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Using our Plagiarism checker for free is an advantage that thousands of students and teachers from all around the world enjoy on a daily basis.
Here comes their feedback on how Studymoose plagiarism checker’s free services have helped them in their academic endeavors.
The free plagiarism checker is nothing else but a similarity checker that helps students keep hold of their papers’ originality, thus preventing them from penalties, fines, and failed exams. Yet, the service would become a great tool to use not only for students but for teachers, as well. It is fast, efficient, and safe, as it simultaneously runs hundreds of algorithms when checking your text while keeping your intellectual property protected.
It seems like the service’s features are crystal clear and easy to understand. You can come here to check the originality of a paper, regardless of whether you are a student or a teacher. Plagiarism paper originality checker is a simple tool to use whenever one needs to check any kind of content, especially academic papers for originality. Yet, there are some particular advantages of the service that you should know about.
Our service is extremely simple to use. It takes only a few mouse clicks to get on with checking your paper for plagiarism.
No Charge
We do originality checking for free because we believe that high-quality education is a right and not a privilege.
Our online plagiarism checker runs hundreds of algorithms when checking your paper, thus making sure that no plagiarism slips through.
Professional Support
Our professional writers are constantly on duty, looking to help you with any writing task you face, be it writing a paper from scratch or editing the plagiarized parts of your paper.
As a matter of fact, asking why you need to check your papers for plagiarism is a rather rhetoric question. You need to check your papers for plagiarism solely to stay on the safer side and submit only original papers. Yes, the very content and structure of the paper might yet be a topic of discussion with your teacher. Nonetheless, it is quite often that a paper’s uniqueness amounts to up to 25% of the final grade. Hence, you should definitely check your papers for plagiarism simply to know that at least you won’t lose any points for uniqueness.
Checking your paper for plagiarism is as simple as it can be. Basically, everything you need to know to check your text with us is how to press the Ctrl + C and Ctrl + V key combinations. Just highlight the text you need to be checked copy and paste it into our checking window and press the check button. You can also upload your Word file, and our free plagiarism checker will do all the job within a matter of seconds.
Whenever analyzing the score shown in the similarity index checker, you should know that a plagiarism-free paper is the one with a score of 100%. Nonetheless, you should also pay attention to the usage of proper names in your text, like the names of historical figures, cities, events, etc. They cannot be deemed plagiarism. Hence, sometimes, a plagiarism-free paper might have a score ranging between 85-100%. Yet, you have to check carefully what parts of the paper have been highlighted by our free similarity checker.
Here comes a list of scores you can use for analyzing your papers’ plagiarism score:
Using the service can help you become a better student and a more efficient teacher. If you are a student, conducting constant plagiarism checks of your papers is a great way of analyzing your mistakes, and eventually earning how to flee from them even before you submit a paper for a check. If you are a teacher, the service will save you a great chunk of time, which you can then use to get ready for your lessons or have fun.