved ashlars. The Lanzon and the Tello Obelisk are exceptional examples of sculpture that depict sacred images. Sculptures usually used white granite and black limestone. spatulas and metal spatulas and spoons found that are decorated in Chavin style, Chavin have been seen on various kinds of tapestry and textiles as well . Ceramics also offered a wide variety of forms such as, bowls and bottles , with even more decorations and styles The Chavin civilization began to disappear around the third century B.C. In areas there was social and abruptly abandoned. Architecture was left unfinished and ceremonial places wer make way for villages. A small village replaced the Circular Plaza and stone carvings were converted o house walls at Chavin de Huantar. Much of the architecture collapsed.


Updated: Dec 12, 2023
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