The Times Of The Australian Adventures In Gold Rush

Categories: Movie Review

In this story you will learn about the times when people tried to claim their prize. They All suffered, some got lucky and some didn't. Some people are rich because of it. There are some interesting facts about the first encounter of gold and about different people. Did you know that the first gold found was at a Mill. It's crazy right. The gold Rush happened in the 19th century at Sutter's Mill.It was hard for the 49ers. Charles Hayward was one of the 49ers.

The adventures in the Gold Rush are amazing.

Sutter's Mill

One day James Marshall was done building his mill. He was standing Near the Sacramento river. He saw tiny flakes in the water. He picked up 4-5 flakes.James was about to go tell Suter but at the same time he had to keep it a secret. James told Sutter right away. And they soon became businessmen. A little while after that the word got out and everyone started looking for it.

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Everyone would go to the sacramento river to claim their prize. The population soonley changed in 1849. The Population changed to 80,000. Some people found gold and some people ever died from looking so much. There was a big difference between before and after California.

Charles Hayward

Being a 49er is hard. Charles Hayward was a 49er. He saw in the newspaper that everyone was striking rich. He thought it was dumb for some man to leave his home to go find gold. But he thought about it.

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And soon started his quest. He was a Schoolteacher at the time. He said when he gets back he will share his Gold. He traveled with several friends who wanted to make a fortune also. They traveled from New York, to the Great Lakes, to Canada. Then they took their boat to Peru, Illinois. When they got there they traveled in a Wagon. Other people that were doing the same that they were doing gave up or they passed away with cholera. Half of the people he traveled with died with cholera. But Charles was really lucky that he didn't catch it. He ended up passing through Indian territory safely. He traded with the Indians. And then they soon left. They walked a lot through Nevada and then they finally came to the Sacramento Valley. They came up to the Feather river. They decided to build their shelter out of Wood and Cedar Boughs. They built a Dam to block up the water to try and find their gold. But they looked for long days and long nights but they couldn't find any. The only thing he found was gold dust and that was worth $500. But he came home with nothing but dust.


The next large gold rush began in Australia in 1851, when rich deposits were found in the Ballarat and Bendigo regions of Victoria. These strikes drew diggers to Victoria’s chief town, Melbourne, from all over Australia and England until the early 1860s. While the gold found in North America was usually in the form of dust or very fine grains, it was commonplace in Australia to find nuggets of gigantic size and value. The largest of these, the Holtermann Nugget weighed more than 200 pounds.

Updated: Feb 02, 2024
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