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Benefits of our plagiarism checker

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79% of our users find plagiarism in their content
Make sure your essay is original or hire a writer to make it plagiarism-free
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Our customers’ feedback

Trusted by 39,783 + customers
checked 20, Student
“Studymoose plagiarism checker online has become a life-savior to me. It can detect even the slightest bits of plagiarism of which I would have been otherwise penalized by my professor. My mark is a straight 10 out of 10.”
checked 22, Student
“Every time I need to check my paper, I go to Studymoose plagiarism checker because I know it never acts up. It catches literary everything and I know am safe when submitting my paper. I do strongly recommend this service. It is 9 out of 10, as there is nothing flawless in our world, right?”
checked 43, Teacher
“The thing that makes the Studymoose plagiarism checker great is that it highlights even the plagiarized idea. If my students want to outwit me by simply paraphrasing and not citing a bit of information, they’re going to regret it. I can easily recommend it to anyone dealing with papers. My mark is 10/10.”
checked 24, Student
“This essay originality checker was of great help to me every time I was writing a crucial paper. I have never been caught plagiarizing because it made sure there was no plagiarism in my papers. It is with great gratitude that I say 10/10.”
checked 36, Teacher
“Running a similarity test of the essays my students submit has never been easier. The Studymoose check algorithms are great and they help me detect even the slightest bits of plagiarized content in my students’ works. It’s a straight A+.”
checked 56, Teacher
“Studymoose free plagiarism checker has become an integral part of my daily routine, as it helps me check my students’ papers easily and swiftly. Now, it takes twice less time to get along with my checking sprees. I’d say 9/10.”

Plagiarism checker

What Is A Plagiarism Checker?

The free plagiarism checker is nothing else but a similarity checker that helps students keep hold of their papers’ originality, thus preventing them from penalties, fines, and failed exams. Yet, the service would become a great tool to use not only for students but for teachers, as well. It is fast, efficient, and safe, as it simultaneously runs hundreds of algorithms when checking your text while keeping your intellectual property protected.

Originality Checker | Features and Advantages

It seems like the service’s features are crystal clear and easy to understand. You can come here to check the originality of a paper, regardless of whether you are a student or a teacher. Plagiarism paper originality checker is a simple tool to use whenever one needs to check any kind of content, especially academic papers for originality. Yet, there are some particular advantages of the service that you should know about.


Our service is extremely simple to use. It takes only a few mouse clicks to get on with checking your paper for plagiarism.


No Charge
We do originality checking for free because we believe that high-quality education is a right and not a privilege.


Our online plagiarism checker runs hundreds of algorithms when checking your paper, thus making sure that no plagiarism slips through.


Professional Support
Our professional writers are constantly on duty, looking to help you with any writing task you face, be it writing a paper from scratch or editing the plagiarized parts of your paper.


Check for Plagiarism | Why Is It Important?

As a matter of fact, asking why you need to check your papers for plagiarism is a rather rhetoric question. You need to check your papers for plagiarism solely to stay on the safer side and submit only original papers. Yes, the very content and structure of the paper might yet be a topic of discussion with your teacher. Nonetheless, it is quite often that a paper’s uniqueness amounts to up to 25% of the final grade. Hence, you should definitely check your papers for plagiarism simply to know that at least you won’t lose any points for uniqueness.

How to Check for Plagiarism?

Checking your paper for plagiarism is as simple as it can be. Basically, everything you need to know to check your text with us is how to press the Ctrl + C and Ctrl + V key combinations. Just highlight the text you need to be checked copy and paste it into our checking window and press the check button. You can also upload your Word file, and our free plagiarism checker will do all the job within a matter of seconds.

Similarity Score Analysis

Whenever analyzing the score shown in the similarity index checker, you should know that a plagiarism-free paper is the one with a score of 100%. Nonetheless, you should also pay attention to the usage of proper names in your text, like the names of historical figures, cities, events, etc. They cannot be deemed plagiarism. Hence, sometimes, a plagiarism-free paper might have a score ranging between 85-100%. Yet, you have to check carefully what parts of the paper have been highlighted by our free similarity checker.

Here comes a list of scores you can use for analyzing your papers’ plagiarism score:

  • 100% - plagiarism-free.
  • 85-99% - may be free due to the presence of proper names in it.
  • 60-85% - this result shows that you might have forgotten to cite a lot of information used.
  • 20-60% - consider turning to a specialist who will let you get rid of plagiarism professionally.
  • 0-20% - you will probably need to rewrite your paper from scratch.

How Can It Help?

Using the service can help you become a better student and a more efficient teacher. If you are a student, conducting constant plagiarism checks of your papers is a great way of analyzing your mistakes, and eventually earning how to flee from them even before you submit a paper for a check. If you are a teacher, the service will save you a great chunk of time, which you can then use to get ready for your lessons or have fun.

Frequently Asked Questions
Where can I get essays for free?
You can get a free essay sample on our website in the Last Added Papers section – there, you can see all the different papers added to our website and used as the source of some general ideas.
How to Make My Text Better?
There is a lot of strategies to apply if you want to make your text better. Yet, it should be acknowledged that you won’t be able to do so unless a professional writer shows you what a proper paper looks like. Plagiarism checks for free because our company wants you to succeed, and  check plagiarism offers you supplementary services that can help you refine your text and make it unique in every single way.

Our professional writers are here whenever you need them to write an original paper for you from scratch or edit the one you have, making it look brilliantly well. They will check your paper for plagiarism, define the weakest spots in your content, and they will fix them. Finally, your paper will be proofread by a professional editor.
What to Do with Plagiarized Text?
Once you get your similarity report for free, you will see whether any further corrections are required. The parts of your text that are deemed plagiarized will be highlighted by the checker for your convenience, meaning you can either change them by replacing the content or paraphrasing it. You can also embark on citing the highlighted parts, which automatically renders them as original content.
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