Marketing strategy of KFC

Categories: KfcMarketing

KFC is world's largest fast food chain that based on chicken. KFC has special legacy taste of recipe of fried chicken which is finger licking good. The most of the people and children love to eat and KFC has special taste legacy of Colonel Harland Sander's secret recipe over 75 years ago (Introduction to KFC. (n.d.).). Have you ever think about the reasons why people choose to serve KFC? I think that they choose KFC because of fresh delicious fried chicken and satisfying good quality of food.

As we all know about KFC is parent company of YUM, it is international franchising company. Luckily I am so glad to tell you that it is in Mongolia already. KFC has 41,000 restaurants across the world in more than 125 countries (The Brand Trust Report. (n.d.).). From 75 years ago KFC has started to work on their service but they did not imagine to become the leading fast food Franchise concepts of today in the world.

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In 1930's they opened the first fast food restaurant in the United States. At the first time they were just multi domestic company and after 1960's they focused on foreign markets and it has also included so much responsibility to conquering the Asia with big reputation of KFC's brand new options of food around the world (Aronica, 2014, May 31). For children, KFC is familiar with the face of Colonel Sanders and his legacy taste of fried chicken. The Colonel had spread his industry to more than 80 countries and territories globally.

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Internationally the company is known name by KFC but in april 2007, the company began using its original appellation of Kentucky Fried Chicken. I remember when KFC first opened in mongolia, the long line of people were excited and waiting for KFC because KFC is almost first fast food franchise service in Mongolia. Before KFC opens in Mongolia, people used to eat and order which made by Mongolians and the number of customers demand was so high, but after opening in KFC in UB, the demand decreased and nowaday not many people use to eat (Mr.Pizza. (n.d.). KFC's first franchise service located in the Mongolian capital of Ulaanbaatar, opened Wednesday with fanfare that attracted the U.S. ambassador to Mongolia and the country's trade minister. Muktesh "Mickey" Pant, CEO of KFC's parent company, Yum! Restaurants International, estimated that the eatery served up to 3,000 people between Wednesday's grand opening and a soft opening the day before. (Tepper, 2013) People was satisfied to experience the taste of fried chicken and other products. KFC has special taste legacy of Colonel Harland Sander's secret recipe over 75 years ago. That is why people choose KFC rather than any other restaurants most of the time. When i was traveling to China, i visited to KFC and the taste was absolutely same as i have tasted, specially ice cream. If we compare KFC to Mcdonalds, they both have their special legacy of recipe and that will not be the same. Before i compare fast food chain restaurants, i did not know that they all have long history over the time and legacy of different secret recipes. 85 million americans eat fast food daily . (Stephanie Stahl, 2018) On the other hand, many options of fast food restaurants are working in America and people go to different places better than KFC in America, but here in Mongolia many people like to go KFC because it arrived here few years ago and the restaurant is very convienent and food is qualified. KFC delivers fresh delicious fried chicken to customers and it is the reason why people choose KFC. Also there is some charity work that kfc do which is " add hope foundation." Add home foundation's main goal is to support children, who is vulnerable and to help give investment of their education, skill development, and future( KFC, 2015. September 10). Charity work raised through product promotion and they donate 10 percent of money from every kids meal. It is one of the reasons why people choose KFC and this all charity activities are held in UK, but i did not find any charity work in Mongolia (KFC Mongolian sector, n.d.).

KFC used to serve the same menu all around the world and it is their undifferentiated marketing strategy. When Colonel Sanders sold his fried chicken recipe for the first time to owners of restaurants in the 1950s, the tagline "its finger-lickin' good' good!" was born (CORNELIUS , 2018). In fact, Colonel Sanders become famous because of his unique 11 spices, which has served KFC's menu all around the world. Luckily, KFC is the first Western Fast food chain to entered the Chinese fast food market. Interestingly, it has created history by competing with the regular Chinese Cuisine because no other Western fast food chain ever achieved in this service. Kfc already got succeeding in China's food market, which means they become global fast food service. The main food is exactly burger and crispy chickens and that is what i love to eat the most. However, this global fast-food chain has extended their menu to different parts of the worlds to meet the specific needs of customers in different geographical locations. Around night time, many Mongolians eat their meal, and KFC is the convienent and fast solution for people, who have not enough time to cook. Specially 9-10 clock is the most busy and crowded time in KFC Mongolia. KFC focus on customer needs and wants because they specialize different product for every season. Every different country around the world KFC's product is competing the domestic traditional food, which is faced many competitor in fast food industry. The consumers of KFC coverage all generation. The statistic number of consumers who visited very often to KFC last three month was aged 18 to 29. (Visitors of KFC in the U.S. by age 2018). I can not agree with this statistic number because i always go to KFC with my mom once in 2 weeks. My mom is chicken lover, specially if it is KFC fried crispy chicken. The demographic number written in statistic is different in every country and not only youth is fast food customer, it coverages all generation. Kids love KFC because it is finger licking good. As i mentioned the tagline that " finger licking good " was born in 1950's and still it is directly connected with the satisfaction of little girls appearance (Cornelius, 2018). KFC started their business from farm to global brand. At KFC, the service always pay meticulous attention to customers health and safety standards while preparing their qualified chicken, and their service show public scrutiny about their product to suppliers as well as the way chicken is served to customers. The most exciting process is from farm to business, and all workers focus on one goal and follow the vision. In fact, the product ensured quality, clear packages and safety while it is delivering from farm to kitchen for checked 34 times. There are many competitors around KFC, which is Burger King, Mcdonalds, Circle k, and CU. If we compare to these all fast food restaurants, KFC has focused on chicken meat. So wellbeing of chicken and it is environment will be so important to customers. At social network many peope write comment about animal welfare, and judge about fast food product. Fortunately, KFC consider animal welfare a priority and follow global and local standards in order to secure their customers safety and reputation of their brand (Responsibility. (n.d.).

Globally KFC has their delivery service, but in Mongolia they did not have delivery service from the beginning. After 2017 they made delivery service around Zaisan area and in social media many people were waiting their delivery service to be expand UB area. (KFC Mongolian sector. (n.d.). Specially around school area is the best location to increase market profit even university or school have their own cafeteria or coffee shop. I think that is the best marketing strategy for fast food service to state near by university because they wont loose money without real advertisement of people's eating action and move. When Circle k first opened in Mongolia, they served more than 2000 people for one day which means fast food market chain is great opportunity to earn money in Mongolian area ( (n.d.). In addition Circle K states around Mongolian national University, that has big effect on their marketing. What i wanna say is, KFC has opportunity to succeed in Mongolian fast food chain market and in the way to spread Colonel's cooking. Franchisor created and developed the brand activation campaign for KFC Mongolia, the world's second largest restaurant chain after McDonald's, with almost 20,000 locations globally in 123 countries and territories as of December 2015. ( KFC Mongolia, 2014) KFC officially arrived in Mongolia may 29, 2013. ( KFC Mongolia, 2014) KFC Mongolian team dedicated a great diligence to implement a winning strategy that builds a strong audience on social media and ultimately powers up the brand in local market. KFC use social media to catch their consumer attraction and promote their product. Nowadays people spending more than 2 hour for using internet including facebook, instagram and youtube. The best way to promote product by social media is to annouce giveaway and that is what KFC do every month in Mongolia. (KFC Mongolia, 2014) They give egg tart for consumers who made purchase above 5000 tugrug. The time is limited around 20 days, it may attracting their consumers every day. One of the special new product introduced by KFC was Chizza. The innovation of new products can easily catch customers attention and it seems so close to competing with Pizza. (Tay, 2017, February 09).

KFC has franchise value system.Kentucky Fried Chiken will require to have a net worth of $1.5 million to $2.5 million and minimum liquid assets of $750,000. In order to pay franchise fee $45,000 need to pay and 5.5 percent of gross sales should have it (Daszkowski, D. (n.d.).

In 1930, 40-year-old Harland Sanders began his own fried chicken business at the gasoline colony for the first time. He has postponemented his 10 year retire income in order to open more than 600 French restaurants. KFC's 45,000 branches currently serve 12 million users in 135 countries. (KFC Mongolia, 2014) KFC is owned "Yum! Brands Inc" has launched an average of seven new restaurants a day worldwide. These days, KFC opened their 11 branches in UB area in Mongolia, out of 11 in 3 of branches have drive thru service and it helps people to order their food easily while they go to work with their car. Longer queue, mouth-to-mouth talks, free online environment of thousands of users KFC Mongolia has found out that KFC has reached international standards, quality products, and tastes. Even so, KFC has been growing rapiditly every day to meet every customer's standards and quality since its inception in order to deliver its delicious fried chicken to its customers. KFC offers a taste for everyone's passion. KFC opens its front office on the opposite side of the central library opposite the "Business Plaza" center, today KFC Smart, KFC Seoul Street, KFC Tengis, KFC, Namibia, KFC Enhanced avenue Drivetru "," KFC Kharkhorin "," KFC Zaisan "," KFC Space Drivethru "," KFC Horse "and" KFC Houm Plaza Drivethru "have been growing, and the number of favorite fried chicken fries is increasing (KFC Mongolia, 2014).

The KFC chain restaurant is equipped with the first tech-savvy restaurant in Mongolia, including interior design, Wi-Fi, cell phone charger, photo shoot and eye-click interactive games in Mongolia, from 10:00 am to midnight. Up to 23:00, the Auto Sector operates 24 hours. (KFC Mongolian sectors, 2014) KFC is an international fast-food restaurant chain that is the best fried chicken in the world for family, friends and loved ones. In my opinion, KFC has good marketing strategy because they opened their franchise branches every country of the world and now everyone knows their special legacy of crispy chicken taste. If everyone around the world knows the what KFC is, that is the mission how successful marketing works in fast food service.


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  • Tepper, R. (2013, May 29). Mongolia Gets Its First Western Fast Food Chain. Retrieved December 5, 2018,
  • Cornelius, Ian. "25 Of The Most Unique KFC Menu Items From Around The World.the travel, Dec 5, 2018,
  • Tay, V. (2017, February 09). KFC launches campaign to promote its Chizza food product. Retrieved December 5, 2018,
  • Visitors of KFC in the U.S. by age 2018 | Statistic. (n.d.). Retrieved December 5, 2018,
  • KFC Taste Guarantee. (n.d.). Retrieved December 5, 2018,
  • About. (n.d.). Retrieved December 5, 2018,
  • Responsibility. (n.d.). Retrieved December 5, 2018,
  • Find jobs your way. (n.d.). Retrieved December 5, 2018,
  • Suttle, R. (2018, June 29). Fast Food Marketing Strategies. Retrieved December 5, 2018,
  • KFC Mongolian sector. (n.d.). Retrieved December 5, 2018,
  • KFC Named Most Trusted Quick-Service Restaurant Brand in India by The Brand Trust Report. (n.d.). Retrieved December 5, 2018,
  • Aronica, M. (2014, May 31). Where your favorite fast-food chains began. Retrieved December 5, 2018,
  • Mr.Pizza. (n.d.). Retrieved December 5, 2018,
  • Daszkowski, D. (n.d.). Here Is a List of the Most Popular Food Franchises and Opening Costs. Retrieved December 5, 2018,
  • KFC. (2015, September 10). KFC Launches Charitable Effort Add Hope™ To Fight World Hunger. Retrieved December 5, 2018
Updated: May 21, 2021
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