Play, curriculum and early learning

A play opportunity for imaginative learning could be to children playing with small world play such a Lego or animals. Children's plays needs at the age of 3-4 years is still pretend and are beginning to represent the world in picture form. This type of activity is linked to the early learning goals by mathematics - number, calculating, shape, space and measures. Other early learning goals are able to be met while children use their creative development to explore media and materials, music, imagination, responding to experiences, and expressing and communicating ideas.

C lee states, "The urge to learn about life through imaginative play is very strong in most children. " (Pg. 63, 1990) As an early years practitioner when children play in a home corner it should reflect other cultures and religions. This can be done by having clothes, different looking dollies and foods can be from other countries. As children will learn from their experiences and their attitudes will depend on this toward other people and children.

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Children with special needs should be given the opportunity to play for example, if a child is in a wheel chair they will need more space or if they have hearing or sight problems make it so they feel comfortable. "The term 'physical play' is a term that can be used to describe the type of play in which children use their large muscle and exercise their whole body. They learn to control large and small muscles and develop co-oration, and surplus energy is expended.

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" (Pg. 382, 2002) Physical play can promote the learning of 3-4 year olds in many different ways as children use physical play in every aspect of daily play.

Associative and co-operative plays are being used at this stage in the children's play they are watching other but also able to participate in group games such as throwing balls to one another and playing a chasing game. By playing games ones as these there social skills are being promoted as they are interacting with one another, also developing their language skill as they need to communicate with this type of play. The type of activities that promote physical play could be to bikes and tricycles or pushing prams.

And children are able to move around as part of the game while using co-operative play together. Children are able to learn to share, take turns and learn understanding for space. Manipulative play has loads of different types of play for children to develop skills, according to Tassoni "manipulative play will also support the curriculum plans for a playgroup, nursery or school. " (Pg. 390, 2002) One of the early years goals links to manipulative play as children use their hand and pincer grasp, this is to handle tools, objects, construction and malleable material safely and with increase control.

When doing physical activities or any activities for that matter the child needs to find it interesting the way this can be done is presenting the equipment attractively, letting children make their own choices and desertions. I believe as an early year's practitioner children should learn from their experiences and the only way this can be done is by letting children experiment. Health and safety is the top priority this include space for children to move, making sure all children can participate, along with age and stage appropriate.

Updated: May 19, 2021
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